Freitag, 8. Juli 2022


The texts on this website contain the most detailed description on Earth how to achieve spiritual liberation, i.e. how to free oneself from the cycle of reincarnation and become one with the Infinite Brahma (the Nirvana of Buddhism). This is a state of Supreme Bliss as Brahma is beyond the influence of Prakriti and its Gunas (Sattva, Rajo and Tamoguna), beyond time and space. It may be difficult for most readers to imagine how there can be such blissful, supreme happiness without any object. A person has to experience this state in meditation. Once this has happened one will smile about the comparatively insignificant enjoyments of worldly life. The more people try to reach the state of temporary (Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa Samadhis) and final Oneness with Brahma the more subtle and spiritual the collective vibration on our planet will become. Please take part in the endeavour to create the predicted spiritual society and inform as many other people as possible about this chance.

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