Montag, 11. April 2022
If spirituality and transcendence are just another religion, that one believes in, can only be found out through regular spiritual practice.
Defects of Transcendental Meditation and Ananda Marga meditation lessons
Until recently I had only practised two of the 16 Transcendental Meditation mantras (ainga and shiama). Both have a very positive effect on the mind. You become more calm and happy; concentration improves.
As such I assumed that the other 14 mantras have a similar effect. However, a thorough theoretical and a limited practical examination made me realize that the only mantras that definitely function are ainga, shiam, shiring, hiring.
Two (shirin, hirin) are practically not different from the above ones. Others (ina, inga, aima, ) still need sufficient testing. The rest is not functioning and can not be considered to be mantras.
God apparently has given these mantras in a way that only some of them function. Consequence: only a limited number of people who were initiated into TM where capable to get established in meditation. The time for much progress of spirituality had not yet come.
Every ten years or so the TM organization changed the use of these mantras. TM teachers had realized that not everyone had success with his/her meditation. As they did not and don’t have knowledge on acoustic roots their efforts to improve the TM meditations were not successful. The relationship of a person’s age and a mantra is complete nonsense.
Also the Ananda Marga first lesson was given in such a way by Baba that it had to be partly inefficient. Some were lucky and received a functioning first lesson; many were not and quickly abandoned meditation or perform it rarely and irregularly.
The first lesson mantras of Ananda Marga are both Ista mantra and Siddha mantra. They help to develop the individual’s relationship with God and increase the number of siddha microvita in the mind. The functioning TM mantras are just Siddha mantras.
For a successful use of our first lesson meditation it is of extreme importance to apply the correct mantra on a particular cakra (see my explanations in the “October2019” text). One of our first lesson mantras contains one incorrect letter: the correct mantra is “tham tat”. The acarya who received the mantra from Baba did not listen properly. The way the mantra is used at present it has a negative effect. That “tham” is the basic root sound of the Ajina cakra gets mentioned in the “Senior Acarya Diary”.
All mantras in the “October 2019” text are Ista and Siddha mantras.
To efficiently develop the higher levels of the mind, it is a must to remove the tamasic influence of the kamamaya kosa. This is done by practising the first lesson on the fifth cakra, in some cases on the fourth cakra (with the “HAM-SO” mantra).
The spiritual practices taught by Sri Krsna were forgotten around the time of the 6th century. The siddha devayoni “Babaji” reintroduced a “Ham-So” meditation in the 19th century (on the instruction of God). The Selfrealization Fellowship of Paramahansa Yogananda is teaching it. It is a relative simple meditation, applying the mantra on the Ajina cakra, in padmasana and the hands in the position of our third lesson.
Getting Savikalpa Samadhi with the A.M. Ista mantras a person usually returns after some time into his/her body. If Samadhi with the “OM-PHAT” or the “AOM-PHAT” mantras happens a person’s soul becomes one with Nirguna Brahma. There is no return; one achieves liberation from the cycle of creation.
Spiritually sufficiently developed a person can compress his/her mind into a tiny point of light and leave the body through one of the higher cakras and become one with Saguna Brahma.
Our second lesson mantras are also both Ista and Siddha mantras; the same it is with Baba Nam Kevalam. The book titles “Namah Shivaya Shantaya” and “Namami Krsna Sundaram” are also kiirtan mantras.
All Sanskrit mantras need a correct pronunciation. The Sanskrit pronunciation is the same as in Spanish, Italian or German.
A more successful third lesson should be applied on the upa-cakra below the Ajina Cakra.
Everyone who does our Pranayama should perform the Pranayama in the morning on the third cakra and some time later during the day on the fourth cakra (see vrittis in “Yoga Psycholoy”). Fear, aggression and worldly attachments get reduced substantially.
I haven't seen anyone practising the fifth lesson correctly. One has to know how to use one’s fingers during the practice.
With sufficient concentration the mind moves to the highest point of the forehead during sixth lesson (Guru Cakra). The sixth lesson has a natural time limit. The two meditations I show for Guru Cakra in Facebook and on www dot brahmacakra dot blogspot dot com can be practised longer. “AOM-PHAT” is an Ista Mantra and can be used with our first lesson on the Guru Cakra. Its meaning is “Only HIM”. It is for those who do not yet have the ability to see the formless infinite Paramatman.
“The physical form is not the Guru, but the the entity behind the physical form is the Guru; therefore Brahma alone is the Guru.”
Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
The vrittis of the Guru Cakra that I mention in the October text can be found in Didi Ananda Mitra’s “Commentary On Ananda Sutram”.
That the Vijinanamaya kosa is the seat of the Samskaras gets mentioned in one of the first volumes of Subhasita Samgraha. A first form the Samskaras get in the Atimanas Kosa. After this they get expressed in the lower kosas and in physical and social life.
Baba once mentioned the existence of about 60 planets with an established PROUT society. God takes the help of these planets and the planets with civilized societies to maintain a certain order in the universe. On most of the PROUT planets God appeared physically as Taraka Brahma.
The mind of Taraka Brahma and the mind of Saguna Brahma are one and the same. This is something that is misunderstood by the present Ananda Marga generation.
According to Baba the Sanskrit language has a vocabulary of approximately 800.000 words. Developed languages like English or German have 500-600 thousand words (as of 1990). From the gap you can see the difference between a Proutistic society and worldly societies. On Prout planets all important sciences (microvita, spirituality and the other sciences) are fully developed.
The vast majority of human beings who get spiritual liberation incarnate on planets with a PROUT society. At present people with an active spiritual life live in a kind of spiritual bubble. The Earth’s collective mental “bubble” is still very worldly. It requires the collective effort of the world’s sadhakas to change this.
The way initiations happen in Ananda Marga is not suitable to make Earth a spiritual planet. Imagine that 2000 acaryas teach meditation to 50000 persons per day. Trying to initiate 4 billion human beings would take a very, very long time. If our leadership is interested in making the planet spiritual all of our spiritual practices should be corrected and published, freely available for everyone. The same should happen with Baba’s books.
Baba once mentioned that if the science of microvita does not get established many problems that the human society is facing will be solved in an unpleasant way.
“Meditation and Microvita Think Tanks” should be created that systematically explore all details of the concerning topics. Some new discoveries can only be made by spiritually developed yogis.
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