Montag, 20. Dezember 2021

To the governments of this world This letter is an effort to show what fate human society will have if its activities continue in a normal way, and that spirituality is a science; and if applied has the power to improve our global situation considerably. Climatic change: it is naive to think that the present steps taken will stop the rise of temperature and prevent global warming. Human population is steadily growing. In some years there will be a few billion more inhabitants. And every new citizen requires food, clothes, housing, medicine etc. The vast majority of countries will continue to use fossil fuels. This alone will destroy our climate. Plastic: the abundant use of plastic in all its forms is slowly poisoning the environment too. Even the penguins in Antarctica already have nano-particles of plastic in their bodies. In future most species including human beings will suffer from genetic defects due to this. At least 100 animal and plant species disappear every day from the surface of this planet. The deforestation of vast areas every year continues. Chemical industry: Most chemicals produced on Earth are detrimental to the environment and human health. First of all natural means should be used in industry, agriculture, medicine etc. Western affluent countries waste raw materials in such a way that we will run out of some materials in a few decades. Instead of producing goods (cars, computers, etc.) that last long often the opposite happens. World trade: what is the need to import technology from other continents if they can be produced on one‘s own continent. Huge resources are being wasted for this kind of transportation. Each continent should be economically self-sufficient. Only items that cannot be produced on a continent should be imported. Capitalism: individual ownership of huge properties leaves it to the owners what and how materials are being produced. Such owners are often not interested in the welfare of human society and other species. Many economic activities at present contribute to a worsening of the ecological situation. War, torture and similar human activities: only a deep change in feeling and thinking of the major part of the human population will stop this endless chain of cruelties. The slave systems and colonialism of the past got replaced by a capitalistic system that mercilessly exploits poor countries. A worker in a Third World country works as hard or harder as someone in the affluent countries but gets a tiny loan in comparison to his/her Western counterparts. Many of the items that are in use here in the West are being produced under such deplorable conditions in Asia, Latin America or Africa. Magnetic field and lithosphere: the many unnecessary changes on the Earth‘s surface that happened during the last 100 years altered the planet‘s magnetic field and the related lithosphere. There are future predictions that tell about a shift of the geographical and magnetic poles during the life of the present generations. The unnecessary changes of the environment will be the main cause for the event. Chet B. Snow‘s “Mass Dreams Of The Future“ and Shrii Shrii Anandamurti‘s two discourses on pole-shift and on a coming ice age (can be found on www dot brahmacakra dot blogspot dot com) are two of several sources for this. As far as I know the long predicted spiritual age will unfold after the shifting of the poles. It is supposed to last 1000 years. During this time the majority of people who live on the planet will be capable to maintain the planet in a healthy condition. Afterwards God will put human beings to Earth who don‘t have enough awareness. Humanity will die out 500 years after the spiritual age has ended. Spirituality is a science. You have enough resources and man power to find this out. My texts on www dot brahmacakra dot blogspot dot com and my Facebook page (Yogendra Bauer) contain innumerable book titles and other guidance. Much of the undeveloped spiritual science on Earth that exists (books etc.) gets suppressed. Good books usually get published only once. Then authors and publishers get forced to stop a further publication of their books. The best book on Earth about reincarnation is “The Complete Idiot‘s Guide To Reincarnation“. Use your influence to get it published as electronic version. As most of you will know I am member of the international socio-spiritual organization Ananda Marga. The many books of the founder of Ananda Marga, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, are deliberately kept away from the public. When I contacted the publications department of Ananda Marga and asked them to publish electronic versions of the perhaps 130 books of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti on Amazon the only two available books there quickly disappeared. Spiritual practice: spirituality is mostly transcendental and can be understood only if a person practises silent meditation and kiirtan. Every human being has the ability to develop his/her clairvoyant potential. Systematically done, this will substantially contribute to make a human being into a better being. Through spiritual practice a person will establish a firm connection to the levels of his/her causal mind that are the source of all knowledge. The three levels of our causal mind are part of the different levels of God‘s mind. With his books Shrii Shrii Anandamurti has created the basis for a spiritual society. Enclosed are some important books of him. Science of microvita: the world as we perceive it with the help of our sensory organs(eyes etc.) is a relative reality. Take a stone as example: if we could see a stone as it really is we would see innumerable atoms (protons, nucleons, electrons) in permanent movement. Who has constructed our mind/body system (including the sensory organs) in such a way that we perceive a world that is just but a reflection of many small particles. Certainly not a blind nature. Only an intelligent being can have created this colourful, multi-dimensional world: God. Each atom has several million much smaller paricles as a basis (see enclosed book “Microvitum In A Nutshell“). These particles are mental, they are part of the mind of God. Those that are the basis of solid matter, for example, are very static; they move in slow-motional speed. Whereas the most subtle ones (siddha microvita, vidyadhara microvita, gandharva microvita) are much faster than the speed of light. A number of problems on our planet can only be solved in a nice way if this science of microvita gets systematically explored: gravitation can be overcome; new forms of energy can be detected and applied to replace fossile fuels and nuclear energy; spaceships can be developed to get resources from the other planets of the solar system. New forms of medicine will be developed that will replace allopathic medicine with all its negative side effects. Homeopathic medicine (undeveloped science on Earth) is an example of applied microvita science. Samuel Hahnemann, its founder, was a clairvoyant and perceived microvita to some extent. As I wrote on my Facebook page viruses belong to the crudest types of microvita. They are of a mental nature. As such they can be removed from our psychophysical system through spiritual practice, mostly through kiirtan, that has considerably more influence than silent meditation on the physical side of life. Science has given the different corona variants letters of the Greek alphabet. The most recent one got the letter omicron. Om is the sound produced by the most subtle type of microvita (siddha). Developed spiritualists have perceived it at all times in history. It is this type of microvita that has the power to remove a virus from the physical body. It comes into existence in the human system through kiirtan and silent meditation. As mentioned in my texts, many in Ananda Marga are convinced that Shrii Shrii Anandamurti was God in human form. Enclosed is a list of the around 55 books that exist about his life. I have read 30 of them. If you go sufficiently deep into this literature you will at least realize that Shrii Shrii Anandamurti was a spiritual giant. In Ac. Pranatvakamananda‘s 2 volumes “The Advent of a Mystery“ (available at Amazon as electronic edition) is a positive comment by Uri Geller, one of the most famous psychics of our time). Before time came into being the Supreme Soul of God existed without a mind (Buddhism calls this state of existence Nirvana – cessation of activities). This Supreme Soul used a until then inactive force (Prakrti in sanskrit) to first create a mind for Himself. At first a subjective mind (Mahatattva and Ahamtattva), then a objective mind. The universe with all its different dimensions is part of the objective mind of God. The so-called “Big Bang“ and all that came afterwards was the last part of the development of the Cosmic objective mind. The major part of God‘s soul is beyond time and space (Nirguna Brahma). Saguna Brahma is the term for God within time and space. The form of government in a spiritual society is a purely parliamentary democracy. Large and important companies are in the hands of the state or, like television, are controlled by the largest social groups (political parties, trade unions, religions, etc.). Medium-sized companies are run in a co-operative way (all employees of the company are owners). Small enterprises are privately owned. The economy in a spiritual society is welfare oriented (in contrast to profit oriented capitalism). Example: at present a car gets defective after 10-15 years; technology makes it possible to build cars that last 40-50 years. Hydrogen run engines should be the future. Other example: many plastics loose their stability and function after a few years. It is possible to produce plastic and other synthetical materials that last a few decades. If you are interested in the welfare of human society and the planet: take steps and thoroughly examine and explore the above issues. Yogendra Bauer

Mittwoch, 10. November 2021

Email to the presidents and prime ministers of the G7 (2nd)

More texts at 2019" is the basic text. The attachments are virusfree. With best wishes, Yogendra Email to the presidents and prime ministers of the G7 nations and of India, South Africa, Mexico, the Philippines and Brazil:Dear Sir, dear Madam.This planet urgently needs better human beings. This is the only way to remove calamities like war, hunger or exploitation.The ideal way to achieve this is a spiritual life of the major part of the human race. Only if the Earth‘s inhabitants receive their happiness from transcendental spheres (from God) their urge for happiness will not have to be fulfilled through external activities (greed for material goods, prestige, power etc). Unfortunately there are too many restrictions regarding the good spiritual practices that are available. The Transcendental Meditation organisation has the best meditations for beginners of meditation or for people who do little meditation. As this organisation sells its spiritual practices relatively few people practise them. The first five meditation lessons of Ananda Marga meditation are ideal for those who want to do longer meditations. Unfortunately hardly anyone knows A.M.You politicians have much influence. You can influence and persuade the leadership of these two organisations to make their meditation (mantra) lessons public. A good and well functioning mantra comes from God. The spiritual master of Transcendental Meditation‘s founder, Maharisi Mahesh Yogi, was probably the one who was taught the mantras from God.If the founder of Ananda Marga, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, was God one can only find out if one reads the majority of the about 130 books that got published until now and the about 40 books that exist about him and his life. These books (digital form) should also be freely available for everyone interested. At present it is almost impossible for persons outside of Ananda Marga to get the books.Please do something to have the meditations published in the internet.Here are the 16 basic Sanskrit mantras of Transcendental Meditation. They are supposed to be practised two times a day, 20 minutes each time.Age:3-10 Mantra: ing10-12 in12-14 inga14-16 ina16-18 aing18-20 aim20-22 ainga22-24 aima24-30 shiring30-33 shirin35-40 hiring40-45 hirin45-50 kiring50-55 kirin55-60 shiam>60 shiama The first lesson of Ananda Marga, to be practised two times a day or more, minimum 30 minutes, no time limit:First phase: the sadhaka (Sadhaka is a Sanskrit term which describes someone who follows a certain sadhana, a spiritual practice or way of life, with the aim of achieving a certain goal. The term can be translated as meaning "spiritually adept“.) imagines the vast blue sky that is above him/her. This phase should last about 10 minutes.Second phase: the sadhaka imagines a small point of light that enters the big toe of the right foot and moves up inside the leg up-to the bottom of the spine, the same happens with the left foot/leg. The point of light then moves up the spine to the crown of the head. From there it jumps to the specific cakra of the sadhaka. This phase also lasts 10 minutes.Third phase: Now the mantra as described in my “October 2019“ text gets (mentally) repeated and the sadhaka imagines that this point of light becomes one with the mind of God. No time limit for this third phase. At a certain point of one‘s spiritual development it is possible to compress one‘s mind into a tiny point of light, leave the body through one of the higher cakras and experience oneness with God.Half an hour or one hour kiirtan plus regular meditation helps much to become a better human being.In Ananda Marga the meditation lessons get taught incorrectly as the present generation of Ananda Marga acaryas (meditation teacher) has little experience with the transcendental side of life.On my Facebook page (Yogendra Bauer) one can find two more meditations. In case you have not read my spiritual texts: they are at Shrii Shrii Anandamurti was not interested to become popular during his stay on Earth. His behavior was adjusted to this necessity.In 1971, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti was imprisoned in India for having allegedly given instructions to murder some former Ananda Marga members. On the 12th of February he was poisoned through the prison doctor. On 1st April, after recovering his health, Sarkar began fasting in support of a demand for an inquest into his poisoning. That demand was never met. So he continued his fast for the next five years, four months, and two days, until 2 August 1978 when he was released from jail after having been acquitted of all charges. In prison there were more attempts to kill him. On June 25, 1975, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi proclaimed a state of emergency in India. The state of emergency lasted for 21 months until March 21, 1977, during which time fundamental rights such as freedom of the press were suspended or restricted, numerous opposition figures were imprisoned and the prime minister ruled largely by decree. The period of the state of emergency is one of the most controversial in modern Indian history. When Jimmy Carter became US president pressure was put in Mrs.Gandhi to re-establish democratic rights. In the March 1977 general election, the Indira Gandhi-led Congress Party suffered a heavy defeat, the first major defeat in its history, which marked the end of the state of emergency.This emergency happened mostly to be able to keep Shrii Shrii Anandamurti in prison without trial and to destroy Ananda Marga.The murders (see above) happened as a consequence of the following: some of the Ananda Marga acaryas were undercover agents of the Indian secret service. One of them went to a real acarya and told him that Shrii Shrii Anandamurti had given this instruction. Without verifying it from Shrii Shrii Anandamurti directly the “instruction“ was executed. From sometime around 1970 Ananda Marga had become a target of world politics.In 1985, when there was the danger that real acaryas in his close environment would be poisoned Shrii Shrii Anandamurti replaced them by undercover agent acaryas. The consequence was that between 1985 and 1990 he was given about 2 kilogram of poison in innumerable attempts to stop his work. Only when his task on Earth was done, he allowed his body to die.Shrii Shrii Anandamurti did not need to prepare his discourses. He gave them without ever haven written anything in this regard. It was the same with the 5018 spiritual songs he gave between 1982 and 1990.He was capable to use all traditional occult powers: show the past and future of his disciples, heal people and much more. Some of the leading people of capitalism‘s dark structure may be found if one looks who owns the Federal Reserve System. These people have extraterrestrial advisors; something that is illegal according to universal law. The universe has an administration similar to the United Nations. In UFO literature it is possible to find reports on spaceship landings on Western military airports. At the so-called “Area 51“ is one of these airports. The universe has local administrations. According to God we live in a “dark corner“ of the universe and the leaders of the invisible part of capitalism “walk in lakes of blood“. John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and their helpers tried to destroy this dark structure and bring the FED back into the hands of the state. When John F. Kennedy‘ son announced that he would run for presidency he had a fatal crash with his private air-plane. This list of victims of this dark structure could be continued for quite some time.Trying to fight them is a war that needs to be well prepared.In 2008/09 they tried to kill me with the help of the German secret service (Verfassungsschutz) and other Western secret services. Two times they succeeded to poison me. Only with the help of my spiritual knowledge I survived. Several other attempts to finish my life failed.Since then I have an excellent security system that prevents them from harming me.Speed of light: Read the first 100 booklets o the Perry Rhodan science fiction series. The first authors of these novels have certainly spent their last lives on planets with spaceship technology. The novels reflect reality to some extent.With best wishes, Yogendra F. William Engdahl: “A Century of War, Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order“Zecharia Sitchin: “The Twelfth Planet“William Bramley: “The Gods of Eden“Herbert G. Dorsey III. : The Secret History of the New World Order“George Armstrong: “The Rothschild Money Trust“Des Griffin: “Descent into Slavery“William Cooper: “Behold a Pale Horse“William Guy Carr : “Pawns in the Game“Robinson: “Proofs of a Conspiracy“Jan van Helsing: “Secret Societies and their Power in the 20th Century“Nesta Webster: “World Revolution“Des Griffin: “The Fourth Reich of the Rich“Gary Allen: “None Dare Call It Conspiracy“, Vol.1 and 2Baigent&Leigh: “The Temple and the Lodge“Dr. John Coleman: “Conspirators‘ Hierarchy: The Story of the Commitee of 300“Anthony C. Sutton: “America‘s Secret Establishment“Archibal E. Roberts: “The Most Secret Science“Dan Smooth: “The Invisible Government“Stan Deyo: “The Cosmic Conspiracy“A.Ralph Epperson: “The Unseen Hand“Carrol Quigley: “The Anglo-American Establishment“James Martin: “All Honorable Men“Eustace Mullins: “The Bankers‘ Conspiracy – The Foundation of the Federal Reserve System“David Icke: “The Robots‘ Rebellion“Victor Ostrovsky: “The Other Side of Deception“Richard C. Hoagland: “The Monuments of Mars“Books by German authors:E.R. Carmin: “Das Schwarze Reich“Juergen Roth: “Die Mitternachsregierung“Bernt Engelmann: “Hotel Bilderberg“Bernt Engelmann: “Die Aufsteiger“Helmut & Marion Lammer: “Verdeckte Operationen“Dieter Rueggeberg: “Geheimpolitik“Viktor Farkas: “Wer beherrscht die Welt?“Armin Risi: “Machtwechsel auf der Erde“G.Wisnewski, W. Landgraeber, E. Sieker: “Das RAF-Phantom“Peter Blackwood: “Das ABC der Insider“Wolfgang Eggert: “Angriff der Falken“ Most books contain some mistakes. This is not due to a lack of intelligence of the authors. This is related to the difficulty of the subject.Napoleon Bonaparte (his “prisons“ were castles, Elba), Karl Marx (he was Satanist), J.Stalin (he got his education from the magician Gurdjieff who when he was going to die was allowed to do this in a American military hospital in France), Adolf Hitler (was a magician who probably had a Jewish grandfather), Winston Churchill, M. Chodorkowskij (when he was imprisoned Jacob Rothschild personally went to V.Putin and asked for his release; the other oligarchs left Russia or surrendered to the KGB that had regained power with the presidency of V.Putin), Osama Bin Laden (member of the richest Saudi Arabian family). All these people have something in common.There is no clear proof that the official historical death of Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden is reality. Extraterrestrials and the Beyond Here in our solar system we get regular visits from people that live in other parts of this galaxy or other galaxies. Most of these visitors are in luminous form, i.e. their quinquelemental(bones and flesh) body does not exist any more. In case such visitors still have a body made of bones and flesh, they are either from the local administration of this area of the universe or from the superior administration that is responsible for the entire quinquelemental universe.Interesting terms for google are: Ashtar Sheran, Billy Meier and his visitors from the Pleiades, Sixto Paz Wells, Interesting authors:Michael Hesemann: "Cosmic Connections: Worldwide Crop Formations and ET Contacts", Gateway Books 1995, ISBN 978- 1858600178"UFOs: The Secret History", Marlowe & Co 1998, ISBN 978-1569247013"Beyond Roswell: The Alien Autopsy Film, Area 51, & the U.S. Government Coverup of Ufos", Marlowe & Co, 1998, ISBN 978-1569247099 (with Philip Mantle)Michael Hesemann is the author of more books and videos in German language on the subject. From 1994 to 2000 he was the publisher of the “Magazin 2000“, a German magazine on paranormal and UFO-phenomena. All of a sudden he handed over the publication of the magazine to a group of incapable people (the magazine soon ceased to exist) and considered his past as UFO-researcher as ridiculous and irrational. Interestingly he became the advisor of the last pope Benedict XVI. (Marian research). This pope was the second pope in church history who resigned. I had sent him(the pope) my two earlier texts and I am convinced that he did not resign voluntarily. The Australian magazine “Nexus“ is highly interesting. Timothy Good: “Beyond Top Secret“. Sidgwick & Jackson, 1996. ISBN 978-0283062452,“Alien Base“. Century, 1998. ISBN 978- 0712678124Raymond E. Fowler: “The Watchers, parts“ I and II.A excellent website on the UFO phenomenon is www dot mufon dot comGeorge Adamski(1953): Flying Saucers Have Landed. New York: British Book Centre. ISBN . LCCN 53012621. OCLC 383007.Inside the Space Ships. New York: Abelard-Schuman. LCCN 55010556. OCLC 543169.Budd Hopkins: “Missing Time: A Documented Study of UFO Abductions“ (1981) ISBN 978-0399901027Jaques Vallee: “Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults“ (paperback ed.). And/Or Press. June 1979. ISBN Confrontations – A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact (hardcover ed.). Ballantine Books. March 1990. ISBN . Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception (1st ed.). Ballantine Books. September 1991. ISBN Bryan C.D.B.: Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien Abduction, UFOs and the Conference at M.I.T.. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995. ISBN 0679429751J.A. Hynek: “The UFO Experience: A scientific inquiry“ (1972) ISBN 978-1-56924-782-2John E. Mack: “Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters“ (1999), “Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens“ (1994)Books by German authors:Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitsprung. Auf der Jagd nach den letzten Rätseln unseres Lebens. München 1977, ISBN 3-570-06977-X.Das UFO-Phänomen. München 1978, ISBN 3-570-05044-0.Der Supermensch. Die konkrete Vision unserer Zukunft. München 1979, ISBN 3-426-26150-2.Die Einstein-Rosen-Brücke. Unterwegs zu außerirdischer Intelligenz. München 1982, ISBN 3-570-06755-6.Sie kommen von fremden Sternen. Intelligenzen im All. München 1986, ISBN 3- 89350-523-7.Leben auf dem Mars. Die neuesten Entdeckungen der NASA. München 1997 (Neuauflage der 1. Ausgabe von 1987), ISBN 3-7766-1474-9.Supernova. Die jüngsten kosmischen Entdeckungen. Die Geburt eines neuen Weltbilds. München 1988, ISBN 3-7766-1532-X.Drachenwege. Strategien der Schöpfung. München 1990, ISBN 3-7766-1642-3.Zeitriß. Begegnung mit dem Unfassbaren. München 1990, ISBN 3-548-34716-9; München 2002, ISBN 3-453-12301-8.Buttlars Report. Abenteuer Wissenschaft. Wien 1991, ISBN 3-8000-1454-8.Adams Planet. Das Paradies lag auf Phaethon. München 1991, ISBN 3-7766-1691-1Andreas von Retyi: Geheimakte Gizeh-Plateau. Rätsel unter dem Sand. Kopp 2005,ISBN 3-938516- 13-5.Streng geheim. Area 51 und die „Schwarze Welt“: Geheime Experimente, unterirdische Anlagen, verborgene Sperrzonen. Weltbild 2003, ISBN 3-8289- 3425-0.Die UFO-Connection: Was verheimlichen uns Regierungen, Wissenschaft und Militärs? Econ- Taschenbuch-Verlag 1998, ISBN 3-612-26306-4.Das Alien-Imperium: Ufo-Geheimnisse der USA. Ullstein 1997, ISBN 3-548-35688-5.Wir sind nicht allein! Signale aus dem All. Ullstein 1995, ISBN 3- 548-35529-3Jo Conrad: Entwirrungen. Über kosmische Gesetzmäßigkeiten und warum sie uns vorenthalten werden.Langenbruch, Lilienthal 1996, ISBN 3-980-45865-2Zusammenhänge. Was läuft schief in unserer Welt? Bignose Media, Worpswede 1998, ISBN 3-933-71800-7Ursprünge. Über Vielfalt des Lebens, die Ordnung und den Grund des Hierseins. Bignose Media, Worpswede 2000, ISBN 3-933-71801-5Wendungen. Über Hintergründe des Weltgeschehens und den Umgang mit Ängsten. Bignose Media, Worpswede 2005, ISBN 3-933-71802-3Books on E.T. influence in the past:Erich von Daniken:Chariots of the Gods? (Souvenir Press Ltd, 1969)Return to the Stars (Souvenir Press Ltd, 1970) ISBN 0-285-50298-0Gods from Outer Space (Bantam,1972; reprint of Return to the Stars)(1973) The Gold of the Gods. Translated by Michael Heron (1 ed.). London: Souvenir Press. ISBN . Published simultaneously in Canada by J. M. Dent & Sons, Ontario (Canada).Miracles of the Gods: A Hard Look at the Supernatural (Souvenir Press Ltd, 1975) ISBN 0-285-62174-2In Search of Ancient Gods: My Pictorial Evidence for the Impossible (Corgi books, 1976) ISBN 0-552-10073- 0According to the Evidence (Souvenir Press, 1977) ISBN 0-285-62301-XSigns of the Gods (Corgi books, 1980) ISBN 0-552-11716-1The Stones of Kiribati: Pathways to the Gods (Corgi books, 1982) ISBN 0-552-12183-5The Gods and their Grand Design: The Eighth Wonder of the World (Souvenir Press, 1984) ISBN 0-285-62630-2The Eyes of the Sphinx: The Newest Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact (Berkley Publishing Corporation, 1996) ISBN 978-0-425-15130-3The Return of the Gods: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitations (Element, 1998) ISBN 1-86204-253-5Arrival of the Gods: Revealing the Alien Landing Sites of Nazca (Element, 1998) ISBN 1-86204-353-1The Gods Were Astronauts: Evidence of the True Identities of the Old "Gods" (Vega books, 2001) ISBN 1-84333-625- 1Odyssey of the Gods: An Alien History of Ancient Greece (Vega books, 2002) ISBN 978-1-84333- 558-0History Is Wrong (New Page books, 2009) ISBN 978-1-60163-086-5Evidence of the Gods (New Page books, 2010) ISBN 978-1-60163-247-0Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials (New Page books, 2010) ISBN 978-1-60163-141-1Tomy and the Planet of Lies (Tantor eBooks, 2012) ISBN 0988349434Remnants of the Gods: A Visual Tour of Alien Influence in Egypt, Spain, France, Turkey, and Italy (New Page Books, 2013) ISBN 1601632835The Gods Never Left Us (New Page Books, 2018) ISBN 163265119XRobert Charroux: “100,000 Years of Man's Unknown History“, Berkley,1970.“The Gods Unknown Paperback – April 1, 1974“ Lost Worlds - Scientific Secrets of the Ancients“, 1976.“Legacy of the Gods Paperback – Import, January 1, 1979Charles Berlitz: Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds, 1972The Bermuda Triangle, 1974, ISBN 0-285-63326-0Zecharia Sitchin: The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985, Avon Books, ISBN 0-380- 89585-4Hartwig Hausdorf (in German):Steinzeitmedizin. 2018.Götterkriege. Dramatische Eingriffe einer überlegenen Intelligenz. 2017.Die Botschaft der Megalithen. 2015.Götterbotschaft in den Genen. 2014.Ungelöste Rätsel der letzten 5000 Jahre. 2013.Götterbotschaft in den Genen. 2012.UFOs - Sie fliegen noch immer. 2010.Geheime Geschichte. Band 3: Wer manipuliert den Lauf unserer Geschichte?. 2005.Begegnung mit dem Unfassbaren: Reisen zu den geheimnisvollsten Stätten unserer Welt. 2002.Geheime Geschichte. Band 1: Was unsere Historiker verschweigen. 2002.X-Reisen. Reiseführer zu den geheimnisvollsten Stätten dieser Welt. 1998.Wenn Götter Gott spielen: unsere Evolution kam aus dem All; die Schöpfung war programmiert. 1997.Satelliten der Götter: in Chinas verbotenen Zonen (mit Peter Krassa). 1995.Die weisse Pyramide: ausserirdische Spuren in Ostasien. 1994.Walter-Jörg Langbein:Astronautengötter. Versuch einer Chronik unserer phantastischen Vergangenheit, Luxemb,1979Die großen Rätsel der letzten 2500 Jahre, Augsburg 1993Bevor die Sintflut kam. Von Götterbergen und Geisterstätten, von Zyklopenmauern, Monstern und Sauriern, Stuttgart 1996A book on magic and an alternative understanding of life: Louis Pauwels and Jaques Bergier: “The Morning of the Magicians“. This book covers a wide range of topics, including magic, transcendence, technology, history and politics. For example, it clearly shows that the inner circle of the German Nazis was a (black) magic organization. They were in contact with a Tibetan sect that had contact with a particular negative world of the beyond. At the end of the second world war around 1000 dead Tibetans were found in Berlin. All had committed suicide. However, the two authors are not entirely honest: they write that these magical Nazis were Satanists. This is not correct. A real Satanist tries to establish a contact to the worst of the negative worlds of the beyond. Its inhabitants, due to their cruelty don‘t look human any more; they all have a demonic look. This Tibetan sect and some of the Nazis were in contact with a different world of the beyond. The inhabitants there were exclusively racists. A tiny portion of the German Nazis ended up there after their physical death. This world of racists has been existing the last 10-12000 years. It came into existence at the end of the last major pole shift (the end of the last ice age). Its first inhabitants were the white extraterrestrial colonizers that formed the top of the then administration of our part of the universe.What Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier don‘t mention in their book is that deep inside the dark structure behind the capitalistic system is a very secret satanic circle. Through a bloody and cruel ritual Satanists establish contact to the satanic world inside our planet and make it possible for one of its members to come to the place of this ritual.In some archaeological sites worldwide places were found that were clearly places of regular ritual killings (innumerable skulls were found) to establish contact to an underworld.Reading one of the biographies of Aleister Crowley you can get some information about thinking and emotional setup of a Satanist. The websites of the churches of Satan are also interesting in this regard. Warning: only persons with a stable mind should engage in reading about A. Crowley or visit a satanic website.The worlds of the beyond, a steady coming and going: Everyone has only 2 or 3 lives on a planet; then God sends him or her to another planet. If you have an emotional relationship with someone you will meet this person in 6 or 7 incarnations (varying social relations). Criminals leave the planet of their crimes as God does not want them to repeat their mistakes. Also famous people usually leave this solar system and incarnate on another planet. There are many inhabitants of the worlds of the beyond that have spent their last physical life on the planets of other solar systems. Many members of the highest worlds of the beyond (siddha devayonis in Ananda Marga terminology) help God. Among the present generation of siddha devayonis are Count of St.Germain, Sanat Kumara, Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteshvar (both mentioned in “Autobiography of a Yogi“ by Paramahansa Yogananda). The main person behind the theosophic movement, the clairvoyant Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891)The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy was in contact with siddha devayonis of the Asian tradition (El Morya, Djwal Kul and Kuthumi. Kuthumi reincarnated in 2009. The Czech clairvoyant Franz Bardon (1909-1958) also had siddha devayoni contacts (books: The Practice of Magical Evocation, Frabato the Magician). The following text is a condensed reflection of my understanding of the near future. It is based on my reading of about 100 books and magazines on future prophesies and my intuitional perception:Since about 2008 we are in the “Age of Aquarius“. Various predictions state that the full unfoldment of this age will be preceded by a series of catastrophes, with a major shift of the geographical poles as the final happening. There seems to be a very short(6-7 days) world war before. Two of the major signs before the pole-shift are the eruption of Mount Vesuvius (Italy) and the sinking of the major part of California into the Pacific ocean. It is said that a passing by comet will cause this shifting of the poles. At present a comet named “Turtle-Tuttle“ is in our solar system. It passes by every 3500 years. After Shrii Krsna had left Earth about 3500 years ago it seems that a minor poleshift has made his kingdom sinking into the Indian ocean. Some comets have an astrological effect on life on Earth. Comet “Halley“ seems to have been “burnt“ while leaving our solar system the last time (1990-91). Shrii Shrii Anandamurti gave a discourse on poleshift and one on a coming ice age. (The discourses are at These two happenings are parts of the same event: several major changes in the solar system. After the poleshift the length of the day will have changed, and the Earth will be further away from the sun. Sunrise seems to be in the west, not in the east anymore. I personally guess that Mars will be closer to the sun than Earth after the pole-shift.Humanity has changed the surface of the planet very much during the last 100 years. As a consequence the magnetic field of Earth got significantly weakened. Our lithosphere is closely related to the magnetic field and will drastically change with the pole shift, i.e. the present continents will be partly under water and new land will rise from the oceans.After the pole- shift humanity seems to come in contact with the administration of this universe. It is prophezised that this administration will remove the radioactive radiation and help to solve other urgent problems.An interesting book in this regard is Chet B. Snows “Mass Dreams of the Future“ Hardcover – October 1, 1989 For natural scientists: Fritjof Capra is an Austrian-born American physicist, systems theorist and deep ecologist. He has written popular books on the implications of science, notably The Tao of Physics, subtitled An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism. The Tao of Physics asserts that both physics and metaphysics lead inexorably to the same knowledge. RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE REALITY All living beings are more or less under the influence of Maya. Maya (Sanskrit) is the force that God uses to create this universe . Human being is the only being that has the ability to escape from its influence.When one is asleep one regularly experiences dreams. Most of our dreams are fantasy. Some, however, are related to reality: we get connected to people we know, sometimes even to people we knew in our last life on another planet. Usually we don‘t remember most of these dreams.Our awake physical life is similar: it is a psycho- physical dream (Maya). With the help of Vidya Tantric practices and much effort we have the chance to escape from this dream. The goal is to become fully awakened and to permanently experience our Real Self, the Atman, and the Supreme Self, Paramatman; and at the end of our life to become one with Paramatman and experience permanent supreme bliss.Only when we are fully awakened it is possible to understand the relative reality. As long as we are under the influence of Maya we are in a state of dreaming. Of course, this psycho-physical dream is subject to other laws than the dreams we have at night. It is “real“, but it is a relative, illusionary reality.Shrii Shrii Anandamurti once indicated that if one has only half an hour per day for spiritual practice, one should do20 minutes Kiirtan and 10 minutes meditation. This is, of course, not enough to escape from the dream of our life. But it indicates that with the help of much Kiirtan it is easier to develop spiritually.The so-called “Third Eye“ through which it is possible to see transcendental things is actually the fifth eye. The third mental eye is part of an upa-cakra just below the sixth cakra. The mental eye of the sixth cakra is the fourth mental eye. Through this eye we see all events and objects of our present life (memories, fantasies etc). Just above the sixth cakra is one more upa-cakra. Through the mental eye of this upa-cakra it is possible to perceive the worldly transcendental side of existence. These two upa-cakras are difficult to access as usually the over-activity of our sixth cakra creates a vibration in this area of the forehead that prevents as from perceiving the upa-cakras and their mental eyes. An extremely sincere yogic life can change this.As I have mentioned in the text “October 2019“ once in our 28 lives as human being we have an additional cakra in the center of our forehead. This makes it significantly easier for someone to have access to the worldly transcendental side of life. God has done this to give the societies on the various inhabited planets a better link to transcendence. This cakra has like the Guru Cakra (which is on top of the forehead) usually a diameter of 2 millimeters. It can be developed into a cakra of about 2 centimeters diameter.Through the mental eye of the Guru Cakra it is possible to perceive the Supreme Cosmic Soul (Paramatman).Our psycho-physical (relative) reality is like a movie (that includes the mind), with our real self, the Atman, as observer. VIPRAS, SADVIPRAS AND SADVIPRA SAMAJ There are 4 mental groups in a society: shudras, ksattriyas, vaeshyas and vipras. Normally, on a somewhat developed planet, ksattriyas are the biggest group. On stone age planets the biggest group are shudras. Here on Earth, in all countries, the ksattriyan group is the biggest. In countries with a developed educational system there are more vipras than in countries without a good educational system. In Ananda Marga also ksattriyans form the biggest group.Sadvipra Samaj, our future, will be different. The vipra group will increase significantly. At times it might be the largest part of the human society. The spiritual society, that Baba, and not only HIM, has predicted, will inevitably come. Ananda Marga and the human society as a whole will become huge educational institutions: the standard of education will be significantly higher than it has been so far.Spiritual life and education will be the pillars of society. Schools, universities and libraries will become much more important than they are today. The majority of society will lead a spiritual life. Sadvipra Samaj will be a benevolent democratic rule. People will have realized that it is much more important to give than to take.A Sadvipra is a person who is exclusively engaged in selfless activities: karma, jinana and bhakti yoga. It is only Sadvipras who can form the base of a purely spiritual society.It is easier for a vipra to attain liberation as his/her understanding of spirituality and the sciences related to spirituality is better. Also ksattriyas and vaeshyas can attain liberation. However, they should make efforts to become vipras as society will benefit more from the activities of spiritual vipras. Shudras will have to develop into one of the 3 other groups in order to get liberation.A warrior is a ksattriya, but most ksattriyas are non- warriors. These are people who have less intellect than vipras,but are capable to lead an independent, self-determined life. Shudras are simple-minded people who are dependent on others for guidance. On stone age planets the vast majority are shudras. On medieval planets they also form a relatively big group. Vaeshyas are usually engaged in economical activities; some have much intellect, like vipras. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shrii Shrii Anandamurti: "Everything is born out of Me. Everything is maintained in Me. Everything finally merges in Me. I AM that BRAHMA. One without the second." "Lord Shri Krishna said:Listen, O Arjuna! And I will tell thee how thou shalt know Me in my full perfection, practising meditation with thy mind devoted to Me, and having Me for thy refuge. I will reveal to this knowledge unto thee, and how it may be realized; which, once accomplished, there remains nothing else worth having in this life. Among thousands of men scarcely one strives for perfection, and even among those who gain occult powers, per chance but one knows me in truth. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and personality; this is the eight-fold division of My Manifested Nature.This is My inferior Nature; but distinct from this, O Valiant One, know thou that my Superior Nature is the very Life which sustains the universe. It is the womb of all being; for I am He by Whom the worlds were created and shall be dissolved." (from the Bhagavad Gita) "Regarding Shiva, we should say that His life cannot be divided in this way into two parts. From the very beginning, He was an omnipresent entity. Whenever, in the undeveloped and simple society of those days, any need arose, Shiva was there to help; whenever any knotty problem developed, Shiva was there to solve it. So we cannot divide and analyze His life and personality into fragments, nor can we write the history of those days in that way. At the same time I feel constrained to state to say that, considering His unique role in building human culture and civilization, this culture and civilization cannot stand without Him. But Shiva can stand very well, shining in His own glory, quite apart from human culture and civilization. So to write history in the true sense of the term, for the sake of human society at present and in the distant future as well, Shiva cannot be neglected." /from the book:Shrii Shrii Anandanmurti: "Namah Shivaya Shantaya") >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THREE BOOKS ON SHRII SHRII ANANDAMURTI: Pranavatmakananda: "Shrii Shrii Anandamurti - Advent Of A Mystery", ISBN 9781548308407, (includes a comment of Uri Geller, one of the most famous psychics on the planet), Vol.1&2Shambhushivananda: "Towards A Brighter Future", ISBN 978-0-9831061-4- 2 One more book from Ac.Vijayananda at amazon about Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Charles Berlitz: "Atlantis, The 8th Continent" (the perhaps best book on Atlantis)Aldous Huxley: "Brave New World" (similar to "1984", but more positiv) To those who intend to read the "October 2019" text and "Luminous Worlds" at I do my work in a scientific way, i.e. I KNOW what I am writing about. My work is based on the contents of innumerable books. Some of them get mentioned in these texts. I could have put many more. Other information I obtained mentally (clairvoyance). If you close your eyes it is relatively dark. This darkness can be significantly reduced through a systematic spiritual life. A normal persons understanding of what I am writing about is based on belief, not knowing. So, be careful, discarding my texts as irrational. There is a spirituo-scientific version of the biblical "Ten Commandments" at my blogspot website ("A Guide to Human Conduct"). That God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on two golden plates was real. These commandments helped much to improve the situation on Earth. Human rights and democracy would not have come without the many Christians on the planet. KIIRTAN: This kiirtan will be the main tool to bring a spiritual revolution into this world. Go sufficiently deep into it (PRACTICE !) and you will realize how powerful it is. It has enough power to remove the Corona Virus from the human body. On YouTube one can find innumerable videos with this kiirtan. It is not more powerful than "OM NAMAH SHIVAYA" or the Hare Krsna mantra but it can be sung for many hours due to the huge number of melodies that exist for it. >>>>>>>>> Donations needed: Juergen Bauer Postbank Ludwigshafen IBAN: DE54 5451 0067 0217 5536 79 BIC: PBNKDEFF Paypal: Physical address: Juergen Bauer Neugasse 2 DE-55234 Wendelsheim

Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2021

SOME IMPORTANT POINTS In summer 2009 Shrii Shrii Anandamurti appeared to the majority of siddha devayoniis of this solar systems and gave them instructions for the years to follow. Some of the siddha devayoniis present were Shrii Yukteshvar and Lahiri Mahasaya (see “Autobiography of a Yogi“), St. Germain and Sanat Kumar. In a similar way (probably in the form of Krsna) God did this 2000 years ago giving instructions to Jesus and the siddha devayoniis of those days. 2000 years ago the mental vibration on Earth was very tamasic. Almost everyone would go to a negative luminous world after his/her physical death and become pretayonii. In the first edition of “Microvitum in a Nutshell“ one can find the names of the 7 seven basic types of pretayonii worlds (tala, tala tala, rasa tala etc). From the second edition these names were omitted. The negative luminous worlds were partly above the Earth‘s surface enabling intense contacts between the members of a particular brahma pishaca world and the human inhabitants of the planet. This negative luminous world was and is the home of people with a racist mentality(see text “Luminous Worlds“ at www dot brahmacakra dot blogspot dot com). It came into existence about 10500 years ago when a white race from a neighbouring solar system tried to colonize Earth. Those days dark skinned people were the only earthly inhabitants. Planet Mars was closer to the sun than Earth and had a tropical climate. Its inhabitants were the Mongolian race that now inhabits major parts of Asia. Human life on Mars was also under the influence this white race. I have a German book on life on Mars before God moved the planet further away from the sun, making human life impossible (Leopold Engel: “Der Untergang des Planeten Mallona“, the book‘s author, a psychic, did not understand that it was Mars that he was seeing. He was under the impression that it was the planet that is now the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. As influencing other civilizations is illegal according to universal law the overall universal administration made efforts to stop the activities of the white colonizers. There was a short war; as God did not want the complete destruction of Earth HE made considerable changes to the entire solar system: bringing Earth closer to the sun causing the end of the ice age; and moving Mars to a more distant position from the sun. One can only guess what other changes were needed to keep the situation in the solar system in balance. In 2009/10 the overall universal administration (there are local administrations) stopped the activities of the inhabitants of a neighbouring solar system that had started to influence the local solar systems with human life. The extraterrestrial advisors to the secret political structure on Earth stranded here, together with an army of perhaps a few hundred black magicians. As the universal administration in 2009 took my help to clear up the situation (I was confronted with severe attacks of these extraterrestrial black magicians) I obtained some information of the political situation in this galaxy. An E.T. race with an emperor as head of state had started to influence the human civilizations in its vicinity. Four came under the influence of this emperor‘s planet (including Earth). The negative influence on Earth seems to have started at the end of the eighteenth century and has been only partly successful. The other three planets came under full influence of this adharmic race: one planet with a pseudo-socialist society and space ship technology, one planet on a Medieval level and one planet with stone age background. When the only spiritual planet in our area had functioning space ships and became part of the universal federation the emperor‘s planet and its allies had lost the full control of the administration of the six local solar systems with human life. As a consequence the Medieval planet made a rapid development from the Medieval Age to an era with highly developed technologies, including space ships. When it became member of the universal federation the full hegemony of the adharmic planets was re-established. These days Earth is cut off from this illegal influence. The negative planets were using a diabolic technology whose production and use is prohibited according to universal laws. Here on Earth the extraterrestrial advisors and the invisible dark structure within capitalism are still using this illegal technology thinking that it can be safely used on a planet without official connection to the universal federation. The brahma pishaca world that I mentioned is a relative big world within the planet. It has a technological civilization. They have space ships and other technologies, in luminous form of course. These days they are running out of technicians to maintain these technologies. Some of the Nazis from the 1940s came there after death. In the atmosphere of Venus one can find a positive counterpart of a luminous world with space ship technology. It is a world of gandharva devayoniis. Omnec Onec (this was her name when she lived in this luminous world) gives much information on this in her book(“From Venus I Came“). Electronic editions of her books can be obtained from Amazon. Unlike in Asia, relatively few people in the West were spiritually very developed. Most of these were Christian saints. Some others were people like Aldous Huxley (“The Perennial Philosophy“) and Jonathan Swift. The best book on Atlantis I have found is Charles Berlitz‘s “The Eight Continent“. The white colonizers 10500 years ago built their settlements along the then equator as the climate there was acceptable for a comfortable life. Even in China one can find pyramids, a no go area these days. The German author Hartwig Hausdorf was one of very few Western persons who were allowed to visit them. In the past Christians would put Jesus above God as people with limited awareness and education need a physical form to concentrate on. This was easy with Jesus and Maria who appeared to innumerable humans during the last 2000 years. Dante Alighieri‘s “Divine Comedy“ and the books of Emmanuel Swedenborg are interesting documents in this regard. The perception of Paramatman requires intense spiritual practice and sufficient education, something that our ancestors did not have. The YouTube video “The Revelation of the Pyramides“ gives an excellent insight into the situation of our prehistoric past. It is based on the French book “La Revelation des Pyramides“ by Jacques Grimault. There are French and German editions of the video. It is a 1 hour 40 minutes video, not the other videos with a similar name. I have electronic versions of Aldous Huxley‘s book “The Perennial Philosopy“. If you are interested in it send your email address to cosmicvision at protonmail dot com I have also the electronic version of one of Michael Hesemann‘s E.T. books (in German). Many free English and German e-books on extraterrestrials, spirituality etc. at: vielewelten dot at The electronic versions of all of Baba‘s book should be free for everyone interested. At the moment one cannot even buy them at Amazon. If needed God takes physical or mental form (level of manomaya kosa) to help human individuals or the whole human society.

Dienstag, 31. August 2021

RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE REALITY All living beings are more or less under the influence of Maya. Human being is the only being that has the ability to escape from its influence. When one is asleep one regularly experiences dreams. Most of our dreams are fantasy. Some, however, are related to reality: we get connected to people we know, sometimes even to people we knew in our last life on another planet. Usually we don‘t remember most of these dreams. Our awake physical life is similar: it is a psycho-physical dream (Maya). With the help of Vidya Tantric practices and much effort we have the chance to escape from this dream. The goal is to become fully awakened and to permanently experience our Real Self, the Atman, and the Supreme Self, Paramatman; and at the end of our life to become one with Paramatman and experience permanent supreme bliss. Only when we are fully awakened it is possible to understand the relative reality. As long as we are under the influence of Maya we are in a state of dreaming. Of course, this psycho-physical dream is subject to other laws than the dreams we have at night. It is “real“, but it is a relative, illusionary reality. Baba once indicated that if one has only half an hour per day for spiritual practice, one should do 20 minutes Kiirtan and 10 minutes meditation. This is, of course, not enough to escape from the dream of our life. But it indicates that with the help of much Kiirtan it is easier to develop spiritually. The so-called “Third Eye“ through which it is possible to see transcendental things is actually the fifth eye. The third mental eye is part of an upa-cakra just below the sixth cakra. The mental eye of the sixth cakra is the fourth mental eye. Through this eye we see all events and objects of our present life (memories, fantasies etc). Just above the sixth cakra is one more upa-cakra. Through the mental eye of this upa-cakra it is possible to perceive the worldly transcendental side of existence. These two upa-cakras are difficult to access as usually the overactivity of our sixth cakra creates a vibration in this area of the forehead that prevents as from perceiving the upa-cakras and their mental eyes. An extremely sincere yogic life can change this. As I have mentioned in the text “October 2019“ once in our 28 lives as human being we have an additional cakra in the center of our forehead. This makes it significantly easier for someone to have access to the worldly transcendental side of life. God has done this to give the societies on the various inhabited planets a better link to transcendence. This cakra has like the Guru Cakra (which is on top of the forehead) usually a diameter of 2 milimeters. It can be developped into a cakra of about 2 centimeters diameter. Through the mental eye of the Guru Cakra it is possible to perceive the Supreme Cosmic Soul (Paramatman). Our psycho-physical (relative) reality is like a movie (that includes the mind), with our real self, the Atman, as observer. VIPRAS, SADVIPRAS AND SADVIPRA SAMAJ There are 4 mental groups in a society: shudras, ksattriyas, vaeshyas and vipras. Normally, on a somewhat developed planet, ksattriyas are the biggest group. On stone age planets the biggest group are shudras. Here on Earth, in all countries, the ksattriyan group is the biggest. In countries with a developed educational system there are more vipras than in countries without a good educational system. In Ananda Marga also ksattriyans form the biggest group. Sadvipra Samaj, our future, will be different. The vipra group will increase significantly. At times it might be the largest part of the human society. The spiritual society, that Baba, and not only HIM, has predicted, will inevitably come. Ananda Marga and the human society as a whole will become huge educational institutions: the standard of education will be significantly higher than it has been so far. Spiritual life and education will be the pillars of society. Schools, universities and libraries will become much more important than they are today. The majority of society will lead a spiritual life. Sadvipra Samaj will be a benevolent democratic rule. People will have realized that it is much more important to give than to take. A Sadvipra is a person who is exclusively engaged in selfless activities: karma, jinana and bhakti yoga. It is only Sadvipras who can form the base of a purely spiritual society. It is easier for a vipra to attain liberation as his/her understanding of spirituality and the sciences related to spiritualiy is better. Also ksattriyas and vaeshyas can attain liberation. However, they should make efforts to become vipras as society will benefit more from the activities of spiritual vipras. Shudras will have to develop into one of the 3 other groups in order to get liberation. A warrior is a ksattriya, but most ksattriyas are non-warriors. These are people who have less intellect than vipras,but are capable to lead an independent, self-determined life. Shudras are simple-minded people who are dependent on others for guidance. On stone age planets the vast majority are shudras. On medieval planets they also form a relatively big group. Vaeshyas are usually engaged in economical activities; some have much intellect, like vipras. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti: "Everything is born out of Me. Everything is maintained in Me. Everything finally merges in Me. I AM that BRAHMA. One without the second." "Lord Shri Krishna said: Listen, O Arjuna! And I will tell thee how thou shalt know Me in my Full perfection, practising meditation with thy mind devoted to Me, and having Me for thy refuge. I will reveal to this knowledge unto thee, and how it may be realised; which, once accomplished, there remains nothing else worth having in this life. Among thousands of men scarcely one strives for perfection, and even amongst those who gain occult powers, per chance but one knows me in truth. Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and personality; this is the eightfold division of My Manifested Nature. This is My inferior Nature; but distinct from this, O Valiant One, know thou that my Superior Nature is the very Life which sustains the universe. It is the womb of all being; for I am He by Whom the worlds were created and shall be dissolved." (from the Bhagavad Gita) "Regarding Shiva, we should say that His life cannot be devided in this way into two parts. From the very beginning, He was an omnipresent entity. Whenever, in the undeveloped and simple society of those days, any need arose, Shiva was there to help; whenever any knotty problem developed, Shiva was there to solve it. So we cannot divide and analyse His life and personality into fragments, nor can we write the history of those days in that way. At the same time I feel constrained to state to say that, considering His unique role in building human culture and civilization, this culture and civilization cannot stand without Him. But Shiva can stand very well, shining in His own glory, quite apart from human culture and civilization. So to write history in the true sense of the term, for the sake of human society at present and in the distant future as well, Shiva cannot be neglected." ( from the book: Shrii Shrii Anandamurti: "Namah Shivaya Shantaya") Dear sisters and brothers. Move! Only intense contact with Parama Purusa will awaken one from this dream called life. THREE BOOKS ON SHRII SHRII ANANDAMURTI: Pranavatmakananda: "Shrii Shrii Anandamurti - Advent Of A Mystery", ISBN 9781548308407, (includes a comment of Uri Geller, one of the most famous psychics on the planet), Vol.1,2 Shambhushivananda: "Towards A Brighter Future", ISBN 978-0-9831061-4-2 Charles Berlitz: "Atlantis, The 8th Continent" (the perhaps best book on Atlantis) Aldous Huxley: "Brave New World" (similar to "1984", but more positiv)

Samstag, 1. Mai 2021

Extraterrestrials and the Beyond Here in our solar system we get regular visits from people that live in other parts of this galaxy or other galaxies. Most of these visitors are in luminous form, i.e. their quinquelemental(bones and flesh) body does not exist any more. In case such visitors still have a body made of bones and flesh, they are either from the local administration of this area of the universe or from the superior administration that is responsible for the entire quinquelemental universe. Interesting terms for google are: Ashtar Sheran, Billy Meier and his visitors from the Pleiades, Sixto Paz Wells, Interesting authors: Michael Hesemann: "Cosmic Connections: Worldwide Crop Formations and ET Contacts", Gateway Books 1995, ISBN 978-1858600178 "UFOs: The Secret History", Marlowe & Co 1998, ISBN 978-1569247013 "Beyond Roswell: The Alien Autopsy Film, Area 51, & the U.S. Government Coverup of Ufos", Marlowe & Co, 1998, ISBN 978-1569247099 (with Philip Mantle) Michael Hesemann is the author of more books and videos in German language on the subject. From 1994 to 2000 he was the publisher of the “Magazin 2000“, a German magazine on paranormal and UFO-phenomena. All of a sudden he handed over the publication of the magazine to a group of incapable people (the magazine soon ceased to exist) and considered his past as UFO-researcher as ridiculous and irrational. Interestingly he became the advisor of the last pope Benedict XVI. (Marian research). This pope was the second pope in church history who resigned. I had sent him(the pope) my two earlier texts and I am convinced that he did not resign voluntarily. The Australian magazine “Nexus“ is highly interesting. Timothy Good: “Beyond Top Secret“. Sidgwick & Jackson, 1996. ISBN 978-0283062452, “Alien Base“. Century, 1998. ISBN 978-0712678124 Raymond E. Fowler: “The Watchers, parts“ I and II. A excellent website on the UFO phenomenon is www dot mufon dot com George Adamski(1953): Flying Saucers Have Landed. New York: British Book Centre. ISBN . LCCN 53012621. OCLC 383007. Inside the Space Ships. New York: Abelard-Schuman. LCCN 55010556. OCLC 543169. Budd Hopkins: “Missing Time: A Documented Study of UFO Abductions“ (1981) ISBN 978-0399901027 Jaques Vallee: “Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults“ (paperback ed.). And/Or Press. June 1979. ISBN Confrontations – A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact (hardcover ed.). Ballantine Books. March 1990. ISBN . Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception (1st ed.). Ballantine Books. September 1991. ISBN Bryan C.D.B.: Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien Abduction, UFOs and the Conference at M.I.T.. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995. ISBN 0679429751 J.A. Hynek: “The UFO Experience: A scientific inquiry“ (1972) ISBN 978-1-56924-782-2 John E. Mack: “Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters“ (1999), “Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens“ (1994) Books by German authors: Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitsprung. Auf der Jagd nach den letzten Rätseln unseres Lebens. München 1977, ISBN 3-570-06977-X. Das UFO-Phänomen. München 1978, ISBN 3-570-05044-0. Der Supermensch. Die konkrete Vision unserer Zukunft. München 1979, ISBN 3-426-26150-2. Die Einstein-Rosen-Brücke. Unterwegs zu außerirdischer Intelligenz. München 1982, ISBN 3-570-06755-6. Sie kommen von fremden Sternen. Intelligenzen im All. München 1986, ISBN 3-89350-523-7. Leben auf dem Mars. Die neuesten Entdeckungen der NASA. München 1997 (Neuauflage der 1. Ausgabe von 1987), ISBN 3-7766-1474-9. Supernova. Die jüngsten kosmischen Entdeckungen. Die Geburt eines neuen Weltbilds. München 1988, ISBN 3-7766-1532-X. Drachenwege. Strategien der Schöpfung. München 1990, ISBN 3-7766-1642-3. Zeitriß. Begegnung mit dem Unfassbaren. München 1990, ISBN 3-548-34716-9; München 2002, ISBN 3-453-12301-8. Buttlars Report. Abenteuer Wissenschaft. Wien 1991, ISBN 3-8000-1454-8. Adams Planet. Das Paradies lag auf Phaethon. München 1991, ISBN 3-7766-1691-1 Andreas von Retyi: Geheimakte Gizeh-Plateau. Rätsel unter dem Sand. Kopp 2005, ISBN 3-938516- 13-5. Streng geheim. Area 51 und die „Schwarze Welt“: Geheime Experimente, unterirdische Anlagen, verborgene Sperrzonen. Weltbild 2003, ISBN 3-8289-3425-0. Die UFO-Connection: Was verheimlichen uns Regierungen, Wissenschaft und Militärs? Econ-Taschenbuch-Verlag 1998, ISBN 3-612-26306-4. Das Alien-Imperium: Ufo-Geheimnisse der USA. Ullstein 1997, ISBN 3-548-35688-5. Wir sind nicht allein! Signale aus dem All. Ullstein 1995, ISBN 3-548-35529-3 Jo Conrad: Entwirrungen. Über kosmische Gesetzmäßigkeiten und warum sie uns vorenthalten werden. Langenbruch, Lilienthal 1996, ISBN 3-980-45865-2 Zusammenhänge. Was läuft schief in unserer Welt? Bignose Media, Worpswede 1998, ISBN 3-933-71800-7 Ursprünge. Über Vielfalt des Lebens, die Ordnung und den Grund des Hierseins. Bignose Media, Worpswede 2000, ISBN 3-933-71801-5 Wendungen. Über Hintergründe des Weltgeschehens und den Umgang mit Ängsten. Bignose Media, Worpswede 2005, ISBN 3-933-71802-3 Books on E.T. influence in the past: Erich von Daniken:Chariots of the Gods? (Souvenir Press Ltd, 1969) Return to the Stars (Souvenir Press Ltd, 1970) ISBN 0-285-50298-0 Gods from Outer Space (Bantam,1972; reprint of Return to the Stars) (1973) The Gold of the Gods. Translated by Michael Heron (1 ed.). London: Souvenir Press. ISBN . Published simultaneously in Canada by J. M. Dent & Sons, Ontario (Canada). Miracles of the Gods: A Hard Look at the Supernatural (Souvenir Press Ltd, 1975) ISBN 0-285-62174-2 In Search of Ancient Gods: My Pictorial Evidence for the Impossible (Corgi books, 1976) ISBN 0-552-10073-0 According to the Evidence (Souvenir Press, 1977) ISBN 0-285-62301-X Signs of the Gods (Corgi books, 1980) ISBN 0-552-11716-1 The Stones of Kiribati: Pathways to the Gods (Corgi books, 1982) ISBN 0-552-12183-5 The Gods and their Grand Design: The Eighth Wonder of the World (Souvenir Press, 1984) ISBN 0-285-62630-2 The Eyes of the Sphinx: The Newest Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact (Berkley Publishing Corporation, 1996) ISBN 978-0-425-15130-3 The Return of the Gods: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitations (Element, 1998) ISBN 1-86204-253-5 Arrival of the Gods: Revealing the Alien Landing Sites of Nazca (Element, 1998) ISBN 1-86204-353-1 The Gods Were Astronauts: Evidence of the True Identities of the Old "Gods" (Vega books, 2001) ISBN 1-84333-625-1 Odyssey of the Gods: An Alien History of Ancient Greece (Vega books, 2002) ISBN 978-1-84333-558-0 History Is Wrong (New Page books, 2009) ISBN 978-1-60163-086-5 Evidence of the Gods (New Page books, 2010) ISBN 978-1-60163-247-0 Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials (New Page books, 2010) ISBN 978-1-60163-141-1 Tomy and the Planet of Lies (Tantor eBooks, 2012) ISBN 0988349434 Remnants of the Gods: A Visual Tour of Alien Influence in Egypt, Spain, France, Turkey, and Italy (New Page Books, 2013) ISBN 1601632835 The Gods Never Left Us (New Page Books, 2018) ISBN 163265119X Robert Charroux: “100,000 Years of Man's Unknown History“, Berkley,1970. “The Gods Unknown Paperback – April 1, 1974 “ Lost Worlds - Scientific Secrets of the Ancients“, 1976. “Legacy of the Gods Paperback – Import, January 1, 1979 Charles Berlitz: Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds, 1972 The Bermuda Triangle, 1974, ISBN 0-285-63326-0 Zecharia Sitchin: The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985, Avon Books, ISBN 0-380-89585-4 Hartwig Hausdorf (in German): Steinzeitmedizin. 2018. Götterkriege. Dramatische Eingriffe einer überlegenen Intelligenz. 2017. Die Botschaft der Megalithen. 2015. Götterbotschaft in den Genen. 2014. Ungelöste Rätsel der letzten 5000 Jahre. 2013. Götterbotschaft in den Genen. 2012. UFOs - Sie fliegen noch immer. 2010. Geheime Geschichte. Band 3: Wer manipuliert den Lauf unserer Geschichte?. 2005. Begegnung mit dem Unfassbaren: Reisen zu den geheimnisvollsten Stätten unserer Welt. 2002. Geheime Geschichte. Band 1: Was unsere Historiker verschweigen. 2002. X-Reisen. Reiseführer zu den geheimnisvollsten Stätten dieser Welt. 1998. Wenn Götter Gott spielen: unsere Evolution kam aus dem All; die Schöpfung war programmiert. 1997. Satelliten der Götter: in Chinas verbotenen Zonen (mit Peter Krassa). 1995. Die weisse Pyramide: ausserirdische Spuren in Ostasien. 1994. Walter-Jörg Langbein: Astronautengötter. Versuch einer Chronik unserer phantastischen Vergangenheit, Luxemb,1979 Die großen Rätsel der letzten 2500 Jahre, Augsburg 1993 Bevor die Sintflut kam. Von Götterbergen und Geisterstätten, von Zyklopenmauern, Monstern und Sauriern, Stuttgart 1996 A book on magic and an alternative understanding of life: Louis Pauwels and Jaques Bergier: “The Morning of the Magicians“. This books covers a wide range of topics, including magic, transcendence, technology, history and politics. For example, it clearly shows that the inner circle of the German nazis was a (black) magic organization. They were in contact with a Tibetan sect that had contact with a particular negative world of the beyond. At the end of the second world war around 1000 dead Tibetans were found in Berlin. All had committed suicide. However, the two authors are not entirely honest: they write that these magical Nazis were Satanists. This is not correct. A real Satanist tries to establish a contact to the worst of the negative worlds of the beyond. Its inhabitants, due to their cruelty don‘t look human any more; they all have a demonic look. This Tibetan sect and some of the Nazis were in contact with a different world of the beyond. The inhabitants there were exclusively racists. A tiny portion of the German Nazis ended up there after their physical death. This world of racists has been existing the last 11-12000 years. It came into existence at the end of the last major pole shift (the end of the last ice age). Its first inhabitants were the white extraterrestrial colonizers that formed the top of the then administration of our part of the universe. What Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier don‘t mention in their book is that deep inside the dark structure behind the capitalistic system is a very secret satanic circle. Through a bloody and cruel ritual Satanists establish contact to the satanic world inside our planet and make it possible for one of its members to come to the place of this ritual. In some archaeological sites worldwide places were found that were clearly places of regular ritual killings (innumerable skulls were found) to establish contact to an underworld. Reading one of the biographies of Aleister Crowley you can get some information about thinking and emotional setup of a Satanist. The websites of the churches of Satan are also interesting in this regard. Warning: only persons with a stable mind should engage in reading about A. Crowley or visit a satanic website. The worlds of the beyond, a steady coming and going: Everyone has only 2 or 3 lives on a planet; then God sends him or her to another planet. If you have an emotional relationship with someone you will meet this person in 6 or 7 incarnations (varying social relations). Criminals leave the planet of their crimes as God does not want them to repeat their mistakes. Also famous people usually leave this solar system and incarnate on another planet. There are many inhabitants of the worlds of the beyond that have spent their last physical life on the planets of other solar systems. Many members of the highest worlds of the beyond (siddha devayonis in Ananda Marga terminology) help God. Amongst the present generation of siddha devayonis are Count of St.Germain, Sanat Kumara, Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteshvar (both mentioned in “Autobiography of a Yogi“ by Paramahansa Yogananda). The main person behind the theosophic movement, the clairvoyant Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891)The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy was in contact with siddha devayonis of the Asian tradition (El Morya, Djwal Kul and Kuthumi. Kuthumi reincarnated in 2009. The Chech clairvoyant Franz Bardon (1909-1958) also had siddha devayoni contacts (books: The Practice of Magical Evocation, Frabato the Magician). The following text is a condensed reflection of my understanding of our near future. It is based on my reading of about 100 books and magazines on future prophesies and my intuitional perception: Since about 2008 we are in the “Age of Aquarius“. Various predictions state that the full unfoldment of this age will be precided by a series of catastrophes, with a major shift of the geographical poles as the final happening. There seems to be a very short(6-7 days) world war before. Two of the major signs before the poleshift are the eruption of Mount Vesuvius (Italy) and the sinking of the major part of California into the Pacific ocean. It is said that a passing by comet will cause this shifting of the poles. At present a comet named “Turtle-Tuttle“ is in our solar system. It passes by every 3500 years. After Shrii Krsna had left Earth about 3500 years ago it seems that a minor poleshift has made his kingdom sinking into the Indian ocean. Some comets have an astrological effect on life on Earth. Comet “Halley“ seems to have been “burnt“ while leaving our solar system the last time (1990-91). Shrii Shrii Anandamurti gave a discourse on poleshift and one on a coming ice age. These two happenings are parts of the same event: several major changes in the solar system. After the poleshift the length of the day will have changed, and the Earth will be further away from the sun. Sunrise seems to be in the west, not in the east anymore. I personally guess that Mars will be closer to the sun than Earth after the poleshift. Humanity has changed the surface of the planet very much during the last 100 years. As a consequence the magnetic field of Earth got significantly weakened. Our lithosphere is closely related to the magnetic field and will drastically change with the pole shift, i.e. the present continents will be partly under water and new land will rise from the oceans. After the poleshift humanity seems to come in contact with the administration of this universe. It is prophezised that this administration will remove the radioactive radiation and help to solve other urgent problems. An interesting book in this regard is Chet B. Snows “Mass Dreams of the Future“ Hardcover – October 1, 1989 For natural scientists: Fritjof Capra is an Austrian-born American physicist, systems theorist and deep ecologist. He has written popular books on the implications of science, notably The Tao of Physics, subtitled An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism. The Tao of Physics asserts that both physics and metaphysics lead inexorably to the same knowledge. 0 Comments