Dienstag, 21. November 2023
Dear Reader!
We are in the early stages of a New Age, a spiritual age.
As with Christianity 2000 years ago, few currently have a good enough understanding of the new philosophy (in the text that follows, the attached "October 2019", "Extraterrestrials, Secret Politics" and "Luminous Worlds" texts, and the other texts on my Facebook page [Yogendra Bauer] and at www.brahmacakra.blogspot.com).
Be careful. You won't believe some things in the texts. "Believing", however, means not knowing something. As you can see from the book lists on the texts I mentioned, I have a systematic, scientific approach to the important issues in life. When I write about something, I have studied it thoroughly and acquired knowledge about it.
Get a copy of Pranavatmakananda’s “Advent of a Mystery”(electronic version) and electronic versions of the other books with biographical information on Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, the founder of the Ananda Marga organization ( all at amazon.com). Your understanding of reality will be different afterwards.
The “Age Of Aquarius” will be an age of spiritual liberation, i.e. many, many people will incarnate on Earth who will be here for their last life. So far I have not met anyone who is determined to achieve this goal.
Sri Ramakrsna Paramahansa was one of the few yogis who got spiritually liberated. Read his biography and you may get an understanding what one has to do to follow him. Ramakrsna had no education at all. Until today he is remembered as one of the greatest yogis of all times. His life shows what can be achieved through a spiritual life done with sufficient intensity. Like his biography, Hermann Hesse’s “Siddhartha” and the various discourses of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (founder of Ananda Marga) on Bhakti Yoga created an urge in me to begin a ceaseless effort to become one with Brahma. Also reading the biographies of great saints and yogis contribute to the development of such an urge (Yogananda, Ramana Maharishi, Saint Francis, Theresa of Avila etc).
It will be mostly such personalities who will pioneer and lead humanity in the coming centuries.
Move! Become one of them. Use the unique chance and do something great with your life
God regularly gives people chances. One has to be wise enough to understand them.
In the 1930ies Paramahansa Yogananda came to a visit in Germany. One reason was to initiate the catholic nun Therese of Konnersreuth into meditation. Both of them got spiritual liberation. Another reason was to try to come in contact with Adolf Hitler, the Nazi leader. Hitler refused to meet Yogananda. Meeting Yogananda Hitler would have realized that his dark path is entirely wrong. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti commented on Hitler that today he would not commit such mistakes.
The present Russian leadership received my texts and a number of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti’s books as electronic version. They got a chance too to avoid the mistake to start the Ukraine war.
Those who lead an intensive spiritual life her on Earth live in a kind of individual spiritual bubble. On the level of the atimanas kosa all human beings and all other living beings are connected. The 3 levels of the causal mind are one with the respective level of the Cosmic Mind. The level of the Cosmic Mind regarding the atimanas kosa is called Maharloka. Telepathic communication for example happens through the Maharloka. The second level of the causal mind, the vijinanamaya kosa is part of the Janarloka of the Cosmic Mind.
There is something called “Regression Therapy” where people are experiencing events of one or more of their past lives. This often helps them to overcome emotional problems and see their situation clearer. The therapists and many other spiritual people believe in a so-called “Akashic Record” where the information about the previous lives of everyone gets stored. This understanding is very vague. Reality is that the information of our previous lives are stored in the vijinanamaya kosa in a form that is unreadable for us. When one perceives events of a past life God takes the information from the vijinanamaya kosa and gives it a form that we can perceive(in atimanas kosa). From there it enters into the manomaya kosa where we experience visions, sounds etc. of a past incarnation. A person practically never sees past incarnations of the other sex or as animal as this would create severe emotional problems for us.
This collective energetic field (atimanas level) has a very worldly vibration at the moment as 90% of the present human population is non-spiritual. Everyone should be aware that we are under the influence of this. It is an effort to escape from this crude influence and become more spiritual. As I have mentioned in one of my writings before at a certain point in the near future this will change. When about 100.000 persons perform regular tantric meditation Saguna Brahma (God) will change the collective mental vibration and significantly increase the number of siddha microvita on the level of the atimanas kosa. Then it will become much easier for all somewhat reasonable people to lead a spiritual life. Until then it is on the present spiritualists to intensify their spiritual life and to encourage others to do the same. The intensity of our spiritual efforts has an impact on the collective spiritual vibration.
Ista-cakra, Ista-mantra, siddha-mantra, siddha-microvita, vidyadhara microvita, sound-microvita. The 3 mantras OM-PHAT, AOM-PHAT and THAM-TAT are new on Earth. Together with the HAM-SO mantra they are the most powerful tantric mantras in the universe. Baba once gave a tiny discourse named “The Phat Mantra”. Phat by itself is not a mantra. Baba gave this discourse to indicate that phat is part of two of the above mantras. These four mantras together with other less effective tantric mantras are being practised on some of the spiritual planets in the universe. The other spiritual planets are similar to what happens here on Earth in its innumerable spiritual groups and organizations.
Guru cakra and the 9th cakra in the middle of the forehead are not known because they are usually undeveloped (diameter 1.7mm) and because few sadhakas attained spiritual liberation on Earth.
Correctly applied this is the most efficient system of spiritual practice that exists.
Example: everyone has a cerebral and a non-cerebral memory. Human beings who develop dementia have an undeveloped non-cerebral memory. Practising 30 to 60 minutes of Ananda Marga kiirtan per day he/she will start to develop the non-cerebral memory and the disease “dementia” will significantly improve or entirely disappear. Guaranteed!
Since 2009 my live has been a mixture of star wars, ghost busters , James Bond and Indiana Jones. However, as I am convinced that not everyone believes what I say I will not write much more about this. Our local galactic administration consists of 6 planets with a human civilization: three have space ship technology, two of these belong to the dark side, one is a spiritual planet. Then there is one planet on a Medieval level, and one is in stone age; the last one is planet Earth. In 2009 I had a visitor from one of the 2 dark planets who came to Madhu Karuna in luminous form (out of his physical body) with the instruction to try to kill me. He was not entirely bad and realized that it is not good to kill me. We had a short conversation. On his planet the official ruler is an emperor (a mere puppet). The mental vibration there is so crude that the negative luminous worlds are partly above the surface of the planet. Here on Earth this was also the situation until Christianity started to expand. Carol Zaleski mentions this in her book “Otherworld Journeys”. The concept of GOD had started to enter the mind of more and more people. This made the collective mental vibration more subtle.
We should not think that our ancestors were entirely stupid: the gods and goddesses of Greek and Germanic mythologies were partly real experiences. Read the Greek author Homer. God regularly put technicians from other solar systems into a particular racist underworld that came into existence about 10500 years ago (end of the last ice age). Some of them were Zeus, Apollo or Thor and Odin. These “Gods and Goddesses” had some influence on the development of the human society.
That the Mongolian race is originally from Mars I have from the German book “Der Untergang des Planeten Mallona”, author Leopold Engel (clairvoyant), the author describes life on the planet (medieval, very hot climate),but he did not perceive that he had visions from life on Mars from 10500 years ago. He thought it is the planet that once existed between Mars and Jupiter (asteroid belt). Those days Mars and Earth were under the influence of the civilization of another solar system. The time for this information hadn’t come.
That Brahma uses energy balls far bigger than planet Jupiter I have from the book of a clairvoyant who had many out-of-body experiences. That the Nazis got the jet propulsion technology from the negative world of the beyond that I mention above is also from the book of a clairvoyant. While he wrote the book this clairvoyant was in contact with the siddha devayoni (Ascended Master) Saint Germain, one of the most important helpers of God during the last 300 years. One of the two had the vision about this technology transfer.
Both clairvoyants are still alive. I will not mention their names as I don’t want them to get into troubles.
Daily asanas practice is important. The body and the mind are more relaxed and it is easier for the kundalini energies to move upward.
You have to forgive me that lack of good form and beauty of my texts. At the moment I am part of a magical war that takes place. This makes it impossible to be better. Lahiri Mahasaya came after the death of his physical body to the medieval planet that I mention above. There has been a similar war happening. The two dark planets with spaceship technology illegally influenced the neighboring planets (with the exception of the spiritual planet); this included influence on the worlds of the beyond.
A truly tantric mantra always has a meaning that relates the individual with GOD. Like HAM-SO means “I am HE, THAM-TAT has the same meaning. God did not tell me the meaning of the other two mantras. I guess the meaning is “Only HE”. As I have mentioned in one of my other texts, samadhi with Om-Phat and Aom-Phat a person gets only once then he/she is spiritually liberated (the soul looses its mind and becomes one with the Infinite Soul of God. Om-Phat must only be used on the Sahasrara Cakra. It is too powerful for the cakras below. With Ham-So and Tham-Tat one can also get spiritual liberation but usually a person experiences temporary samadhi.
Tham is the main root of the Ajina Cakra, ksa and ha are the acoustic roots of the two vrittis of the cakra (worldly and spiritual knowledge). Vidyadhara Microvita control this cakra. The fifth cakra is controlled by microvita that are the base of sound.
I. This meditation is to be done on the 5th cakra which is at the topmost point of the spine. Concentrate there and repeat the “ham-so” mantra. It is pronounced like the English word “hung “(to hang) and like the “so” in the English word “solemn”. While inhaling think the syllable “ham” and while exhaling the syllable “so”. The mantra is from the Sanskrit language and means “I am He”. Our unit self (the soul) is (for most people invisible) one with the infinite soul of God.
II. This meditation is to be done on the 6th cakra which is between the eyebrows. Concentrate there and repeat the “tham-tat” mantra. The “tham” is also pronounced like the English word “hung” (thung) and the “a” in“tat” like the English word “tug”. The meaning of the two mantras is the same .
III. This meditation is to be done on the tiny 7th cakra at the top of the forehead. Concentrate there and repeat the “aom-phat” mantra. The “a” in both syllables like the “a” in “tug”, the “om” like in the English word “bomb”, the “ph” like “f”. The meaning is “only He”. Inhaling “aom”, exhaling “phat”.
IV. This meditation is to be done on the center of the crown (sahasrara)cakra. Concentrate there and repeat the “om-phat” mantra. The meaning is also “only he”. The mantra is too powerful to be used on another cakra. If one uses it on other cakras one harms the physical body.
V.-VII. It is easier to meditate with these 3 mantras: Shi-va; Krish-na; Brah-ma; however, they are less powerful and effective than the above ones. Concentrate on the 5th or the 6th cakra. They are for people who meditate little or irregularly, or for beginners. The vowel “i” in Shi-va is pronounced like in the English word “jeep”; the “i” in Krish-na like in “fish”; all “a” vowels like in “tug”.
If you have enough concentration and energy try to think of God during your meditation. You make one step towards God He will make several steps towards you. God lives in state of permanent supreme bliss. For the creation of the universe He has to use a force (prakrti in Sanskrit) that has a partly static(negative) nature. This means that God was only capable to create a universe as it is or a similar one. The alternative would be no creation at all. This is the only limitation of God.
A good mantra consists of so-called acoustic roots. The whole creation is related to such acoustic roots. The first sound of creation is the famous “OM”. The efficiency of the first four meditations is related to the fact that the first syllable of each mantra is the main acoustic root of the respective cakra. “Ham” is the main acoustic root of the fifth cakra, “tham” of the sixth cakra, “aom” of the guru cakra (top of forehead)and “om” of the sahasrara (crown) cakra. With the help of the two acoustic roots of each mantra one positively influences the mental particles that dominate the respective cakra.
Tantra is 90% practice (Shrii Shrii Anandamurti). Once one has experienced the blissful cosmic level beyond time and space one knows that this is the final destination.
Thinking of GOD, singing the name of GOD, meditating on GOD always improves the siddha microvita situation of one’s mind and in the environment. Doing this with the help of Sanskrit mantras is energetically more efficient (acoustic roots).
When one practices the tantric meditation system basically the following happens: the samskaras (the karmic reactions from our past lives) that are being stored in the vijinanamaya kosa ( Shrii Shrii Anandamurti mentions this in the discourse “The Base and the Relative Truth” in Subhasita Samgraha I) are being put by Brahma into the Ista cakra during the process of meditation. With the help of the mantras and the other parts of the 6 meditation lessons they are systematically getting “burnt”, i.e. negative microvita are being replaced by spiritual microvita. Systematically done the sadhaka develops more and more peace of mind, true discrimination (right or wrong, good or bad, important or unimportant). In the course of this development he finally succeeds to avoid creating new karma (2nd lesson) until his vijinanamaya kosa has become pure and he/she achieves spiritual liberation.
Microvita and acoustic roots are like the two sides of a piece of paper.
In Ananda Nagar is the so-called Nava Cakra cave. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti once revealed its existence to some acaryas. At the time of Shiva (about 7000 years ago) it was the home and meditation place of a fully realized yogi who had the 9th cakra and made the drawings of our subtle main energy centres. There were always yogis (mostly in the Himalayas) who knew the four main tantric mantras; however, they were not allowed to tell them to others. This has changed now. It is time to let every interested human being know about this tantric meditation system so that the predicted spiritual age will come into existence.
The first lesson of Ananda Marga, to be practised two
times a day or more, minimum 30 minutes, no time limit:First phase: the sadhaka (Sadhaka is a Sanskrit term which describes someone who follows a certain sadhana, a spiritual practice or way of life, with the aim of achieving a certain
goal. The term can be translated as meaning "spiritually adept“.)
imagines the vast blue sky that is above him/her. This phase should
last about 10 minutes. Second phase: the sadhaka imagines a small point
of light that enters the big toe of the right foot and moves up inside
the leg up-to the bottom of the spine, the same happens with the left
foot/leg. The point of light then moves up the spine to the crown of
the head. From there it jumps to one of the higher cakras (see above).
This phase also lasts 10 minutes. Third phase: Now one of the mantras above
gets (mentally) repeated and the
sadhaka imagines that this point of light becomes one with the mind of
God. No time limit for this third phase. At a certain point of one‘s
spiritual development it is possible to compress one‘s mind into a tiny
point of light, leave the body through one of the higher cakras and
experience oneness with God. Half an hour or one hour kiirtan plus
regular meditation helps much to become a better human being. In Ananda
Marga the meditation lessons get taught incorrectly as the present
generation of Ananda Marga acaryas (meditation teacher) has little
experience with the transcendental side of life. On my Facebook page
(Yogendra Bauer) one can find two more meditations. In case you have
not read my spiritual texts: they are at
www.brahmacakra.blogspot.com and https://www.facebook.com/jurgen.bauer.39982
The second lesson of A.M. meditation enables the sadhaka to prevent creating new karma. Two possible mantras (one needs only one of the two): “Tade Tat” and “Sarvang Hyetad Brahma”; meaning: Everything is Brahma. Before each major action one uses the mantra and imagines that the Infinite Omnipresent Brahma is the real doer of the action.
Check the internet for correct pronunciation of Sanskrit mantras.
Ainga and Shiama. These two Transcendental Meditation mantras function. The other TM mantras need to be thoroughly tested or don't function. To be practised two times a day 20-30 minutes; for beginners or people who lack concentration.
People with serious mental, emotional problems are not capable to practise meditation. They will have to sing 30-60 minutes of Ananda Marga kiirtan per day until their mind is sufficiently balanced (YouTube, it is much easier to sing kiirtan accompanied by music).
Read my old Facebook texts. They all contain valuable information on spiritual practice and theory.
“Acoustic Roots” (Discourse, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, Taipei 25 August 1979)
Do you know what a saying is? It is a collection of words. And what is a word? A collection of syllables. And what is a syllable? A collection of letters. And what is a letter? A [sound having a] particular wavelength, or a particular acoustic expression. Everything comes out of the Supreme Entity, so many waves of light, sound, so many waves of tactual vibration… Ssh! – hot! Tssh! – very cold! These are all tactual variations having different wavelengths. Similarly, the acoustic wave, which means the expression of sound, also comes from the very source, from the very nucleus, from the very controlling point of the universe – who, we say, is Parama Puruśa.
Sounds are innumerable. Say, the English letter “a”. In the English language this sound “a” has twenty-two types of pronunciation. A-N-T, “ant”. But E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T “eleph-ent”, not “eleph-ant”. Here, A-N-T is not “ant” but “ent”. The same A-N-T will be pronounced ant [“ahn”] in French, elephant [“elephahn”]. The same vowel or same consonant may have so many sounds. Even in the case of the pictorial expression of sound, a particular figure may be pronounced in a particular way in Mandarin, in a particular way in Shanghailese, in a particular way in Cantonese, in a particular way in North Japan, in a particular way in South Japan. So many expressions, innumerable expressions, of human vocality. “Acoustic” means “pertaining to –” – what? The Latin term for “concerning sound” is “acoustic”, and for “concerning ear”, “auricular”; “concerning eye”, “ocular”; “concerning seeing”, “optical”. All these are Latin words.
These many expressions are all sacred. All sounds are sacred, no sound can be bad, because all come from that Entity. All human expressions are certainly sacred. All languages are certainly sacred. That is why I pay respect, I pay reverence, to all languages of the world. All have the same dignity.
Now if we try to bring those expressions – so many expressions – together, it will be beyond human capacity, but we may try. And as a result of human endeavour, those expressions have been brought within the range of fifty main sounds. Those fifty main sounds are controlled by fifty main glands and sub-glands of the human body.
In the morning span I was saying something regarding the pancreas. There are ten sub-glands; each and every sub-gland has a particular sound. Amongst the fifty sounds, ten are controlled by the pancreas – d́a, d́ha, ńa, ta, tha, da, dha, na, pa, and pha. Each and every sound has something to do with the physical world and with the mental world. These ten sounds control ten propensities of the human mind – shyness, fear, etc.
Suppose all those sounds are expressed at one time. What will happen? Suppose you go to a market. Somebody will say, “What’s the rate of potato?” Somebody else will say, “What’s the rate of brinjal [eggplant]? What’s the rate of meat?” – like this. And the shopkeeper will say, “I want this much;” and the customer will say, “No, no, no, I won’t give more than that.” So many sounds. But if you go, say, about one hundred yards from the market, what will be the sound? Something like “hawawawawa”. All the sounds together will create a peculiar collective sound, is it not a fact? Will you hear “potato” or “beans” or “cauliflower” from a distance? No, you hear the collective sound “hawawawawa”. Is it not a fact? Similarly, all those sounds, innumerable sounds, brought under the broad category of fifty, will create a collective sound in the universe. That collective sound is aum, A-U-M.
Now listen to these three sounds of aum: a, u, ma. They represent the creation, the retention [or preservation], and the destruction. The first sound, a, represents creation; the second sound, u, represents retention; the third sound, ma, represents destruction. So all those innumerable sounds, all those fifty sounds, are represented by these supreme sounds, a, u and ma; and collectively a-u-ma becomes aum. For each and every action there is a supporting sound in this universe. That supporting sound is called the acoustic root of that action.
You are moving. The sound khat́-khat́-khat́-khat́ is created. That sound, khat́-khat́-khat́, is the acoustic root of the action of moving.
You are laughing. The sound há-há-há-há is created. The sound há-há-há is the acoustic root of the action of laughing. Each and every action has its acoustic root.
The portion of the tree that remains under the earth is the root; the acoustic root is the sound which may be treated as the rudimental portion of an action. The Latin adjective of “root” is “rudimental”. For each and every action of this world there is an acoustic root.
You see, tantra. The root tan means “to expand”, and tra means “liberator”. The science that liberates you from all bondages, physical, mental and spiritual, is Tantra. Tan means “expansion” and tra means “liberator”. The science that expands your mind and spirit and thus liberates you is Tantra. The metamorphosed form of tantra about seven thousand years ago became taota. The Sanskrit dhyána became c’han [in Chinese], c’han became chen [in Korean], chen became zen [in Japanese]. It is a very interesting science. Now, tantra became taota; taota after further distortion, further metamorphosis, became taoa – in modern language [Chinese], tao. Taoism, don’t you know? Its root is tantra. Do you relish this topic? Do you like what I am saying? But I must be paid for it! [Everybody laughs.]
So then for all the universe, the acoustic side is aum – A-U-M. It includes all the spheres of work also. It is the collective sound of all the work of the universe.
The earth moves around the sun; certainly a sound is created. It may or may not be audible to you, you may or may not hear it, but certainly a sound is created. The moon moves around the [earth]; certainly waves are created, and certainly due to those waves, sounds are also created. It may or may not be audible to you. Everywhere there is sound. If you move stealthily, as the cat moves while catching a mouse, even then there is sound. Everywhere there is wave; everywhere there is light also. That light may or may not be visible to you.
In the night you cannot see, but owls can see, moles can see – Moles, you know? Rat-like creatures of small size… for example, “to make a mountain out of a molehill”. Moles can see in the night. Owls can see in the night. Bats can see in the night. The bat is not a bird, it is a mammal. It lays no eggs; it is a mammal. It can see in the night, so there is light. Aum is the collection of all sounds, so within the scope of aum come all the activities of the world. For each and every work there is sound; aum is the collection of all sounds. So within the scope of aum comes all the work of the world. Aum represents the mundane expression of Parama Puruśa; aum represents the worldly expression of Parama Puruśa.
In each and every human being there is sleeping divinity, divinity in latent form, divinity in dormant form. When that sleeping divinity is aroused, stops sleeping, is in a wakeful stage, what happens? A person will acquire immense power. He or she may become omniscient, all-knowing – will know everything, without going through any book, without going to any library – will know everything of this universe, because that person will be one with Parama Puruśa. The person is Parama Puruśa, because the sleeping divinity has been aroused.
The sleeping divinity in the human body lies in the lowermost portion of your backbone. That lowermost bone is called kula in Sanskrit. That sleeping divinity is called kulakuńd́alinii. Kuńd́alinii means “in coiled form”. It is sleeping, and when it is aroused, is elevated, by dint of your sádhaná, by dint of your dhyána, c’han, chen, zen, it will go upwards. When it comes up, that is, touches the controlling point of the pineal gland, one will become one with Parama Puruśa. One will become Parama Puruśa.
Now the spot, the kula, where divinity is in sleeping form, is found in each and every human being. When by Tantra and yoga it is aroused and brought upwards by applying a special force, that special force is called diipanii. Raising it, elevating it, it finally becomes one with Parama Puruśa when it comes here [crown of the head].
Now the seat where the kula is, the seat where the kulakuńd́alinii is, has got existence, and wherever there is any action or there is any existence, there is acoustic root. There is a sound for it. (Because of your presence, air, light, everything – every expression’s flow – is barred, the flow is checked. You are standing here; air comes; because of your existence, it will refract or reflect; so your existence also has got a certain sound.) The existence of the seat of that kula, where that kulakuńd́alinii, that coiled serpent, sleeps, also has an acoustic root, and there is a certain psychic place allotted for it.
That psychic spot is called in old Sanskrit mańipadma, or mahámańipadma, or munipadmá or mahámunipadmá. (Mahámuni is a name of Lord Buddha. Mahámuni means “great sage”.) So, “Using aum, I remember Parama Puruśa; and mańipadma is the seat of that coiled serpentine, that sleeping divinity, in the human body. I remember that entity also.”(1)
There are so many sounds. Each and every thing has got some sound. Suppose you want to learn. A particular vibration is created, “I want to learn, I want to learn.” A vibration is created. The meaning of the vibration is, “I want to learn.” The vibration of this desire is a mental flow. “I want to do something.” “I want to eat jackfruit.” “I want to eat – ” – what? “Passion fruit.” [laughter] There are several different flows. “I want to eat mango” and “I want to eat pineapple” are not the same flow. In the case of “mango” there is a picture of a mango in your mind. In the case of “pineapple” there is another picture in your mind, a picture of a pineapple with small thorns. In “mango” there are no thorns. You prepare different pictures in your mind, so the waves will also be different.
You want to fight against so many weaknesses. The human mind has so many weaknesses. The doctor says, “You see, you are suffering from liver disease, you must not take oil. You must not take butter.” It is human weakness. There are so many human weaknesses. “Bábá(2) says I should fast on Ekádashii day, so I am fasting on Ekádashii and secretly taking chocolate.” Bábá knows this, but Bábá won’t say anything. Simply, when you come before Bábá during P.C., then in Personal Contact Bábá will say, “O my little boy, can you explain to me what’s the actual taste of chocolate?” And if that person has intellect he will understand. Do you follow everything? [Laughter. One Márgii, in particular, becomes red-faced.] According to mental desire, there are acoustic roots, there are sounds. Each and every man has certain weaknesses; one is always moving after name, one is always moving after fame, or after money, always money so many weaknesses. One wants to fight against internal and external enemies. You have enemies in your mind, you have enemies outside your mind. There are so many depraving forces, they are all your enemies. When you want to fight against the mind, a particular flow is created in your mind, a particular flow. The acoustic root of that flow is hummm. [Makes fighting gesture.] The hummm sound is created. The hummm sound is the acoustic root of fight.
When you are to raise your sleeping divinity, elevate the sleeping divinity from the lowermost bone of your body, the mańipadma, the lowermost seat, you will also fight against so many adversities and pass through the entire cord, the entire backbone of your body. After so many fights, you will be able to elevate the sleeping divinity in your body to the status, or to the stance, of Parama Puruśa. Parama Puruśa touches the human body through this point [crown of the head]. It is called Brahmarandhra.
Brahma means Parama Puruśa and randhra means “cord”, the cord through which Parama Puruśa touches the body. It is the pineal gland controlling all fifty – that is, fifty times two times ten – one thousand – propensities. One thousand propensities of the human mind are controlled by this pineal gland. By the pituitary gland only the conscious, subconscious and unconscious portions of your mind [are controlled]. Now, just to raise the coiled serpentine, your sleeping divinity, you have to fight against many fetters, so many fetters of animality, so there is a fight, and this should be represented by the sound hummm.
So the old Maháyániis used this incantation, Oṋḿ mańipadme hummm. Now it is clear. I think perhaps the monks do not know, though they should know, the inner meaning of what they say. I think it is very interesting and very pleasing, although it has been a bit terse.
25 August 1979, Taipei
(1) Editors’ note: Refers to the mantra Oṋḿ mańipadme hummm.
(2) Editors’ note: An affectionate name for the author, used by the author’s disciples.
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