Samstag, 1. Mai 2021

Extraterrestrials and the Beyond Here in our solar system we get regular visits from people that live in other parts of this galaxy or other galaxies. Most of these visitors are in luminous form, i.e. their quinquelemental(bones and flesh) body does not exist any more. In case such visitors still have a body made of bones and flesh, they are either from the local administration of this area of the universe or from the superior administration that is responsible for the entire quinquelemental universe. Interesting terms for google are: Ashtar Sheran, Billy Meier and his visitors from the Pleiades, Sixto Paz Wells, Interesting authors: Michael Hesemann: "Cosmic Connections: Worldwide Crop Formations and ET Contacts", Gateway Books 1995, ISBN 978-1858600178 "UFOs: The Secret History", Marlowe & Co 1998, ISBN 978-1569247013 "Beyond Roswell: The Alien Autopsy Film, Area 51, & the U.S. Government Coverup of Ufos", Marlowe & Co, 1998, ISBN 978-1569247099 (with Philip Mantle) Michael Hesemann is the author of more books and videos in German language on the subject. From 1994 to 2000 he was the publisher of the “Magazin 2000“, a German magazine on paranormal and UFO-phenomena. All of a sudden he handed over the publication of the magazine to a group of incapable people (the magazine soon ceased to exist) and considered his past as UFO-researcher as ridiculous and irrational. Interestingly he became the advisor of the last pope Benedict XVI. (Marian research). This pope was the second pope in church history who resigned. I had sent him(the pope) my two earlier texts and I am convinced that he did not resign voluntarily. The Australian magazine “Nexus“ is highly interesting. Timothy Good: “Beyond Top Secret“. Sidgwick & Jackson, 1996. ISBN 978-0283062452, “Alien Base“. Century, 1998. ISBN 978-0712678124 Raymond E. Fowler: “The Watchers, parts“ I and II. A excellent website on the UFO phenomenon is www dot mufon dot com George Adamski(1953): Flying Saucers Have Landed. New York: British Book Centre. ISBN . LCCN 53012621. OCLC 383007. Inside the Space Ships. New York: Abelard-Schuman. LCCN 55010556. OCLC 543169. Budd Hopkins: “Missing Time: A Documented Study of UFO Abductions“ (1981) ISBN 978-0399901027 Jaques Vallee: “Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults“ (paperback ed.). And/Or Press. June 1979. ISBN Confrontations – A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact (hardcover ed.). Ballantine Books. March 1990. ISBN . Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception (1st ed.). Ballantine Books. September 1991. ISBN Bryan C.D.B.: Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien Abduction, UFOs and the Conference at M.I.T.. New York City: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995. ISBN 0679429751 J.A. Hynek: “The UFO Experience: A scientific inquiry“ (1972) ISBN 978-1-56924-782-2 John E. Mack: “Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters“ (1999), “Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens“ (1994) Books by German authors: Johannes von Buttlar: Zeitsprung. Auf der Jagd nach den letzten Rätseln unseres Lebens. München 1977, ISBN 3-570-06977-X. Das UFO-Phänomen. München 1978, ISBN 3-570-05044-0. Der Supermensch. Die konkrete Vision unserer Zukunft. München 1979, ISBN 3-426-26150-2. Die Einstein-Rosen-Brücke. Unterwegs zu außerirdischer Intelligenz. München 1982, ISBN 3-570-06755-6. Sie kommen von fremden Sternen. Intelligenzen im All. München 1986, ISBN 3-89350-523-7. Leben auf dem Mars. Die neuesten Entdeckungen der NASA. München 1997 (Neuauflage der 1. Ausgabe von 1987), ISBN 3-7766-1474-9. Supernova. Die jüngsten kosmischen Entdeckungen. Die Geburt eines neuen Weltbilds. München 1988, ISBN 3-7766-1532-X. Drachenwege. Strategien der Schöpfung. München 1990, ISBN 3-7766-1642-3. Zeitriß. Begegnung mit dem Unfassbaren. München 1990, ISBN 3-548-34716-9; München 2002, ISBN 3-453-12301-8. Buttlars Report. Abenteuer Wissenschaft. Wien 1991, ISBN 3-8000-1454-8. Adams Planet. Das Paradies lag auf Phaethon. München 1991, ISBN 3-7766-1691-1 Andreas von Retyi: Geheimakte Gizeh-Plateau. Rätsel unter dem Sand. Kopp 2005, ISBN 3-938516- 13-5. Streng geheim. Area 51 und die „Schwarze Welt“: Geheime Experimente, unterirdische Anlagen, verborgene Sperrzonen. Weltbild 2003, ISBN 3-8289-3425-0. Die UFO-Connection: Was verheimlichen uns Regierungen, Wissenschaft und Militärs? Econ-Taschenbuch-Verlag 1998, ISBN 3-612-26306-4. Das Alien-Imperium: Ufo-Geheimnisse der USA. Ullstein 1997, ISBN 3-548-35688-5. Wir sind nicht allein! Signale aus dem All. Ullstein 1995, ISBN 3-548-35529-3 Jo Conrad: Entwirrungen. Über kosmische Gesetzmäßigkeiten und warum sie uns vorenthalten werden. Langenbruch, Lilienthal 1996, ISBN 3-980-45865-2 Zusammenhänge. Was läuft schief in unserer Welt? Bignose Media, Worpswede 1998, ISBN 3-933-71800-7 Ursprünge. Über Vielfalt des Lebens, die Ordnung und den Grund des Hierseins. Bignose Media, Worpswede 2000, ISBN 3-933-71801-5 Wendungen. Über Hintergründe des Weltgeschehens und den Umgang mit Ängsten. Bignose Media, Worpswede 2005, ISBN 3-933-71802-3 Books on E.T. influence in the past: Erich von Daniken:Chariots of the Gods? (Souvenir Press Ltd, 1969) Return to the Stars (Souvenir Press Ltd, 1970) ISBN 0-285-50298-0 Gods from Outer Space (Bantam,1972; reprint of Return to the Stars) (1973) The Gold of the Gods. Translated by Michael Heron (1 ed.). London: Souvenir Press. ISBN . Published simultaneously in Canada by J. M. Dent & Sons, Ontario (Canada). Miracles of the Gods: A Hard Look at the Supernatural (Souvenir Press Ltd, 1975) ISBN 0-285-62174-2 In Search of Ancient Gods: My Pictorial Evidence for the Impossible (Corgi books, 1976) ISBN 0-552-10073-0 According to the Evidence (Souvenir Press, 1977) ISBN 0-285-62301-X Signs of the Gods (Corgi books, 1980) ISBN 0-552-11716-1 The Stones of Kiribati: Pathways to the Gods (Corgi books, 1982) ISBN 0-552-12183-5 The Gods and their Grand Design: The Eighth Wonder of the World (Souvenir Press, 1984) ISBN 0-285-62630-2 The Eyes of the Sphinx: The Newest Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact (Berkley Publishing Corporation, 1996) ISBN 978-0-425-15130-3 The Return of the Gods: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitations (Element, 1998) ISBN 1-86204-253-5 Arrival of the Gods: Revealing the Alien Landing Sites of Nazca (Element, 1998) ISBN 1-86204-353-1 The Gods Were Astronauts: Evidence of the True Identities of the Old "Gods" (Vega books, 2001) ISBN 1-84333-625-1 Odyssey of the Gods: An Alien History of Ancient Greece (Vega books, 2002) ISBN 978-1-84333-558-0 History Is Wrong (New Page books, 2009) ISBN 978-1-60163-086-5 Evidence of the Gods (New Page books, 2010) ISBN 978-1-60163-247-0 Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials (New Page books, 2010) ISBN 978-1-60163-141-1 Tomy and the Planet of Lies (Tantor eBooks, 2012) ISBN 0988349434 Remnants of the Gods: A Visual Tour of Alien Influence in Egypt, Spain, France, Turkey, and Italy (New Page Books, 2013) ISBN 1601632835 The Gods Never Left Us (New Page Books, 2018) ISBN 163265119X Robert Charroux: “100,000 Years of Man's Unknown History“, Berkley,1970. “The Gods Unknown Paperback – April 1, 1974 “ Lost Worlds - Scientific Secrets of the Ancients“, 1976. “Legacy of the Gods Paperback – Import, January 1, 1979 Charles Berlitz: Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds, 1972 The Bermuda Triangle, 1974, ISBN 0-285-63326-0 Zecharia Sitchin: The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985, Avon Books, ISBN 0-380-89585-4 Hartwig Hausdorf (in German): Steinzeitmedizin. 2018. Götterkriege. Dramatische Eingriffe einer überlegenen Intelligenz. 2017. Die Botschaft der Megalithen. 2015. Götterbotschaft in den Genen. 2014. Ungelöste Rätsel der letzten 5000 Jahre. 2013. Götterbotschaft in den Genen. 2012. UFOs - Sie fliegen noch immer. 2010. Geheime Geschichte. Band 3: Wer manipuliert den Lauf unserer Geschichte?. 2005. Begegnung mit dem Unfassbaren: Reisen zu den geheimnisvollsten Stätten unserer Welt. 2002. Geheime Geschichte. Band 1: Was unsere Historiker verschweigen. 2002. X-Reisen. Reiseführer zu den geheimnisvollsten Stätten dieser Welt. 1998. Wenn Götter Gott spielen: unsere Evolution kam aus dem All; die Schöpfung war programmiert. 1997. Satelliten der Götter: in Chinas verbotenen Zonen (mit Peter Krassa). 1995. Die weisse Pyramide: ausserirdische Spuren in Ostasien. 1994. Walter-Jörg Langbein: Astronautengötter. Versuch einer Chronik unserer phantastischen Vergangenheit, Luxemb,1979 Die großen Rätsel der letzten 2500 Jahre, Augsburg 1993 Bevor die Sintflut kam. Von Götterbergen und Geisterstätten, von Zyklopenmauern, Monstern und Sauriern, Stuttgart 1996 A book on magic and an alternative understanding of life: Louis Pauwels and Jaques Bergier: “The Morning of the Magicians“. This books covers a wide range of topics, including magic, transcendence, technology, history and politics. For example, it clearly shows that the inner circle of the German nazis was a (black) magic organization. They were in contact with a Tibetan sect that had contact with a particular negative world of the beyond. At the end of the second world war around 1000 dead Tibetans were found in Berlin. All had committed suicide. However, the two authors are not entirely honest: they write that these magical Nazis were Satanists. This is not correct. A real Satanist tries to establish a contact to the worst of the negative worlds of the beyond. Its inhabitants, due to their cruelty don‘t look human any more; they all have a demonic look. This Tibetan sect and some of the Nazis were in contact with a different world of the beyond. The inhabitants there were exclusively racists. A tiny portion of the German Nazis ended up there after their physical death. This world of racists has been existing the last 11-12000 years. It came into existence at the end of the last major pole shift (the end of the last ice age). Its first inhabitants were the white extraterrestrial colonizers that formed the top of the then administration of our part of the universe. What Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier don‘t mention in their book is that deep inside the dark structure behind the capitalistic system is a very secret satanic circle. Through a bloody and cruel ritual Satanists establish contact to the satanic world inside our planet and make it possible for one of its members to come to the place of this ritual. In some archaeological sites worldwide places were found that were clearly places of regular ritual killings (innumerable skulls were found) to establish contact to an underworld. Reading one of the biographies of Aleister Crowley you can get some information about thinking and emotional setup of a Satanist. The websites of the churches of Satan are also interesting in this regard. Warning: only persons with a stable mind should engage in reading about A. Crowley or visit a satanic website. The worlds of the beyond, a steady coming and going: Everyone has only 2 or 3 lives on a planet; then God sends him or her to another planet. If you have an emotional relationship with someone you will meet this person in 6 or 7 incarnations (varying social relations). Criminals leave the planet of their crimes as God does not want them to repeat their mistakes. Also famous people usually leave this solar system and incarnate on another planet. There are many inhabitants of the worlds of the beyond that have spent their last physical life on the planets of other solar systems. Many members of the highest worlds of the beyond (siddha devayonis in Ananda Marga terminology) help God. Amongst the present generation of siddha devayonis are Count of St.Germain, Sanat Kumara, Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteshvar (both mentioned in “Autobiography of a Yogi“ by Paramahansa Yogananda). The main person behind the theosophic movement, the clairvoyant Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891)The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy was in contact with siddha devayonis of the Asian tradition (El Morya, Djwal Kul and Kuthumi. Kuthumi reincarnated in 2009. The Chech clairvoyant Franz Bardon (1909-1958) also had siddha devayoni contacts (books: The Practice of Magical Evocation, Frabato the Magician). The following text is a condensed reflection of my understanding of our near future. It is based on my reading of about 100 books and magazines on future prophesies and my intuitional perception: Since about 2008 we are in the “Age of Aquarius“. Various predictions state that the full unfoldment of this age will be precided by a series of catastrophes, with a major shift of the geographical poles as the final happening. There seems to be a very short(6-7 days) world war before. Two of the major signs before the poleshift are the eruption of Mount Vesuvius (Italy) and the sinking of the major part of California into the Pacific ocean. It is said that a passing by comet will cause this shifting of the poles. At present a comet named “Turtle-Tuttle“ is in our solar system. It passes by every 3500 years. After Shrii Krsna had left Earth about 3500 years ago it seems that a minor poleshift has made his kingdom sinking into the Indian ocean. Some comets have an astrological effect on life on Earth. Comet “Halley“ seems to have been “burnt“ while leaving our solar system the last time (1990-91). Shrii Shrii Anandamurti gave a discourse on poleshift and one on a coming ice age. These two happenings are parts of the same event: several major changes in the solar system. After the poleshift the length of the day will have changed, and the Earth will be further away from the sun. Sunrise seems to be in the west, not in the east anymore. I personally guess that Mars will be closer to the sun than Earth after the poleshift. Humanity has changed the surface of the planet very much during the last 100 years. As a consequence the magnetic field of Earth got significantly weakened. Our lithosphere is closely related to the magnetic field and will drastically change with the pole shift, i.e. the present continents will be partly under water and new land will rise from the oceans. After the poleshift humanity seems to come in contact with the administration of this universe. It is prophezised that this administration will remove the radioactive radiation and help to solve other urgent problems. An interesting book in this regard is Chet B. Snows “Mass Dreams of the Future“ Hardcover – October 1, 1989 For natural scientists: Fritjof Capra is an Austrian-born American physicist, systems theorist and deep ecologist. He has written popular books on the implications of science, notably The Tao of Physics, subtitled An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism. The Tao of Physics asserts that both physics and metaphysics lead inexorably to the same knowledge. 0 Comments

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