Freitag, 18. Dezember 2020

October 2019 (final version)  (afterdeath experiences of John Lennon) More texts at October 2019 Dear reader! Most people make regular attempts to find answers to the most important questions of life. Is there life after death? Does God exist? What can I do to get closer to God? This writing wants to make you understand that it is possible to get substantiated answers to these questions. It also wants to show you that there are many negative aspects in personal life and in society that are related to our lack of spiritual knowledge. Every person is first and foremost a spiritual being. We have a subtle multidimensional spiritual body whose elementary particles are beyond the perception of our sensory organs and scientific instruments. Normally one experiences this mental body only at the onset of death when it gets separated from the fleshly shell. Depending on one’s mental vibration a person finds him/herself in one of fourteen dimensions of the beyond (7 positive, 7 negative). At all times there have been people who had experiences with this transcendental realm of existence during their earthly life. Most religions and spiritual traditions owe their existence and dynamics to individual contacts with these worlds of the beyond. Nowadays, there is a lot of literature which in its entirety clearly proves that these afterlife worlds exist. With sufficient research on can find many details about our psychic nature and the afterlife worlds. No one is eternally in a heavenly or hellish world. Normally we live there for a few years or a few decades. In some of our lives we are a few hundred or more years in a luminous world. 2000 years is the longest period I have noticed. Then we get a new body on planet Earth or another planet. According to my understanding everyone has two or three human lives on one planet and then changes to another one. If you have an emotional relationship with someone you meet this person for six or seven incarnations and then separate permanently. Jesus and Maria had been in a heavenly world near the planet Venus for about 2000 years. Until 1954 Jesus was the head of the spiritual hierarchy of the positive luminous worlds of this solar system (see attachment “luminous worlds”). Then God put him on the 4th position in this hierarchy and placed three persons from the yoga tradition on top. One of them is Saint Germain, a mystic. The French philosopher Voltaire (18th century) knew him. In the last 2000 years Jesus and Maria appeared to innumerable people here on Earth (google the terms Fatima in Portugal and Medjugorje in Yugoslavia, Jakob Lorber, Veronica Lueken etc). In 2009 both of them reincarnated; Jesus here on Earth, Maria in another solar system. Maria was spiritually more developed than her son. We are now in the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Pisces ended a few years ago. It was dominated by the Christian religion. Go to YouTube and listen to the song “Age of Aquarius”. It gives some hints how it will be. The age will last about 2000 years. Please read the following books to get a first insight into the subject: P.M.H. Atwater & David H. Morgan: The Complete Idiot´s Guide to Near-Death Experiences; David Hammerman & Lisa Lenard: The Complete Idiot´s Guide to Reincarnation; Hans Holzer: Life Beyond, Compelling Evidence for Past Lives and Life after Death; Sylvia Cranston & Carey Williams: Reincarnation, a New Horizon in Science, Religion and Society; Brian L. Weiss: Many Lives, Many Masters. It is possible to acquire much deeper knowledge than the knowledge described in the above books. This requires intensive study of literature and, equally important, regular spiritual practice (silent meditation). Until the 19th century meditative practices were predominant on Earth that are not god-centered (white or black magic, Buddhist meditations). Such practices have a limited effect regarding a comprehensive understanding of God and the universe. They develop certain skills, such as contact to worlds of the beyond, insight into previous incarnations or occult powers, and are only partly suitable to solve individual problems (overcoming emotional troubles, developing more intuition etc.). In contrast, the meditations of Vidya Tantra Yoga that are available from a few organizations have the potential for an all-round positive change of the human mind. This is closely related to the God-centered meditations of Vidya Tantra. The term Vidya Tantra is Sanskrit and means “knowledge that liberates from darkness”. Yoga means “union of the unit soul with the Cosmic Soul”. In Vidya Tantra God is also called Cosmic Mind. The universe is a relatively small part in the mind of God. For God everything is mental. He is everywhere in several other dimensions. All human beings have the potential to come in contact with Him. Due to a lack of philosophical knowledge and suitable spiritual practices relatively few people in the past had a conscious and permanent contact with God. The Christian mystic Theresa of Avila (1515-1582) may be mentioned here as one of the few examples in the western world. In India and some other parts of Asia the number is larger. The evolutionary spiritual process that takes place in human beings, animals and plants can be accelerated through a systematic spiritual life (with meditation as base). In the first phase the spiritual seeker perceives positive changes in concentration and memory, overcomes psychic problems and improves his/her personal talents and skills. In course of time the meditator develops an inner contentment and happiness that exist independently from external influences. Regular experience of the transcendental realms takes place later. In order to understand the transcendental spiritual reality daily meditation is a must. One’s mental perception will slowly be developed. Without it a person is in the world of religious beliefs. The spiritual body has a multidimensional structure and is built up like the layers of an onion. The innermost layer is within the physical body and has the same form and size. This is the only layer that is still physical (a very subtle form of light). It is this luminous body that we perceive after death. Our look is normally the same or similar to the look we had in our life on earth. This innermost layer is the seat of our emotions and most other propensities. Outside of the physical body are four more layers with an extension of 1 ½ meters. Intellect, memory, a record of our past lives and a holistic-intuitive understanding of existence have their base in these four layers. There is a huge difference between soul and spirit. The spirit is, like the body, subject to regular changes. The time spent in the afterlife worlds is limited. We are usually there for a few years or a few decades. Then we return into a new body, returning from a negative world into the body of an animal, returning from a heavenly world into a human body. The inner two layers (emotions, thinking and memory) get dissolved before the next incarnation. The eternal soul, the subjective mind (I am, I do – its position is in the vicinity of the 6th cakra) and the three layers of the so-called causal mind remain. The soul, our real self, is not subject to any changes. It has the nature of an immaterial observer (like a mirror) that is usually within the area of the brain. This close proximity leads the soul to a complete identification with the mind and does not let it realize its own existence. Plants and animals have a soul too. Our first lives we have as plant. Afterwards we are either human being or animal, depending on what we have done in our past human life. In our first lives we don´t have much awareness. This gradually improves. From a certain point in our last incarnation we lose interest in worldly enjoyments. God becomes the sole focus of our existence. In our meditations we then experience temporary oneness with the Cosmic Soul. The last unification is permanent. All five layers of the mind get dissolved. The soul is now liberated and enjoys a state of permanent supreme bliss. A vegetarian diet is an essential requirement for progress in meditation. Furthermore, few people know that the painful killing of billions of animals every year creates a planetary vibration that supports negative tendencies in the human mind. A world without wars and suppression will be possible only if the vast majority of humanity leads a vegetarian life. Plants suffer considerably less than animals when they get killed. It requires specific meditations to reach the goal of spiritual liberation. One can get these directly from God or, here on earth, from a few organizations. I am member of one of them (Ananda Marga Pracharaka Samgha). Others are the organizations that resulted from the activities of Paramahansa Yogananda (author of the famous book “Autobiography of a Yogi). There are more groups that teach such meditations (Swami Muktananda). If you go to the Himalayas (especially the Indian part) and look for spiritual masters you will find some that teach these meditations. The Krsna of the Bhagavad Giita was one of the first tantric masters on earth (-1500 BC.) The meditations that he taught fell into oblivion at around 600 A.D. The translation of A.C. Swami Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada appears to be the best one. To get spiritual liberation one has to follow some important rules: the desire to come in contact with God and become one with Him must be very big. In addition, a person needs the determination to give up all worldly wishes. And one needs appropriate spiritual practices. At the top of the forehead is an eighth cakra. Cakras are subtle energy centers and the seat of our propensities. Five exist along the spine and three in the area of the head. Through this eighth cakra one can perceive the Cosmic Soul. Like the sixth cakra which is between the eye brows it has the function of a mental eye. The objects that we normally see within our mind (memories, fantasies etc.) we see through the mental eye of the sixth cakra. The reason why the eighth cakra is relatively unknown on earth is that it is undeveloped and has a diameter of 2 millimeters. The second reason is that the number of individuals that got spiritual liberation in the past is relatively small. Towards the end of a person’s last incarnation this eighth cakra becomes a cakra of about two centimeters diameter. This eighth cakra is part of the scull and touches the sahasrara (crown) cakra that is just above the head. In the case of animals and plants all cakras are undeveloped and tiny. The dark forces on this planet that have been manipulating humanity since many years want to create an “Orwellian” (George Orwell: “1984”) society. Through their control over sciences and mass media they have partly succeeded. That the knowledge of this writing is unknown to most inhabitants of Earth is an example of their manipulative activities. The negative reputation of Ananda Marga exclusively derives from the undercover activities of capitalistic secret services that are being misused by a secret structure within the capitalistic system. From the very beginning capitalism has tried to destroy Ananda Marga and its founder Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar. A similar fate awaits everyone who poses a serious threat to the capitalistic system. Important parts of P.R.Sarkar’s discourses got altered by undercover agents inside Ananda Marga. Ananda Marga stands for democracy and human rights. A book on the subject is in planning and will be available for free download. Hermann Hesse: Siddharta (a novel that brought many to meditation and Buddhism; Omnec Onec: From Venus I came(book of a woman who spent her last life in a luminous world at the planet Venus); Tom Ogden: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Ghosts and Hauntings; Michael R.Hathaway: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Past Life Regression; Ian Stevenson: Reincarnation (Stevenson is one of the pioneers of reincarnation research); Christopher M.Bache: Lifecycles, Reincarnation and the Web of Life; Jane Sherwood: The Country Beyond (spiritually developed spirits answer questions on existence and afterlife through the medium J.Sherwood), also the author of a book on the experiences of Lawrence of Arabia after death; Anthony Borgia: Life in the World Unseen, a medium conveys descriptions of various afterlife worlds; Holger Kalweit: Dreamtime and Inner Space, collection of reports of men and women who have taken mystical journeys in an altered state of consciousness. reincarnation, life after death, UFOs etc(many books). Some of the best books I read were published one time only. I guess that pressure was put on publishers and authors not to publish the books any more. P.S.: Unfortunately several good meditations cannot be presented here as the organizations who teach them may claim to own these meditations. I will give here seven relatively simple mantra meditations. The mantras two, three and four get published for the first time in human history: I. This meditation is to be done on the 5th cakra which is at the topmost point of the spine. Concentrate there and repeat the “ham-so” mantra. It is pronounced like the English word “hung “(to hang) and like the “so” in the English word “solemn”. While inhaling think the syllable “ham” and while exhaling the syllable “so”. The mantra is from the Sanskrit language and means “I am He”. Our unit self (the soul) is (for most people invisible) one with the infinite soul of God. II. This meditation is to be done on the 6th cakra which is between the eyebrows. Concentrate there and repeat the “tham-tat” mantra. The “tham” is also pronounced like the English word “hung” (thung) and the “a” in“tat” like the English word “tug”. The meaning of the two mantras is the same . III. This meditation is to be done on the tiny 7th cakra at the top of the forehead. Concentrate there and repeat the “aom-phat” mantra. The “a” in both syllables like the “a” in “tug”, the “om” like in the English word “bomb”, the “ph” like “f”. The meaning is “only He”. Inhaling “aom”, exhaling “phat”. IV. This meditation is to be done on the center of the crown (sahasrara)cakra. Concentrate there and repeat the “om-phat” mantra. The meaning is also “only he”. The mantra is too powerful to be used on another cakra. If one uses it on other cakras one harms the physical body. V.-VII. It is easier to meditate with these 3 mantras: Shi-va; Krish-na; Brah-ma; however, they are less powerful and effective than the above ones. Concentrate on the 5th or the 6th cakra. They are for people who meditate little or irregularly, or for beginners. The vowel “i” in Shi-va is pronounced like in the English word “jeep”; the “i” in Krish-na like in “fish”; all “a” vowels like in “tug”. If you have enough concentration and energy try to think of God during your meditation. You make one step towards God He will make several steps towards you. God lives in state of permanent supreme bliss. For the creation of the universe He has to use a force (prakrti in Sanskrit) that has a partly static(negative) nature. This means that God was only capable to create a universe as it is or a similar one. The alternative would be no creation at all. This is the only limitation of God. A good mantra consists of so-called acoustic roots. The whole creation is related to such acoustic roots. The first sound of creation is the famous “OM”. The efficiency of the first four meditations is related to the fact that the first syllable of each mantra is the main acoustic root of the respective cakra. “Ham” is the main acoustic root of the fifth cakra, “tham” of the sixth cakra, “aom” of the guru cakra (top of forehead)and “om” of the sahasrara (crown) cakra. With the help of the two acoustic roots of each mantra one positively influences the mental particles that dominate the respective cakra. Each movement in this universe is accompanied by sound. For example: All electrons of a stone are in motion and this movement produces sound. There is no object that does not produce sound. Most of these sounds cannot be perceived by our ears or scientific instruments. The basic sounds of creation are called acoustic roots. You can do these meditations as long as you want. Ideal is a minimum of two times a day 20-30 minutes. The best position is the lotus posture, hands folded. The spine should be more or less erect so that the spiritual energies can flow from the first cakra upward. The fifth cakra meditation is more difficult, but the most important one as it purifies the emotional body. The second meditation is easier and helps to improve the function of the mental body. The third meditation develops divine intuition. As long as you don’t experience temporary oneness with God during your meditations it is better to practice the first two meditations. One may occasionally do meditations III and IV. Doing the fourth meditation one may get an idea how God lives in permanent bliss beyond time and space. A vegetarian diet is very helpful in meditation. Kiirtan(singing the name of God) is an additional spiritual practice that if practiced sufficiently long (30-60 minutes per day) is as effective as silent meditation. The members of the Hare Krsna movement exclusively chant the name of God. The members of Ananda Marga use the mantra “Baba Nam Kevalam”. It was given by the founder of Ananda Marga about 50 years ago. Its meaning is that everything (the whole creation) is within the mind of God. Baba means father, nam means name and kevalam means only. This mantra is unique on Earth. At present there are at least one thousand melodies for it and in future there will be many more. The dedicated spiritualist will dance while singing this mantra or the mantras of Hare Krsna. Visit YouTube and you will get an impression how it is to be done. Of course, it can also be practiced sitting. If you have to sing alone have kiirtan as background music (CD, YouTube etc). Tip: sit down on a chair or the ground; have a cdplayer on with kiirtan; fold your hands, cross your legs, close your eyes and sing one hour kiirtan. If you are good you can disconnect from this world. This is one of the best feelings that a person can have. Once in our 28 lives (14 times woman, 14 times man) as human being we have a 9th cakra (in the centre of the forehead) that connects us more intensely to the first layer of the causal mind. People like Leonardo Da Vinci, W.A. Mozart or Johann Wolfgang Goethe had it. Many magicians and clairvoyants had and have it. Usually, the upacakra above the 6th cakra is the main connecting point to this layer of the mind. Worldly intuition is related to this upacakra and the 9th cakra. We have 42 lives as animal and 14 lives as plant. Reincarnating from a negative luminous world we have between one and five lives as animal depending how grave the mistakes were that we have done. Our major actions and emotions get stored in the second layer of the causal mind and significantly determine our future lives. The attached “A Guide to Human Conduct” by Shrii Shrii Anandamurt (spiritual name of the founder of Ananda Marga) is an excellent help to avoid mistakes and lead a constructive, positive life. The elementary particles of the transcendental realms are beyond the scope of scientific instruments. A powerful clairvoyant can perceive the cruder types of these particles. The subtle ones can be seen only if God wants it. 14 times we commit too many mistakes and move to a negative luminous world after death, 14 times it goes to a positive world. After a life as criminal one changes the planet. This is a measure to prevent a person to repeat the same mistakes again. Fourteen varieties of mental particles are the basis of the human mind. Seven are positive and seven are negative (see attached writing “luminous worlds). Two times each variety dominates in these 28 lives (once as woman and once as man). If a negative type dominates we go to a negative world, if ….). The three most subtle varieties are the basis of the mind of God. God does not need to think the way we do. He knows everything, be it related to a tiny atom or be it related to a galaxy, immediately. He is focusing on each particle of the universe simultaneously. If He would stop concentrating on an object, the object would instantly disappear. Each atom has several millions of mental particles as base. Do 10-15 minutes “asanas” (physical exercises) per day; this improves the ability to sit longer in meditation. A well functioning brain is important for a spiritual life. Try to have a certain variety of activities. Do regular sports (speed walking, bicycling, swimming). Learn and use a second or third language. Play a musical instrument, sing. Read something daily (preferably non-fiction). Don’t read one-sided (history, natural sciences, spiritual or religious literature etc). Write! Keep a diary. Having a diary increases our awareness about our mind and our activities significantly. Meditate. Each activity uses other parts of the brain. Having a life with the above activities it is, for example, impossible to get dementia (Alzheimer) in old age. For mathematicians: 28 + 42+14= 84 lives as human, animal and plant. Most plants and undeveloped animals (bacteria, insects etc) don’t have an individual soul. They are biological robots with the soul of God as the only witnessing entity. The subject “extraterrestrials” gets manipulated and suppressed too. Check the authors Timothy Good and Michael Hesemann; you can also go to or to youtube. In our prehistoric past extraterrestrials lived for some time here on Earth. Some remains do still exist. The authors Erich von Daniken, Charles Berlitz (“The Bermuda Triangle”) and Robert Charroux are or were leading writers on this. They and their colleagues have proved this fact. Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird: The Secret Life of Plants; this book is the prove that plants have mind, emotions and are telepathic beings. If you want to progress fast spiritually you will have to keep eating, sleep and sexual activities under control. Don’t eat more than two or three times a day. Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, fish, meat and more than 0,5l coffee or black tea per day have a negative influence on the mind. Stay away from foods containing white sugar and consume maximum raw foods (internet: docSchnitzer and AnnWigmore). In a transitional phase of about one year it may be helpful to smoke 3-4 cigarettes a day. As vegetarian one is more sensitive. If too many waste products from alcohol and meat consumption are in the body one may feel quite uneasy. Smoking a few cigarettes narcotizes the nervous system to some extent. After one year the waste is gone and one can stop smoking. This advice is for those who have a tendency to overeat themselves after having become vegetarian. Don’t sleep more than 5-7 hours per day. Don’t have sex more than one or two times a week. Human society will disappear from the surface of this planet within the next three to four hundred years if its majority does not adopt a spiritual way of life. It is its present understanding of life (materialism and dogmatic religions) that lead to the destruction of Earth. In order to develop divine intuition one needs a spiritual life with 4-6 hours of kiirtan and meditation per day. Yoga has three main aspects: Bhakti, Karma and Jinana. Bhakti yoga means surrender one’s mind and existence to God. Karma yoga means selfless service to other living beings. Our major actions and emotions are stored in one layer of the causal mind. God uses the energy of such good activities to improve our life in the future and to make us grow spiritually. All bad actions return to us one day in a similar form too. Jinana yoga means study of spiritual scriptures. Reading biographies of mystics and saints can be very inspiring (Francis of Assisi, Hildegard of Bingen, Paramahansa Yogananda, Ramakrsna, Sri Aurobindo etc). The base of every animate or inanimate object of this universe are mental particles. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtii was the first person on Earth who explained about them. He called them “microvita”. Fourteen types of microvita form the structure of the mind of living beings (see text “luminous worlds”). The three most subtle ones of these fourteen form the structure of the mind of God. It is unknown to me how many varieties of microvita exist in the world of inanimate objects. Several million microvita are needed to form a single atom. Similarly, for the first time in human history, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti showed the relation of the human propensities with the cakras: I. Muladhara cakra: , kama(physical ambitions and desires), artha(psychic ambitions and desires), dharma(psycho-spiritual ambitions and desires), moksa(spiritual desire). II. Svadhisthana cakra: Avajina(disdain), murccha(fainting, swoon, stupor), prashraya(over-indulgence), avishvasa(distrust), sarvanasha(fear of annihilation), krurata(pitilessness, mercilessness). III. Manipura cakra: lajja(shame, bashfulness), pishunata(backbiting, slandering), iirsa(jealousy, envy), susupti(lazyness, lethargy), visada(sadness, meancholy), kasaya(cruelty), trsna( desire, greed, avidity), moha(attachment to objects), ghrna(hatred, aversion), bhaya(fear). IV. Anahata cakra: asha(hope), cinta(thoughtfulness, anxiety), cesta(effort), mamata(possessiveness, fondness), dambha(arrogance, vanity), viveka(discrimination), vikalata(languor), ahamkara(conceit, egoism, pride), lolata(covetousness, avarice), kapatata(duplicity, hypocrisy), vitarka(indecision, argumentativeness), anutapa(regret, repentance). V. Vishuddha cakra: sadaja(peacock), rsabha(bull), gandhara(goat), madhyama(horse), paincama(cuckoo), dhaevata(ass), nisada(elefant), onm, hum, phat, vaosath, vasat, svaha, namah, visa, amrta.(Regarding this cakra the situation is partly unclear. Some of these vrttis are certainly occult powers. Occasionally Shrii Shrii Anandamurti did not disclose the truth and give complete information as the time for it had not yet come). VI. Ajina cakra: apara (secular knowledge), para(spiritual knowledge, knowledge of God). VII. Guru cakra(highest point of the forehead): krpa(mercy), mrduta(gentleness), dhaerya(patience), susthir(serenity), vaeragya(non-attachment), dhrti(steadiness), sampat(perfection, success), hasya(cheerfulness), romainca(spiritual ecstacy, dhyana(meditation), gambhirya(seriousness), udyama(enthusiasm), aksobha(imperturbability, aodarya(magnanimity), ekagrata(undisturbed attention). The upacakras above and below the Ajina cakra seem to be mental eyes without vrttis(propensities). The highest cakra(Sahasrara cakra, crown cakra) is a reflection of all the vrttis and their potential expressions; in addition it is the place of 6 more upacakras. Enlightenment: there are many people who claim to be enlightened. However, most of them do not know what kind of enlightenment they experience. The sanskrit term for enlightenment is samadhi. As far as I know there are about 30 types of samadhi. Six of them are directly related to God. They are called savikalpa samadhis (salokya samadhi, samiipya s., sayujya s., sarupya s., sarsthi s.); and one is called nirvikalpa samadhi. Only if one gets established in the highest of the savikalpa samadhis or in nirvikalpa samadhi a person will get liberated from the cycle of creation (brahma cakra). A person who experiences the lowest of the savikalpa samadhis still identifies completely with his/her mind. The higher the samadhi the more this identification diminishes. In the fifth savikalpa samadhi the spiritualist only identifies with the subjective mind. In nirvikalpa samadhi even this identification has disappeared and the person has fully realized that he/she is atman, the timeless soul. Please don't attempt to get occult powers, come in contact with ghosts (dead  people) or do similar things. Our physico-psycho-spiritual system is very complex. Without an experienced teacher this is dangerous. Without noticing it you may come under the influence of one of the ghosts that are still around on this level of existence (obsession). Or you may spoil your health. The physical body is connected to the luminous and mental layers through vital energy. This vital energy consists of ten so-called vayus that regulate the various functions of our body. One may negatively influence these vayus through defective meditations. Prakrti and the three gunas: the force that God is using to create this universe is called prakrti in Sanskrit. It has three attributes. A subtle one (sattva guna) that is active in creating objects, in doing spiritual activities, partly in reading, performing music etc. A mutative one (rajo guna) that is active whenever something gets changed; and a static one (tamo guna) that is active whenever something gets destroyed, in dying, diseases, accidents etc. Sattva guna has exclusively positive particles (microvita) as base. Tamo guna negative microvita. In the case of solid matter (stones etc) tamo guna is at its climax. Committing crimes tamo guna dominates. Doing selfless service sattva guna dominates. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, meat are tamasic foods. Most vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses and nuts are sattvic foods. Coffee and black tea in moderate amounts are rajasic. All objects and activities in this world can be defined through the influence the three gunas have on them. The information of this text comes partly from the books of Ananda Marga’s founder (the basic structure, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti is the author of about 130 books), partly from the books of many other authors and partly from what I call divine and worldly intuition.,,,,, All Ananda Marga full time workers are voluntary workers. They follow the principle of Aparigraha (renouncement, see text “A Guide to Human Conduct”). Their standard of living is exemplary. In case you come to the conclusion that the contents of this writing is important do something to make it known to others. Angels, the devil and extraterrestrials: quite a few people think that angels and similar beings are special beings, that they never had a body made of flesh on earth or another planet. This is not correct. They are either not honest or they have forgotten this fact. The spiritually developed among them know it and will also confess it. Spiritually evolved human beings, after death, help God and are part of what one calls in our solar system “The Great White Brotherhood”. They often have this role for one or two thousand years; and some simply forget that they were incarnated long time ago. In a luminous world one is dependent on one’s non-cerebral memory exclusively. Not everyone has the behavior to maintain it in good shape. In the past some of them appeared with wings to be more impressive and to make people on earth understand that they can fly. These angels (with wings)were the christian helpers of God in the worlds of the beyond. In areas of other religions the helpers didn’t appear with wings. The worst type of human beings, after death, loose their human look and get a demonic face. There is a whole world with such beings inside our planet. The oldest one, if he is still there, is 375 years old. In this world are people who torture others, create wars for their personal gain etc. There are basically two type of extraterrestrials who appear in our solar system. The first type are those who have a body made of flesh. You will find people from good as well as bad civilizations among them. The difference regarding appearance is like the difference between Whites, Mongolians and Africans here on earth. According to my understanding there exists an administration for the entire universe that doesn’t allow a civilization with space ship technology to contact a civilization like ours without it. The inhabitants of earth have to develop this technology in order to become active part of universal administration. We have a lot of literature about UFOs and extraterrestrials on our planet. If you go through it you will agree with me. The second type of extraterrestrials are those with a luminous body. They are all good and visit our solar system because God instructed them to do so (see Ashtar Sheran, Billy Meier and his visitors from the Pleiades, crop circles etc). So-called nature spirits (fairies, gnomes, elves etc) also were incarnated before they came to their respective world of the beyond. It is mostly related to their small size (they are between 6mm and 60cm tall) that they have weak memory. With their relatively small luminous body they are not well connected to the manomaya kosa (second layer of the mind, memory and thinking). Some magicians have developed the ability to leave their quinquelemental body (body made of flesh). In this case one can visit a limited number of transcendental spheres. Few know that it is also possible to leave the luminous (three elements: ethereal, aerial and luminous) body temporarily. With this ability it is possible to visit all spheres and travel faster than light. The so-called gods of Greek and Germanic mythologies (Zeus, Apollo, Odin, Wotan etc) were partly real experiences (Homer: “Iliad” and “Odyssey”). There is a negative world of the beyond inside our planet that, since several thousand years, has inhabitants with substantial technological knowledge. This luminous world is rather big. They have spaceships there. The inhabitants are racists and most of them lived on planets with technologically advanced civilizations before. This world came into existence when a civilization from a neighboring solar system tried to colonize earth. Famous Atlantis was one of their main places. The administration of the universe interfered and stopped their activities. Watch the YouTube video “The Revelation of the Pyramids” and look in the internet for “Face on Mars” and “Cydonia Region”. Look at the original pictures and not at those from later cover-up activities. The Mongolian race lived originally on Mars; until 11500 years ago Mars was closer to the sun than Earth and a planet with a very hot climate. The civilization there was on a Medieval level and also under the influence of those extraterrestrial colonialists. After the drastic changes in the solar system it had become much too cold on Mars. These days the Mars year has almost 700 days. Intelligent life on planets in our solar system is possible if the year has between 300 and 500 days. Earth had moved closer to the sun(end of the ice age). God had stopped a short war between those colonialists and the universal administration by pole shifts on both Mars and Earth and by moving these planets into different positions.The surviving Mars inhabitants were put to Northern China or Mongolia. The surviving colonialists (a white race) were brought to South Scandinavia without any technology, books etc. As the descendants of this white race had little consciousness they quickly lost all knowledge of their forefathers. The sphinx (a lion with a human head) in Egypt was built as a sign when these events happened (11500 years ago in the astrological age of Leo). God has huge “energy balls” that are far bigger than Jupiter. With the help of these He can move a planet with life safely into another position. Below is the link to one of the better videos related to the Face on Mars. The inner circle of the German Nazis were magicians. Towards the end of the second world war they succeeded to come in contact with the mentioned world. The rocket/jet propulsion technology was the result of this contact. The Germans built the first rockets (V1 and V2) and the first fighting jet (ME 262) with this technology. The German Wernher von Braun was the leading NASA scientist after the world war. Other Nazi scientists were brought to the USSR and China.  Read Graham Hancock's book "Underworld" and you will quickly realize that the official history of the human civilization is incorrect. Worldwide one can find underwater buildings. Some of them were never constructed by our stone-age ancestors. Until Christianity began to evolve the negative luminous worlds were partly above the surface of our planet. The influence of these “gods” was considerable. With the advancement of Christian thinking the negative luminous worlds slowly moved into the interior of the planet and the influence of their inhabitants became less and after some time relatively meaningless. In other luminous worlds in our solar system there are also people who have spent their last life in another solar system. The necessity of a systematic spiritual life. A spiritual life will reduce the possibility of troubles in future incarnations significantly. This is related to the nature of the laws of creation. In one life a person has much education and intellect. In his or her next incarnation he or she will often face the opposite situation (little or no education). The rich and wealthy of today will become poor in their next life (almost inevitable). A spiritual life improves one's awareness of what is important and what not (viveka - true discrimination, see "vrtiis", text "October 2019"). Real progress exists on the spiritual level only as this level is not under the influence of tamo guna. What you gain through spiritual effort will accompany you to your next incarnations to some extent. Have a thorough look at "A Guide to Human Conduct". It is one of the best spiritual guides that exist on earth.  A good meditation will start to "burn" your samskaras (the stored data of your major actions and emotions from previous lives). These samskaras are being stored in the vijinanamaya kosa (second level of the causal mind). Regular meditations will cleanse this kosa and slowly enable you to develop divine intuition. The first layer of the causal mind is called atimanas kosa and is related to worldly intuition. The third layer of the causal mind is called hiranmaya kosa. It is a layer of pure bliss. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (the spiritual name of Ananda Marga‘s founder) was more than a genius. As long as he was physically present on Earth most of his followers were convinced that he was God who had taken physical form to create a spiritual society. In 1990 he left his body. As a consequence capitalistic secret services with their about 200 undercover agents inside Ananda Marga created an inner-organizational artificial war which resulted in 3 major Ananda Margas. There are several smaller groups in addition. Many followers of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti lost the conviction that he was God. The German Green Party was weakened in a similar way in the 1980s. Then the socialists left the party. These days most Green parties in Europe have accepted the capitalistic system. The Self Realization Fellowship of Paramahansa Yogananda also got split after he had left his physical body and gotten liberation. Between 1955 (the starting of Ananda Marga) and 1990 Shrii Shrii Anandamurti regularly demonstrated that he was God. He was capable to use any occult power that exists. He cured innumerable people from all kind of diseases, showed that he could see the past and future of everyone and much more. There are about 30 books written by some of his followers about him and their and other people‘ s experiences with him ( Pranavatmakananda: “The Advent of a Mystery”, available from Amazon. As I was already member of Ananda Marga in the 1980s I knew and met many Ananda Margiis who had such experiences. In Ananda Marga it is said that God appeared on Earth two times in the past: 7000 years ago as Shiva (in India you will find millions of Shiva followers). Shiva was the first spiritual master on Earth to introduce a systematic meditation system. He introduced the marriage system, created the musical notes and taught the Sanskrit language. Sanskrit is the base of most Western languages. As Krsna he was on Earth 3500 years ago and continued with the work to establish spirituality. The followers of the international Hare Krsna movement are convinced that he was God (and millions of other people in India). Shrii Shrii Anandamurti gave discourses on both them (books: Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Namami Krsna Sundaram and Discourses on Mahabharata). Many of the several thousand discourses that Shrii Shrii Anandamurti gave between 1955 and 1990 can be found in the 130 books with him as author. He never sat down himself to write. There exist a few handwritten statements by him, not more. He created an Ananda Marga organization with departments to take care of all important aspects of human life: besides the spiritual departments a relief organization called Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team, a political organization called Proutist Universal and several others. You can find them all at: Between 1982 and 1990 he composed 5018 spiritual songs. He sang the songs to a selected group of acaryas (Ananda Marga yoga teacher) who wrote them down. The next day they would come back to check if the songs are correct. Most songs are in Bengali, a few in other Indian languages, one in English. The collective name of the songs is "Prabhat Samgiita" (Songs of the New Dawn). Late Acarya Tadbhavananda was the first Ananda Marga acarya who taught the Ananda Marga philosophy in the heavenly worlds of this solar system (2009). He was followed by others (Acaryas Samanvayananda and Krtashivananda). In 2009 Shrii Shrii Anandamurti appeared to an assembly of all Ascended Masters (siddha devayonis in A.M. terminology) of our solar system and gave them guidelines for the coming years. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti was an excellent actor. As he did not want this world to know that he was God he would often play the role of an ordinary human being, succeeding to hide his true identity. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti had acaryas who were undercover agents in high organizational postings around him pretending not to know who they are. When Krsna was here on Earth it was similar. Only a limited number of people knew that he was God. During the Mahabharata war he was the charioteer of Arjuna, one of his disciples. After Krsna had physically left the whole population of India came to know who he was. Shiva was God from birth. Whereas Krsna and Shrii Shrii Anandamurti became God in the second half of these lives. From 1921 to 1955 Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar was a human being who got spiritual liberation. It was similar with Krsna. The flute playing son of a king was a human being. He also got liberation, probably at a similar age as P.R.Sarkar. For members of Ananda Marga: Normally there are four mental eyes on the forehead. Through the mental eye of the sixth cakra we see pictures of our memory, fantasy etc. Just above and below the sixth cakra are two more mental eyes. The one below is important for the third lesson. Through the one above we can perceive devayonis and pretayonis, and see the future. The cakra on top of the forehead has also the function of a mental eye. With sufficient effort one can perceive Paramatman. If you want to comprehend the above text fully you will have to become a saint like Paramahansa Yogananda, Ramakrsna Paramahansa, Francis of Assisi or Hildegard of Bingen. They were realized souls who were capable to perceive Paramatman (the Supreme Cosmic Soul) and knew how unwise it is to run after wordly objects. (YouTube-link to one of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti’s discourses) videos related to Ananda Marga) Youtube Videos of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti:   At those from 1986 one can see the effect of poisoning to Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. From 1985 he was regularly given small amounts of poison into his food. If you want to support the growth of spirituality on earth you can donate to the following bank account: Jurgen Bauer, IBAN: DE54545100670217553679, BIC: PBNKDEFF With best wishes, Yogendra

Dienstag, 3. März 2020

Oktober 2019

Oktober 2019 Lieber Leser! Die meisten Menschen versuchen regelmäßig, Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen des Lebens zu finden. Gibt es ein Leben nach dem Tod? Gibt es Gott? Was kann ich tun, um Gott näher zu kommen? Dieses Schreiben möchte Ihnen zu verstehen geben, dass es möglich ist, fundierte Antworten auf diese Fragen zu erhalten. Es möchte Ihnen auch zeigen, dass es viele negative Aspekte im persönlichen Leben und in der Gesellschaft gibt, die mit unserem Mangel an spirituellem Wissen zusammenhängen. Jeder Mensch ist in erster Linie ein spirituelles Wesen. Wir haben einen subtilen mehrdimensionalen spirituellen Körper, dessen Elementarteilchen sich der Wahrnehmung unserer Sinnesorgane und wissenschaftlicher Instrumente entziehen. Normalerweise erlebt man diesen Mentalkörper erst bei Eintritt des Todes, wenn er von der fleischlichen Hülle getrennt wird. Abhängig von seiner geistigen Schwingung findet sich der Mensch in einer von vierzehn Dimensionen des Jenseits (7 positive, 7 negative) wieder. Zu allen Zeiten hat es Menschen gegeben, die während ihres irdischen Lebens Erfahrungen mit diesem übersinnlichen Daseinsbereich gemacht haben. Die meisten Religionen und spirituellen Traditionen verdanken ihre Existenz und Dynamik den individuellen Kontakten mit diesen Welten des Jenseits. Heutzutage gibt es eine Menge Literatur, die in ihrer Gesamtheit die Existenz dieser Jenseitswelten klar beweist. Mit ausreichend Forschung kann man viele Details über unsere spirituelle Natur und die Jenseitswelten herausfinden. Niemand ist ewig in einer himmlischen oder höllischen Welt. Normalerweise leben wir dort für ein paar Jahre oder ein paar Jahrzehnte. In einigen unserer Leben sind wir einige hundert oder mehr Jahre in einer Lichtwelt. 2000 Jahre ist die längste Zeitspanne, von der ich weiß. Dann bekommen wir einen neuen Körper auf dem Planeten Erde oder einem anderen Planeten. Nach meinem Verständnis hat jeder Mensch zwei oder drei Menschenleben auf einem Planeten und wechselt dann zu einem anderen. Wenn man eine emotionale Beziehung zu jemandem hat, trifft man diese Person sechs oder sieben Inkarnationen lang und trennt sich dann dauerhaft. Jesus und Maria waren etwa 2000 Jahre lang in einer himmlischen Welt in der Nähe des Planeten Venus. Bis 1954 war Jesus das Oberhaupt der spirituellen Hierarchie der positiven Lichtwelten dieses Sonnensystems (siehe Anhang "Luminous Worlds"). Dann setzte ihn Gott auf den 4. Platz in dieser Hierarchie und setzte drei Personen aus der Yoga-Tradition an die Spitze. Eine von ihnen ist St.Germain, ein Mystiker. Der französische Philosoph Voltaire (18. Jahrhundert) kannte ihn. In den letzten 2000 Jahren sind Jesus und Maria unzähligen Menschen hier auf der Erde erschienen (googlen Sie die Begriffe Fatima in Portugal und Medjugorje in Jugoslawien, Jakob Lorber, Veronica Lueken usw.). Im Jahr 2009 wurden beide wiedergeboren; Jesus hier auf der Erde, Maria in einem anderen Sonnensystem. Maria war spirituell weiter entwickelt als ihr Sohn. Wir befinden uns jetzt im Wassermannzeitalter. Das Zeitalter der Fische endete vor einigen Jahren. Es wurde von der christlichen Religion beherrscht. Gehen Sie auf youtube und hören Sie sich das Lied "Age of Aquarius" an. Das Lied gibt einige Hinweise, wie es sein wird. Das Zeitalter wird etwa 2000 Jahre dauern. Bitte lesen Sie die folgenden Bücher, um einen ersten Einblick in das Thema zu erhalten: P.M.H. Atwater & David H. Morgan: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Near-Death Experiences; David Hammerman & Lisa Lenard: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Reincarnation; Hans Holzer: Life Beyond, Compelling Evidence for Past Lives and Life after Death; Sylvia Cranston & Carey Williams: Reinkarnation, ein neuer Horizont in Wissenschaft, Religion und Gesellschaft; Brian L.Weiss: Viele Leben, viele Meister. Es ist möglich, sich viel tieferes Wissen anzueignen als das in den oben genannten Büchern beschriebene. Dies erfordert ein intensives Studium der Literatur und, was ebenso wichtig ist, eine regelmäßige spirituelle Praxis (stille Meditation). Bis ins 19. Jahrhundert waren auf der Erde meditative Praktiken vorherrschend, die nicht gottzentriert sind (weiße oder schwarze Magie, buddhistische Meditationen). Solche Praktiken haben eine begrenzte Wirkung hinsichtlich eines umfassenden Verständnisses von Gott und dem Universum. Sie entwickeln bestimmte Fähigkeiten, wie den Kontakt zu Welten des Jenseits, die Einsicht in frühere Inkarnationen oder okkulte Kräfte, und sind nur bedingt geeignet, individuelle Probleme zu lösen (Überwindung emotionaler Schwierigkeiten, Entwicklung von mehr Intuition usw.). Im Gegensatz dazu haben die Meditationen des Vidya Tantra Yoga, die bei einigen wenigen Organisationen erhältlich sind, das Potential für eine rundum positive Veränderung des menschlichen Geistes. Dies steht in enger Beziehung zu den gottzentrierten Meditationen des Vidya Tantra. Der Begriff Vidya Tantra ist Sanskrit und bedeutet "Wissen, das von der Dunkelheit befreit". Yoga bedeutet "Vereinigung der individuellen Seele mit der Kosmischen Seele". Im Vidya Tantra wird Gott auch Kosmischer Geist genannt. Das Universum ist ein relativ kleiner Teil im Geist Gottes. Er ist überall in mehreren anderen Dimensionen. Alle Menschen haben das Potential, mit Ihm in Kontakt zu kommen. Aufgrund eines Mangels an philosophischen Kenntnissen und geeigneten spirituellen Praktiken hatten in der Vergangenheit relativ wenige Menschen einen bewussten und dauerhaften Kontakt mit Gott. Die christliche Mystikerin Theresa von Avila (1515-1582) kann hier als eines der wenigen Beispiele in der westlichen Welt genannt werden. In Indien und einigen anderen Teilen Asiens ist die Zahl größer. Der evolutionäre spirituelle Prozess, der sich bei Menschen, Tieren und Pflanzen stattfindet, kann durch ein systematisches spirituelles Leben (mit Meditation als Grundlage) beschleunigt werden. In der ersten Phase nimmt der spirituelle Sucher positive Veränderungen in der Konzentration und im Gedächtnis wahr, überwindet psychische Probleme und verbessert seine persönlichen Talente und Fähigkeiten. Im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt der Meditierende eine innere Zufriedenheit und ein Glück, die unabhängig von äußeren Einflüssen existieren. Die regelmäßige Erfahrung der transzendentalen Bereiche findet später statt. Um die transzendentale spirituelle Realität zu verstehen, ist die tägliche Meditation ein Muss. Die geistige Wahrnehmung entwickelt sich langsam. Ohne sie befindet sich der Mensch in der Welt der religiösen Überzeugungen. Der spirituelle Körper hat eine mehrdimensionale Struktur und ist wie die Schichten einer Zwiebel aufgebaut. Die innerste Schicht befindet sich innerhalb des physischen Körpers und hat die gleiche Form und Größe. Dies ist die einzige Schicht, die noch physisch ist (eine sehr subtile Form von Licht). Es ist dieser Lichtkörper, den wir nach dem Tod wahrnehmen. Unser Aussehen ist normalerweise gleich oder ähnlich dem Aussehen, das wir in unserem Leben auf der Erde hatten. Diese innerste Schicht ist der Sitz unserer Emotionen und der meisten anderen Neigungen. Außerhalb des physischen Körpers befinden sich vier weitere Schichten mit einer Ausdehnung von normalerweise 1 ½ Metern. Intellekt, Erinnerung, eine Aufzeichnung unserer vergangenen Leben und ein ganzheitlich-intuitives Verständnis der Existenz haben ihre Grundlage in diesen vier Schichten. Es besteht ein großer Unterschied zwischen Seele und Geist. Der Geist ist, wie der Körper, regelmäßigen Veränderungen unterworfen. Die Zeit, die man in den Jenseitswelten nach dem Leben verbringt, ist begrenzt. Normalerweise sind wir dort für einige Jahre oder einige Jahrzehnte. Dann kehren wir in einen neuen Körper zurück, aus einer negativen Welt in den Körper eines Tieres, aus einer himmlischen Welt in einen menschlichen Körper. Die inneren zwei Schichten (Emotionen, Denken und Erinnerung) werden vor der nächsten Inkarnation aufgelöst und bilden sich dort neu. Die ewige Seele, der subjektive Geist (ich bin, ich tue - seine Position ist in der Nähe des 6. Cakras) und die drei Schichten des sogenannten kausalen Geistes bleiben erhalten. Die Seele, unser wirkliches Selbst, ist keinen Veränderungen unterworfen. Sie hat die Natur eines immateriellen Beobachters (wie ein Spiegel), der sich normalerweise im Bereich des Gehirns befindet. Diese unmittelbare Nähe führt die Seele zu einer vollständigen Identifikation mit dem Geist und lässt sie ihre eigene Existenz nicht erkennen. Auch Pflanzen und Tiere haben eine Seele. Unsere ersten Leben haben wir als Pflanze. Danach sind wir entweder Mensch oder Tier, je nachdem, was wir in unserem vorherigen menschlichen Leben getan haben. In unseren ersten Leben haben wir nicht viel Bewusstsein. Das verbessert sich allmählich. Ab einem bestimmten Punkt in unserer letzten Inkarnation verlieren wir das Interesse an weltlichen Vergnügungen. Gott wird zum alleinigen Mittelpunkt unserer Existenz. In unseren Meditationen erfahren wir dann eine vorübergehende Einheit mit der Kosmischen Seele. Die letzte Vereinigung ist dauerhaft. Alle fünf Schichten des Geistes werden aufgelöst. Die Seele ist nun befreit und erfährt einen Zustand permanenter höchster Glückseligkeit. Eine vegetarische Ernährung ist eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für Fortschritte in der Meditation. Darüber hinaus wissen nur wenige Menschen, dass das schmerzhafte Töten von Milliarden von Tieren jedes Jahr eine planetarische Schwingung erzeugt, die negative Tendenzen im menschlichen Geist unterstützt. Eine Welt ohne Kriege und Unterdrückung wird nur möglich sein, wenn die große Mehrheit der Menschheit ein vegetarisches Leben führt. Pflanzen leiden erheblich weniger als Tiere, wenn sie getötet werden. Es bedarf spezifischer Meditationen, um das Ziel der spirituellen Befreiung zu erreichen. Man kann diese direkt von Gott oder, hier auf der Erde, von einigen wenigen Organisationen erhalten. Ich bin Mitglied einer von ihnen (Ananda Marga Pracharaka Samgha). Andere sind die Organisationen, die aus den Aktivitäten von Paramahansa Yogananda (Autor des berühmten Buches "Autobiographie eines Yogi") hervorgegangen sind. Es gibt weitere Gruppen, die solche Meditationen lehren (z.B. Swami Muktananda). Wenn Sie in den Himalaya gehen (besonders in den indischen Teil) und nach spirituellen Meistern suchen, werden Sie vermutlich einige finden, die diese Meditationen lehren. Das Krishna der Bhagavad Giita war einer der ersten tantrischen Meister auf der Erde (-1500 v. Chr.) Die Meditationen, die er lehrte, gerieten um 600 n. Chr. in Vergessenheit. Die Übersetzung von A.C. Swami Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada scheint die beste zu sein. Um spirituelle Befreiung zu erlangen, muss man einige wichtige Regeln befolgen: Der Wunsch, mit Gott in Kontakt zu kommen und mit ihm eins zu werden, muss sehr groß sein. Darüber hinaus braucht man die Entschlossenheit, alle weltlichen Wünsche aufzugeben. Und man braucht angemessene spirituelle Praktiken. Am obersten Punkt der Stirn befindet sich ein achtes Cakra. Cakras sind subtile Energiezentren und der Sitz unserer Eigenschaften. Fünf existieren entlang der Wirbelsäule und drei im Bereich des Kopfes. Durch dieses achte Cakra kann man die Kosmische Seele wahrnehmen. Wie das sechste Cakra, das sich zwischen den Augenbrauen befindet, hat es die Funktion eines geistigen Auges. Die Objekte, die wir normalerweise in unserem Geist sehen (Erinnerungen, Phantasien usw.), sehen wir durch das geistige Auge des sechsten Cakras. Der Grund, warum das achte Cakra auf der Erde relativ unbekannt ist, ist, dass es unentwickelt ist und einen Durchmesser von 2 Millimetern hat. Der zweite Grund ist, dass die Zahl der Individuen, die in der Vergangenheit spirituelle Befreiung erhielten, relativ gering ist. Gegen Ende der letzten Inkarnation einer Person wird diese achte Cakra zu einer Cakra von etwa zwei Zentimetern Durchmesser. Dieses achte Cakra befindet sich im Schädel und berührt das oberste Cakra (Sahasrara),welches sich unmittelbar über dem Kopf befindet. Im Falle von Tieren und Pflanzen sind alle Cakras unentwickelt und winzig klein. Die dunklen Kräfte auf unserem Planeten, die die Menschheit seit vielen Jahren manipulieren, wollen eine "orwellsche" (George Orwell: "1984") Gesellschaft schaffen. Durch ihre Kontrolle über Wissenschaften, Politik und Massenmedien ist ihnen dies teilweise gelungen. Dass das Wissen um diese Schrift den meisten Bewohnern der Erde unbekannt ist, ist ein Beispiel für ihre manipulativen Aktivitäten. Der negative Ruf von Ananda Marga rührt ausschließlich von den verdeckten Aktivitäten kapitalistischer Geheimdienste her, die von einer geheimen Struktur innerhalb des kapitalistischen Systems missbraucht werden. Von Anfang an hat der Kapitalismus versucht, Ananda Marga und seinen Gründer Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar zu zerstören. Ein ähnliches Schicksal erwartet jeden, der eine ernsthafte Bedrohung für das kapitalistische System darstellt. Wichtige Teile von P.R.Sarkars Vorträgen wurden von Undercover-Agenten innerhalb Ananda Margas verändert. Ananda Marga steht für Demokratie und Menschenrechte. Ein Buch zu diesem Thema ist in Planung und wird als kostenloser Download zur Verfügung stehen. Hermann Hesse: Siddharta (ein Roman, der viele zur Meditation und zum Buddhismus brachte; Omnec Onec: From Venus I came(Buch einer Frau, die ihr letztes Leben in einer Lichtwelt auf dem Planeten Venus verbrachte); Tom Ogden: The Complete Idiot‘s Guide to Ghosts and Hauntings; Michael R. Hathaway: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Past Life Regression; Ian Stevenson: Reinkarnation (Stevenson ist einer der Pioniere der Reinkarnationsforschung); Christopher M.Bache: Lebenszyklen, Reinkarnation und das Netz des Lebens; Jane Sherwood: The jenseitige Land (spirituell entwickelte Geister beantworten Fragen zur Existenz und zu den Jenseitswelten durch das Medium J.Sherwood), sie ist auch Autor eines Buches über die Erfahrungen des Lawrence von Arabien nach seinem Tod; Anthony Borgia: Life in the World Unseen, ein Medium, das Beschreibungen verschiedener Jenseitswelten vermittelt; Holger Kalweit: Traumzeit und innerer Raum, Sammlung von Berichten von Männern und Frauen, die in einem veränderten Bewusstseinszustand mystische Reisen unternommen haben., Leben nach dem Tod, Ufos etc(viele Bücher). Einige der besten Bücher, die ich gelesen habe, wurden nur einmal veröffentlicht. Ich vermute, dass Druck auf Verleger und Autoren ausgeübt wurde, die Bücher nicht mehr zu veröffentlichen. Meditationsanleitung: Leider können einige gute Meditationen hier nicht präsentiert werden, da die Organisationen, die sie lehren, behaupten könnten, diese Meditationen zu besitzen. Ich gebe hier sieben relativ einfache Mantra-Meditationen. Die Mantras zwei, drei und vier werden zum ersten Mal in der Menschheitsgeschichte veröffentlicht: I. Diese Meditation soll auf das 5. Cakra, das sich am obersten Punkt der Wirbelsäule befindet, ausgeübt werden. Konzentrieren Sie sich darauf und wiederholen Sie das "Ham-So"-Mantra. Es wird „hang-so“ ausgesprochen. Denken Sie beim Einatmen an die Silbe "ham" und beim Ausatmen an die Silbe "so". Das Mantra stammt aus dem Sanskrit und bedeutet "Ich bin Er". Die Seele ist (für die meisten Menschen unsichtbar) eins mit der unendlichen Seele Gottes. II. Diese Meditation soll auf das 6. Cakra, das sich zwischen den Augenbrauen befindet, ausgeübt werden. Konzentrieren Sie sich darauf und wiederholen Sie das "tham-tat"-Mantra. Das Mantra wird „thang-tat“ ausgesprochen. Einatmen tham, ausatmen tat. Die Bedeutung des Mantras ist ebenfalls „Ich bin Er“. III. Diese Meditation soll auf dem winzigen 7. Cakra oben auf der Stirn durchgeführt werden. Konzentrieren Sie sich darauf und wiederholen Sie das "aom-phat"-Mantra. Aussprache wie in deutsch das "ph" wie "f". Die Bedeutung ist "nur Er". Einatmen "aom", Ausatmen "phat". IV. Diese Meditation soll im Zentrum des Kronen(sahasrara)Cakras durchgeführt werden. Konzentrieren Sie sich darauf und wiederholen Sie das "om-phat"-Mantra. Die Bedeutung ist auch "nur Er". Das Mantra ist zu mächtig, um auf ein anderes Cakra angewendet zu werden. Wenn man es auf andere Cakras anwendet, schadet man dem physischen Körper. V.-VII. Es ist einfacher, mit diesen 3 Mantras zu meditieren: Shi-va; Krish-na; Brah-ma; sie sind jedoch weniger kraftvoll und wirksam als die oben genannten. Konzentrieren Sie sich auf das 5. oder 6. Kakra. Cakra. Sie sind für Menschen, die wenig oder unregelmäßig meditieren, oder für Anfänger. Die beiden sh-Silben wie sch. Erste Silbe einatmen, zweite Silbe ausatmen. Wenn Sie genügend Konzentration und Energie haben, versuchen Sie, während Ihrer Meditation an Gott zu denken. Sie machen einen Schritt auf Gott zu. Er wird mehrere Schritte auf Sie zu machen. Gott lebt in einem Zustand ständiger höchster Glückseligkeit. Für die Erschaffung des Universums muss er eine Kraft (Prakrti in Sanskrit) verwenden, die teilweise statischer (negativer) Natur ist. Das bedeutet, dass Gott nur in der Lage war, ein Universum zu erschaffen, wie es ist oder ein ähnliches. Die Alternative wäre, überhaupt keine Schöpfung zu haben. Dies ist die einzige Einschränkung Gottes. Ein gutes Mantra setzt sich aus sogenannten akkustischen Wurzeln zusammen. Die gesammte Schöpfung steht in direktem Zusammenhang mit bestimmten Urlauten. Der allererste Klang der Schöpfung ist das berühmte „OM“. Sie können diese Meditationen so lange durchführen, wie Sie wollen. Ideal ist ein Minimum von zwei Mal täglich 20-30 Minuten. Die beste Position ist die Lotosstellung mit gefalteten Händen. Die Wirbelsäule sollte mehr oder weniger aufrecht sein, damit die spirituellen Energien vom ersten Cakra nach oben fließen können. Die fünfte Cakra Meditation ist schwieriger, aber die wichtigste, da sie den Emotionalkörper reinigt. Die zweite Meditation ist einfacher und hilft, die Funktion des Mentalkörpers zu verbessern. Die dritte Meditation entwickelt göttliche Intuition. Solange Sie während Ihrer Meditationen keine vorübergehende Einheit mit Gott erfahren, ist es besser, die ersten beiden Meditationen zu praktizieren. Man kann gelegentlich die Meditationen III und IV durchführen. Bei der vierten Meditation kann man eine Vorstellung davon bekommen, wie Gott in ständiger Glückseligkeit jenseits von Zeit und Raum existiert. Eine vegetarische Ernährung ist in der Meditation sehr hilfreich. Kiirtan (das Singen des Namens Gottes) ist eine zusätzliche spirituelle Praxis, die, wenn sie ausreichend lange praktiziert wird (30-60 Minuten pro Tag), genauso wirksam ist wie die stille Meditation. Die Mitglieder der Hare-Krishna-Bewegung singen ausschließlich den Namen Gottes. Die Mitglieder von Ananda Marga verwenden das Mantra "Baba Nam Kevalam". Es wurde vom Gründer von Ananda Marga vor etwa 50 Jahren gegeben. Seine Bedeutung ist, dass alles (die ganze Schöpfung) im Geist Gottes ist. Baba bedeutet Vater, nam bedeutet Name, und kevalam bedeutet einzig, allein. Dieses Mantra ist einzigartig auf der Erde. Gegenwärtig gibt es mindestens tausend Melodien dafür, und in Zukunft wird es noch viele weitere geben. Der engagierte Spiritualist wird tanzen, während er dieses Mantra oder die Mantras von Hare Krsna singt. Besuchen Sie youtube und Sie werden einen Eindruck bekommen, wie es zu machen ist. Natürlich kann es auch im Sitzen ausgeübt werden. Wenn Sie allein singen müssen, haben Sie Kiirtan als Hintergrundmusik (CD, youtoube etc.). Einmal in unseren 28 Leben (14 mal Frau, 14 mal Mann) als Mensch haben wir ein 9. Cakra (in der Mitte der Stirn), das uns intensiver mit der ersten Schicht des kausalen Geistes verbindet. Menschen wie Leonardo Da Vinci, W.A. Mozart oder Johann Wolfgang Goethe hatten es. Viele Magier und Hellseher haben es. Normalerweise ist ein Upacakra über dem 6. Kakra der Hauptverbindungspunkt zu dieser Schicht des Geistes. Weltliche Intuition ist mit diesem Upacakra und dem 9. Cakra verbunden. Wir haben 42 Leben als Tier und 14 Leben als Pflanze. Reinkarnierend aus einer negativen Lichtwelt haben wir zwischen einem und fünf Leben als Tier, je nachdem, wie schwerwiegend die Fehler waren, die wir gemacht haben. Unsere wichtigsten Handlungen und Emotionen werden in der zweiten Schicht des kausalen Geistes gespeichert und bestimmen maßgeblich unser zukünftiges Leben. Der beigefügte "A Guide to Human Conduct" von Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (spiritueller Name des Gründers von Ananda Marga) ist eine ausgezeichnete Hilfe, um Fehler zu vermeiden und ein konstruktives, positives Leben zu führen. Die Elementarteilchen der transzendentalen Bereiche liegen jenseits der Reichweite wissenschaftlicher Instrumente. Ein fähiger Hellseher kann die gröberen Arten dieser Partikel wahrnehmen. Die subtilen können nur gesehen werden, wenn Gott es will. 14 Mal machen wir zu viele Fehler und gehen nach dem Tod in eine negative Lichtwelt, 14 Mal geht es in eine positive Welt. Nach einem Leben als Verbrecher wechselt man den Planeten. Das ist eine Maßnahme, um zu verhindern, dass ein Mensch dieselben Fehler noch einmal macht. Vierzehn Arten geistiger Elementarteilchen sind die Grundlage des menschlichen Geistes. Sieben sind positiv und sieben sind negativ (siehe beigefügte Schrift "Luminous Worlds"). In diesen 28 Leben dominiert jede Sorte zweimal (einmal als Frau und einmal als Mann). Wenn ein negativer Typus dominiert, gehen wir in eine negative Welt, wenn .....). Die drei subtilsten Varianten sind die Grundlage des Geistes Gottes. Gott muss nicht so denken wie wir. Er weiß alles, ob es sich um ein winziges Atom oder um eine Galaxie handelt, unmittelbar. Er konzentriert sich auf jedes Teilchen des Universums gleichzeitig. Wenn er aufhören würde, sich auf ein Objekt zu konzentrieren, würde das Objekt sofort verschwinden. Jedes Atom hat mehrere Millionen mentaler Teilchen als Basis. Machen Sie 10-15 Minuten "Asanas" (körperliche Yoga-Übungen) pro Tag; dies verbessert die Fähigkeit, länger in der Meditation zu sitzen. Ein gut funktionierendes Gehirn ist wichtig für ein spirituelles Leben. Versuchen Sie, eine gewisse Vielfalt an Aktivitäten zu haben. Treiben Sie regelmäßig Sport (schnelles Gehen, Radfahren, Schwimmen). Lernen und verwenden Sie eine zweite oder dritte Sprache. Spielen Sie ein Musikinstrument, singen Sie. Täglich etwas lesen (vorzugsweise Sachbücher). Lesen Sie nicht einseitig (Geschichte, Naturwissenschaften, geistliche oder religiöse Literatur usw.). Schreiben Sie! Führen Sie ein Tagebuch. Das Führen eines Tagebuchs erhöht unser Bewusstsein über unseren Geist und unsere Aktivitäten erheblich. Meditieren Sie. Jede Aktivität nutzt andere Teile des Gehirns. Wenn man ein Leben mit den oben genannten Aktivitäten führt, ist es zum Beispiel unmöglich, im Alter Demenz (Alzheimer) zu bekommen. Für Mathematiker: 28 + 42+14= 84 Leben als Mensch, Tier und Pflanze. Die meisten Pflanzen und unentwickelten Tiere (Bakterien, Insekten usw.) haben keine individuelle Seele. Sie sind biologische Roboter mit der Seele Gottes als einzigem bezeugenden Wesen. Auch das Thema "Außerirdische" wird manipuliert und unterdrückt. Prüfen Sie die Autoren Timothy Good und Michael Hesemann; Sie können auch auf oder auf youtube gehen. In unserer prähistorischen Vergangenheit lebten Außerirdische für einige Zeit hier auf der Erde. Einige Überreste aus dieser Zeit existieren noch immer. Die Autoren Erich von Daniken und Robert Charroux sind zwei führende Schriftsteller auf diesem Gebiet. Sie und ihre Kollegen haben diese Tatsache bewiesen. Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird: Das geheime Leben der Pflanzen; dieses Buch ist der Beweis dafür, dass Pflanzen Geist und Emotionen haben und telepathische Wesen sind. Wenn Sie geistig schnell vorankommen wollen, müssen Sie Essen, Schlaf und sexuelle Aktivitäten unter Kontrolle halten. Essen Sie nicht mehr als zwei oder drei Mal am Tag. Alkohol, Drogen, Tabak, Fisch, Fleisch und mehr als 0,5l Kaffee oder schwarzer Tee pro Tag haben einen negativen Einfluss auf den Geist. Halten Sie sich von Nahrungsmitteln fern, die weißen Zucker enthalten, und konsumieren Sie maximal rohe Nahrungsmittel (Internet: Doc Schnitzer und Ann Wigmore). In einer Übergangsphase von etwa einem Jahr kann es hilfreich sein, 3-4 Zigaretten pro Tag zu rauchen. Als Vegetarier ist man sensibler. Wenn sich zu viele Abfallprodukte aus Alkohol- und Fleischkonsum im Körper befinden, kann man sich ziemlich unbehaglich fühlen. Das Rauchen von ein paar Zigaretten narkotisiert das Nervensystem bis zu einem gewissen Grad. Nach einem Jahr sind die Abfallprodukte verschwunden und man kann mit dem Rauchen aufhören. Dieser Ratschlag ist für diejenigen, die dazu neigen, sich zu überessen, nachdem sie Vegetarier geworden sind. Schlafen Sie nicht mehr als 5-7 Stunden pro Tag. Haben Sie nicht mehr als ein oder zwei Mal pro Woche Sex. Die menschliche Gesellschaft wird innerhalb der nächsten drei- bis vierhundert Jahre von der Oberfläche dieses Planeten verschwinden, wenn ihre Mehrheit nicht eine spirituelle Lebensweise annimmt. Es ist ihr gegenwärtiges Verständnis des Lebens (Materialismus und dogmatische Religionen), das zur Zerstörung der Erde führt. Um göttliche Intuition zu entwickeln, braucht man ein spirituelles Leben mit 4-6 Stunden Kiirtan und Meditation pro Tag. Yoga hat drei Hauptaspekte: Bhakti, Karma und Jinana. Bhakti-Yoga bedeutet, seinen Geist und seine Existenz Gott zu übergeben. Karma-Yoga bedeutet selbstloser Dienst an anderen Lebewesen. Unsere wesentlichen Handlungen und Emotionen werden in der zweiten Schicht des kausalen Geistes gespeichert. Gott benutzt die Energie solch guter Aktivitäten, um unser Leben in der Zukunft zu verbessern und uns spirituell wachsen zu lassen. Alle schlechten Handlungen kehren eines Tages in ähnlicher Form zu uns zurück. Jinana-Yoga bedeutet das Studium spiritueller Schriften. Das Lesen von Biographien von Mystikern und Heiligen kann sehr inspirierend sein (Franz von Assisi, Hildegard von Bingen, Paramahansa Yogananda, Ramakrsna, Sri Aurobindo usw.). Die Basis jedes belebten oder unbelebten Objekts dieses Universums sind geistige Partikel. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtii war die erste Person auf der Erde, die dies erklärt hat. Er nannte sie "Microvita". Vierzehn Arten von Microvita bilden die Struktur des Geistes von Lebewesen (siehe Text "Luminous Worlds"). Die drei subtilsten dieser vierzehn bilden die Struktur des Geistes Gottes. Es ist mir nicht bekannt, wie viele Arten von Microvita in der Welt der physischen Objekte existieren. Mehrere Millionen Microvita werden benötigt, um ein einziges Atom zu bilden. In ähnlicher Weise zeigte Shrii Shrii Anandamurti zum ersten Mal in der menschlichen Geschichte die Beziehung der menschlichen Eigenschaften zu den Cakras: I. Muladhara-Kakra: kama(körperliches Streben und Wünsche ), artha(psychisches Streben und Wünsche), dharma(psycho-spirituelles Streben und Wünsche), moksa(spirituelles Streben). II. Svadhisthana-Kakra: Avajina(Verachtung), Murccha(Ohnmacht, Erstarrung), Prashraya(übermäßiger Genuss), Avishvasa(Misstrauen), Sarvanasha(Angst vor Vernichtung), Krurata(Erbarmungslosigkeit, Gnadenlosigkeit). III. Manipura cakra: lajja(Scham, Schüchternheit), pishunata(Verleumdung, üble Nachrede), iirsa(Eifersucht, Neid), susupti(Faulheit, Lethargie), visada(Traurigkeit, Melancholie), kasaya(Grausamkeit), trsna(Verlangen, Gier, Begierde), moha(Anhänglichkeit an Objekte), ghrna(Hass, Abneigung), bhaya(Angst). IV. Anahata-Kakra: asha(Hoffnung), cinta(Nachdenklichkeit, Besorgnis), cesta(Anstrengung), mamata(Besessenheit, Zuneigung), dambha(Arroganz, Eitelkeit), viveka(wahre Unterscheidungskraft), vikalata(Trägheit), ahamkara(Eingebildetheit, Egoismus, Stolz), lolata(Gier, Geiz), kapatata(Doppelzüngigkeit, Heuchelei), vitarka(Unentschlossenheit, Streitlust), anutapa(Bedauern, Reue). V. Vishuddha-Kakra: sadaja(Pfau), rsabha(Stier), gandhara(Ziege), madhyama(Pferd), paincama(Kuckuck), dhaevata(Esel), nisada(Elefant), onm, hum, phat, vaosath, vasat, svaha, namah, visa, amrta(Bei diesem Kakra ist die Situation teilweise unklar. Einige dieser Vrttis sind sicherlich okkulte Kräfte. Gelegentlich hat Shrii Shrii Anandamurti die Wahrheit nicht offenbart und keine vollständigen Informationen gegeben, da die Zeit dafür noch nicht gekommen war). VI. Ajina cakra: apara (weltliches Wissen), para(spirituelles Wissen, Gotterkenntnis). VII. Guru cakra(höchster Punkt der Stirn): krpa(Barmherzigkeit), mrduta(Sanftheit), dhaerya(Geduld), susthir(Gelassenheit), vaeragya(Entsagung), dhrti(Beständigkeit), sampat(Vollkommenheit, Erfolg), hasya(Fröhlichkeit), romainca(spirituelle Ekstase, dhyana(Meditation), gambhirya(Ernsthaftigkeit), udyama(Begeisterung), aksobha(Unerschütterlichkeit, aodarya(Großmut), ekagrata(ungestörte Aufmerksamkeit). Die Upacakras über und unter dem Ajina-Cakra scheinen mentale Augen ohne Vrttis(Eigenschaften) zu sein. Das höchste Cakra (Sahasrara-Cakra, Kronen-Cakra)ist ein Spiegelbild aller Vrttis und ihrer möglichen Ausdrucksformen; außerdem ist es der Ort von 6 weiteren Upakakras. Erleuchtung: Es gibt viele Menschen, die behaupten, erleuchtet zu sein. Die meisten von ihnen wissen jedoch nicht, welche Art von Erleuchtung sie erfahren. Der Sanskrit-Begriff für Erleuchtung ist Samadhi. Soweit ich weiß, gibt es etwa 30 Arten von Samadhi. Sechs von ihnen sind direkt mit Gott verbunden. Sie werden savikalpa-Samadhis genannt (salokya samadhi, samiipya s., sayujya s., sarupya s., sarsthi s.); und eine wird nirvikalpa-Samadhi genannt. Nur wenn man im höchsten der savikalpa samadhis oder im nirvikalpa samadhi verankert ist, wird man vom Kreislauf der Schöpfung (brahma cakra) befreit. Eine Person, die den niedrigsten der Savikalpa-Samadhis erlebt, identifiziert sich immer noch vollständig mit ihrem Geist. Je höher der Samadhi, desto mehr nimmt diese Identifikation ab. Im fünften Savikalpa-Samadhi identifiziert sich der Spiritualist nur noch mit dem subjektiven Geist. Im Nirvikalpa-Samadhi ist sogar diese Identifikation verschwunden, und die Person hat vollständig erkannt, dass sie Atman, die zeitlose Seele, ist. Versuchen Sie bitte nicht, okkulte Kräfte zu bekommen, mit Geistern (Toten) in Kontakt zu kommen oder ähnliche Dinge zu tun. Unser physisch-psychisch-spirituelles System ist sehr komplex. Ohne einen erfahrenen Lehrer ist dies gefährlich. Ohne es zu merken, könnten Sie unter den Einfluss eines der Geister kommen, die es auf dieser Existenzebene noch gibt (Besessenheit). Oder Sie schädigen Ihre Gesundheit. Der physische Körper ist durch Lebensenergie (Pranah) mit dem übersinnlichen Bereich verbunden. Diese Lebensenergie besteht aus zehn so genannten Vayus, die die verschiedenen Funktionen unseres Körpers regeln. Man kann diese Vayus durch fehlerhafte Meditationen negativ beeinflussen. Prakrti und die drei Gunas: Die Kraft, mit der Gott dieses Universum erschafft, wird im Sanskrit Prakrti genannt. Sie hat drei Eigenschaften. Eine subtile (sattva guna), die aktiv ist beim Schöpfungsvorgang, bei spirituelle Aktivitäten, teilweise beim Lesen, Musizieren usw. Eine verändernde(rajo guna); und eine statische (tamo guna), die aktiv ist, wenn etwas zerstört wird, im Sterben, bei Krankheiten, Unfällen usw. Sattva Guna hat ausschließlich positive Partikel (Mikrovita) als Basis, Tamo Guna negative. Im Falle von Feststoffen (Steine etc.) befindet sich der Einfluss vonTamo Guna auf dem Höhepunkt. Bei Verbrechen dominiert Tamo Guna. Selbstloses Dienen wird von Sattva guna dominiert. Drogen, Alkohol, Tabak, Fleisch sind tamasische Lebensmittel. Die meisten Gemüse, Früchte, Getreide, Hülsenfrüchte und Nüsse sind sattvische Nahrungsmittel. Kaffee und schwarzer Tee in moderaten Mengen sind rajasisch. Alle Objekte und Aktivitäten in dieser Welt können über den Einfluss der drei Gunas definiert werden. Die Informationen dieses Textes stammen zum Teil aus den Büchern des Gründers von Ananda Marga (die Grundstruktur, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ist der Autor von mehr als 100 Büchern), zum Teil aus den Büchern vieler anderer Autoren und zum Teil aus dem, was ich göttliche und weltliche Intuition nenne.,,,,, Wenn Sie das Wachstum der Spiritualität auf der Erde unterstützen wollen, können Sie auf folgendes Bankkonto spenden: Ananda Marga P.S. e.V., IBAN: DE45551900000275979045, BIC :MVBMDE55 Alle Vollzeitbeschäftigten von Ananda Marga sind ehrenamtlich tätig. Sie folgen dem Prinzip von Aparigraha (siehe Text "A Guide to Human Conduct"). Ihr Lebensstandard ist vorbildlich. Falls Sie zu dem Schluss kommen, dass der Inhalt dieses Textes wichtig ist, tun Sie etwas, um ihn anderen bekannt zu machen. Für Mitglieder von Ananda Marga: Normalerweise gibt es vier geistige Augen auf der Stirn. Durch das geistige Auge des sechsten Cakras sehen wir Bilder unserer Erinnerung, unserer Fantasie usw. Knapp oberhalb und unterhalb des sechsten Cakras befinden sich zwei weitere mentale Augen. Das untere ist wichtig für die dritte Lektion. Durch das obere können wir Devayonis und Pretayonis wahrnehmen und die Zukunft sehen. Das Cakra auf dem obersten Punkt der Stirn hat auch die Funktion eines geistigen Auges. Mit genügend Anstrengung kann man Paramatman wahrnehmen. Mit den besten Wünschen, Yogendra

Sonntag, 16. Februar 2020

Shrii P.R. Sarkar's discourses on microvita and cosmology - a selection

Microvitum, the Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor

The discourse is on “Microvitum, the Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor.” It is one of the human wonts that whatever we do not know, in order to conceal our limitations or hide our imperfections, we either say that it is non-existent, or in a more intelligent style, we will say it is an abstract. In this universe of ours, whatever comes within the scope of our senses or within the periphery of our perception, we say, “It is,” and whatever is beyond the arena of the senses or the jurisdiction of perception, we cannot say anything. Hence, our world functions within the limitations of our senses and perceptions. We know in the realm of Cosmic introvert or extrovert that in the first phase - that is, in the phase of extrovert - “subtle” is transmuted into “crude”, and in the returning phase of introvert, “crude” is metamorphosed into “subtle”. In this progress, rather in this semicircular approach, there may be subtler objects in the scope of matter - many objects subtler than electrons or protons, [neutrons] or positrons - but we find no alternative but to say that they are either electron or proton or positron or neutron. And similarly, in the psychic sphere there may be entities subtler than ectoplasm or its extra-psychic coverage, endoplasm.

There are entities which come within the realm of both physicality and psychic expressions which are smaller or subtler than atoms, electrons or protons, and in the psychic realm may be subtler than ectoplasm. For such objects or for such entities I use the term “microvitum”. This microvitum, or in plural microvita, are not of protoplasmic order, and as such they have got little to do with carbon molecules or carbon atoms, which are treated as the initial points or initial stage of life in this universe. So far as physicality is concerned, the position of these microvita is just between ectoplasm and electron, but they are neither ectoplasm nor electron.

It is a human wont that whatever we know regarding any subject or any object, when we know that it exists but its characteristics or other particulars are not known to us, we say it is “mysterious”. So regarding these microvita, we may say it is mysterious. That is why I used the term “microvitum, the mysterious emanation of cosmic factor”. They are not of protoplasmic order, and hence the question of their protozoic structure or metazoic structure does not arise. They are something mysterious.

Now, these microvita are not of the same density or the same subtlety. Some of them may come within the range of a highly developed microscope; and some of them may not come within the range of a microscope, but by their actional expression or through their actional faculty or as a result of their actional vibrations, they may come within the scope of our perception. They are of subtler order. There may be still more subtle forms of microvita which may not come directly within the scope of our perception but may come within the scope of a special type of perception which is actually the reflection of conception within the range of perception in a limited sphere.

So these microvita may be broadly divided into three categories - first, those coming within the scope of a microscope; secondly, those not coming within the scope of a microscope but coming within the scope of perception as a result of their expression, as a result of their actional vibration; and thirdly, those not coming within the scope of common perception but coming within the scope of a special type of perception which is actually the reflection of conception within the periphery of perception. Such perception - that special type of perception - may be felt or realized by persons having highly developed minds, having spiritually oriented minds.

Regarding these microvita of crude order which may come within the scope of a microscope, people give them the name “virus”. They say, “This disease is of virus origin.” But virus is a vague term. The better term will be microvitum, and not virus.

Now, these microvita move throughout the entire universe, from one celestial body to another. They move everywhere, crossing the boundaries of nebulae, piercing through milky ways, galaxies, stars, satellites, planets and meteors. They move unbarred, without caring for the atmospheric conditions or barometric readings. How do they move? Everybody requires some media for movement. Mobility means movement through a medium or media. There may be more than one medium, that is, there may be many media at a time in the same movement. These microvita also move through several media. They move through sound. The so-called virus of a diseased person may move through his or her sound. They may move through tactuality. They may move through forms or figures. In the case of some of the diseases, the disease spreads through the smell of the disease, and in the case of subtler metavita [microvita], they may move through ideas. A particular idea may get accelerated speed in a particular planet with the help of a few conceptually developed minds. That is, a great man with a great conceptually developed mind may spread his ideas with the help of these microvita throughout that planet, or even throughout this universe in different celestial bodies.

Now, what is the root cause of this universe? Which is the starting point of life or vitality? These microvita are the carriers of life in different stars, planets and satellites - not carbon atoms or carbon molecules. These living creatures with their mysterious movement create minds and bodies, living bodies in different celestial bodies, and they also destroy minds and physical bodies, or developed or undeveloped corpor, in any corner of this universe. So the root cause of life is not the unicellular protozoa or unit protoplasmic cell, but this unit microvitum.

Now, there should be extensive research work regarding this microvitum or these microvita. Our task is gigantic and we are to start our research work regarding these microvita immediately without any further delay, otherwise many problems in modern society will not be solved in a nice way. As Pramá [equilibrium and equipoise] is an essentiality in the field of intellectuality or intellectual pursuit, similarly in the higher intellectual realm research work on these microvita is extremely necessary. Here we should again remember the fact that these microvita are a creation in the internal phase, rather in the returning phase of cosmic expression. We are human beings with developed intellect. I think, rather I hope, rather I am sure that the day is sure to come when human beings will have proper control over these microvita.

In ancient times, regarding the singular or collective structures of these microvita, the ancient rśis [sages] said that they are of seven types, of seven species, and gave them the names: yakśa, gandharva, vidyádhara, kinnara, siddha, prakrtiliina and videhaliina according to the nature of their subtlety or the nature of their crudeness.

I think, by dint of our spiritual sádhaná, rather our physico-psycho-spiritual sádhaná, our minds will develop in all [[their]] strata, and the power of conception, the power of conceiving, will also develop, and with that developed conceiving power, we will know all the secrets of these microvita.

31 December 1986 RU, Calcutta
Published in:
A Few Problems Solved Part 8
Microvitum in a Nutshell [a complilation]

Matter and Abstract

The subject of today’s discourse is “Matter and Abstract.” Some intellectuals are of the opinion that matter is bottled-up energy. No, matter is not bottled-up energy. The characteristics and different wonts and specialties of energy are quite different from those of matter. The mass of matter has got nothing to do with energy.

What is matter? It is “known I” in the cosmic arena in different planes of inferences, and these planes of inferences have nothing to do with one another. They have got minimum proximity to one another. Somewhere there is maximum solidity, somewhere maximum dilution, and these phases of dilutions and solidities vary in huge number. So matter is not bottled-up energy.

Chlorophyll and sun rays are not the same thing. Sun rays are light energy, which as per the rule, may be converted into electrical energy, sound energy, magnetic energy and so many energies known and unknown to the world. They are interchangeable and inter-transmutable. But the position of matter is not such.

Chlorophyll is helped, is moved, by sun rays. It is the inherent wont of energy to create movement. Rather, energy and movement are inseparable. They are inseparable from each other. Chlorophyll is conveyed, is carried, by sun rays - and not only sun rays, but by the different rays of different celestial bodies. And this movement of different bodies through the media of energies does not pass in a straight line; that is, the movement is of systaltic character, of pulsative nature.

Where this movement in the plane of inferences of cosmic nature, that is, in the cosmic arena, creates a reflection only, there the reflected energy creates a sort of sentient reaction. And where there are reflections as well as refractions, these are of mutative character, creating mutations of various nature. And where there is no reflection, only refractions, they are of static nature. There is staticity in them. So matter is not bottled-up energy - it is “known I” in the cosmic arena, in the arena of the cosmos.

Now, the entity or entities coming within the conception of the mind are pure abstract, and those coming within the perceptions or feelings of the sensory or motor organs are matter, pure matter. But the position of energy and microvita is on this silver line of demarcation between matter and abstract. Energy generally comes within the range of perception, but not always. Energy in its subtle form does not come within the range of perception. Subtle microvita also do not come within the range of perception, but they come within the range of conception.

You know, both microvita and energy are active in different planes of expressions, that is, in different physical or psycho- spiritual planes of the unit or collective propensities, and in the physical planes of inferences. But microvita are more active in the physico-psycho-spiritual strata, and energy is more active in the physical planes of inferences.

Regarding the strength or influence of energy and microvita, this much can be said - energy is stronger in the physical planes of inferences than in the physico-psycho-spiritual planes of the unit and collective propensities. And microvita are stronger in the physico-psycho-spiritual realm of the unit mind.

Regarding positive and negative microvita - negative microvita function in a better way in the physical and physico-psychic strata, and positive microvita in the psychic and psycho-spiritual strata.

So there should be maximum utilization of the potentialities of the expressed and emanated energy as well as of the expressed and emanated microvita, both positive and negative. There is also use of negative microvita for the all-round and integrated development of this living world.
Microvita influence human intellect and also a portion of human intuition. The favourite fields of positive microvita are the psychic and psycho-spiritual strata, and the favourite fields of negative microvita are the physical and physico-psychic strata.

Energy is a blind force. It has got no conscience - what is to be done or what should not be done, this sort of conscience is lacking in energy. But microvita are not like that; that is, they are not blind forces. They have the support of conscience behind them. This is another fundamental difference between energy and microvita.

The effect of energy on different material bodies comes within the periphery of human knowledge if the wavelength is of medium standard - not extremely long or not extremely short. But the effect of microvita is to be felt - it cannot be expressed through language, it cannot be shown in the physical level. You must not try to acquire that occult power, but sometimes, by the grace of Parama Puruśa, it appears automatically.

Microvita, like energy, pass through various planes of inferences, and also through various planes of propensities. In the inference of say touch, microvita increase the temperature in the external sphere and decreases it in the internal sphere. In the case of odour, they decrease the temperature in the external sphere and increase the same in the internal sphere. But generally, regarding other inferences, such as sound and others, sometimes they may increase externally and sometimes they may decrease externally, according to the medium through which those microvita pass.

Now, energy is inter-transmutable and interchangeable, but matter is not inter-transmutable or interchangeable. It undergoes metamorphosis, metamorphosis once, but not always; that is, one way but not vice versa. In the cosmic arena, in the cosmic stratum, if we try to dissociate what we feel or what we conceive or what we perceive into the “knower” and “known” portions, the cosmos in the physical level is the “doing” entity in the physical level and is microvita; and the “done” portion is the world of physicality. And the “knowing” faculty in the cosmic level is the supreme cause or the subtlest form of energy, and the “known” portion or the “known” counterpart is the psychic and psycho-spiritual worlds.

Energy, if it comes in direct contact with this world of physicality, is converted into so many energies - magnetic energy, electrical energy and many other energies. And when that very energy functions through the cosmic “known” world, the Cosmic “Known” Entity, then it creates different psychic faculties, different psychic worlds. And if after passing through the Cosmic “Known” Entity it comes down towards the plane of cosmic or individual propensities, its movement is towards the crude, towards crudification. But if it moves towards the cosmic cognitive faculty it is converted into psycho-spiritual movement, and finally spiritual movement or into the Spiritual Entity.

Similarly, a microvitum, although it is initially the “doer” portion of the cosmic arena, if it passes through the expressed world of “done”, then it may create something good or something bad in the universe. If the movement is from a subtler plane to a cruder plane, it deteriorates or depraves the human mind or the standard of human conduct. But if the movement is towards a subtler plane, towards the subtler inferences of cosmic light, then it helps human beings, it helps spiritual aspirants, to attain the goal.

Microvita, when passing through different planes of inferences and also planes of propensities, can not only change the bodily temperature or temperatures of the mass, they can also create a radical change in the psychic wave, a change in wavelengths, a change in hormone secretion, and metamorphosis and transmutation in the mass and movement of hormones. This should also be carefully remembered and noted.

It is the duty of the intellectuals of the world to continue doing research work regarding the movements of energy and of microvita when passing through the “done” world of the cosmic or individual propensities, or through the “known” world of cosmic inferences, or passing through both types of planes; and also regarding the movement of energy passing through the plane of the “known” or the “knowing” world - the world of the “known” counterpart of the cosmos - and also through the world of individual propensities and different planes of individual inferences.

I would like intellectuals in the future to conduct experiments in their external physical laboratories and also in their internal psycho-spiritual laboratories. And you boys and you girls, you are to help them in accelerating the speed of their research work.

3 June 1989 RU, Anandanagar
Published in:
Microvitum in a Nutshell [a complilation]

Cult, Inference and Propensity

The subject of today’s discourse is “Cult, Inference and Propensity.” The path that leads or goads the aspirant unto Parama Puruśa is “cult” in the true spirit of the term. Where the goal is something finite, where the pabulum is something limited, the path and the movement cannot be treated as cult.

Spiritual practice is based on cult: adherence to the doctrine of cult is started and practised in the primordial phase by the doer “I” of all living beings. The doer “I” keeps on thinking, “I am working, I am eating, I am seeing, I do not know anything, I know so many things.”

In living beings other than humans, the doer “I” is not properly expressed, and that is why they cannot establish their individual identity or do spiritual practice. In certain animals like dogs and monkeys, the doer “I” is a bit more expressed or developed than in other creatures. That is why in the future they may also be in a position to do this practice.

You should also remember that this doer “I” performs spiritual practice with the help of vital energy, not with the help of positive or negative microvita. In fact, the vital energy accelerates the speed of spiritual progress. Microvita, positive or negative, help the aspirant in his or her movement, but the aspirant cannot utilize the microvita.

When the doer “I” of the aspirant is goaded towards the Supreme Entity, it uses the vital energy acquired through different quinquelemental factors, passing through different planes of inferences, and through different propensities of the human mind, without suppressing those propensities of the mind. The question of suppression, repression and oppression does not arise in the realm of spiritual cult. You are simply to maintain equilibrium and equipoise - that is, you are to move maintaining proper parallelism with the fundamental propensities of the human mind. So spiritual practice is performed by the doer “I” with the help of energy, of so many energies which are converted into vital energy when they pass through the different planes of inferences.

It is not proper to think that this movement, this spiritual advancement, is something purely of individual character. No entity in this universe exists individually. Ours is a universal family. Each and every entity - living and non-living, moving and non-moving - helps others in maintaining not only their equilibrium, but also the equipoise of the entire universe, not only of this small planet Earth. We are to move together with all.

Even if an ant dies a premature death, it is bound to jeopardize the balance of the entire universe. Even if a 110 year old widow thinks that her life has no existential value on this planet, that she is a mere burden to society, it is a defective idea. No - even the life of such an old widow contributes to maintaining the balance of the universe. If such an old person dies prematurely, it is bound to jeopardize the balance of the universal society.

If people think that they will make steady progress in the spiritual sphere even if the society goes to the dogs, they are mistaken. You who are genuine spiritualists should practise spiritual cult thinking that by doing so you will become effective in maintaining the universal balance. You must think, “I will personally move towards the supreme desideratum, and at the same time I will try to assist those who are suffering from despair, those steeped in blind superstition and those wallowing in poverty.” Our family is universal, our abode is also universal.

Hararme pitá gaorii mátá
Svadesha bhuvanatrayam.

“The Universal Father, Shiva, is our Father. The Universal Mother, Gaorii, is our Mother. She is the causal matrix. And this universe is our homeland.”

This spiritual cult is the only cult; others are not cult, they are mere dogma. If the cult is proper - if it is cult in the true spirit of the term - it creates a sort of subtlety in one’s mental flow. Under such circumstances, we receive necessary help from positive microvita. This help that we receive by dint of our spiritual practices is composed of eight occult powers. These powers are known as “occult” because they are acquired through cult. But while acquiring these occult or so-called “miraculous” powers, we cannot do anything without the help of positive microvita. These occult powers are ańimá, laghimá, mahimá, iishitva, vashvitva, prakámya, prápti and antaryámitva. The entity who is endowed with all of them is known as “Iishvara”.

Ańimá means “converting one’s psychic existence into a small point and then transforming it into a minimum entity.” One may understand anything by entering into each and every physical particle and becoming one with the different waves of expression and emanation, by dancing with the wavelengths of objects or ideas. Unless and until one’s very psychic existence is converted into a point, one cannot move or dance according to the wavelengths of objects or ideas. This occult power acquired through positive microvita is called “ańimá”.

Laghimá makes the mind light, free from the bondages of so many liabilities. This carefree mind, freed from the fetters of materialistic bondages, can understand and think properly. So by dint of this occult power, one may understand any idea, subtle or crude, in the abstract realm.

Unless you understand how much pain and sorrow is accumulated in others’ minds, how many tears well up in their eyes, you cannot alleviate their sorrows and sufferings. Through laghimá, you can acquire this particular power to study others’ minds.

The third one is mahimá or expansion of mind. With the help of positive microvita, mind can be expanded. The radius of the mind may cover the entire universe, and we may have ideas about different subjects even without reading books and literature. And in this way, too, we may feel our oneness with the varied entities of this universe - unity in variety, unity in diversity. By associating our benevolent thoughts with each and every entity, we will contribute to universal progress and prosperity.

Iishitva enables the spiritual aspirant to guide other minds who suffer from different psychic ailments. So many people in this world are crying in pain and agony. So many miseries and afflictions have paralysed human beings physically and mentally. In leading this afflicted humanity to their physical progress and psychic well-being, this occult power of iishitva will help you tremendously. It can be achieved through positive microvita which is in turn acquired through the regular practice of cult. By sitting idle and crying constantly one cannot achieve this.

Vashvitva helps a person to bring defective ideas, or people goaded by defective ideas, unto the path of supreme greatness. If people are to be guided towards their definite progress, they will first have to be brought under one’s control. If such people work haphazardly and do not follow the right path, they cannot be expected to reach the state of welfare. So, if you really want to help people, you will have to bring them under control and then direct them along the right path to their goal. This occult power can be achieved through positive microvita.

Prakámya or the right mode of thinking aimed at promoting universal welfare, brings light to the entire universe. Through this occult power, spiritual aspirants acquire what is needed to serve the entire world.

Prápti means helping oneself and helping the souls of so many people to acquire and be benefited by the grace of the supreme.

And the eighth one is antaryámitva - to be able to enter within the ectoplasmic or endoplasmic structures of others, and thereby to know the pains and pleasures, the hopes, aspirations and longings of others to guide them properly. It is somewhat like the transmigration of souls. Regarding this eighth occult power, spiritual cult alone will not suffice - it requires the special grace of Parama Puruśa.

There is yet another occult power - the power of omniscience, to be all-knowing. This power of omniscience cannot be achieved only through the practice of cult, nor with the help of positive microvita - one must reach the height of devotion and achieve the grace of the supreme. Otherwise, even if people dash their heads against a wall, they still cannot acquire omniscience with the help of positive microvita.

And above all occult powers is the supreme knowledge - ensconcement in Parama Puruśa. This is not only a sort of omniscience, rather it elevates the aspirant to be one with the supreme cognitive faculty. Of course, those who are already endowed with devotion will automatically acquire this power.

Bhaktih bhagavato sevá, bhaktih prema svarúpińii,
Bhaktiránanda rúpáca, bhaktih bhaktasya jiivanam.

“Devotion means service unto the Lord. Devotion is of the nature of selfless love. Devotion is bliss incarnate. Devotion is the very life of the devotee.”

Devotion means working in the service of the Supreme according to His satisfaction. Without devotion, one’s mind cannot rise beyond the pituitary gland - if one wants to take the mind beyond that, one needs devotion. So the supreme spiritual progress of microcosms is never possible without devotion.

If you have devotion, you can call Parama Puruśa to you; He will certainly come to you, rather He must come to you. For this, you may or may not have anything else, but if you have devotion, you have everything. By dint of that, one attains Parama Puruśa, one becomes identified with Him. This is the summum bonum of human life.

Regarding prema or selfless love, it is said:

Samyauṋmasrńito shánto mamatvátishayáunkitah;
Bháva sá eva sándrátmá budhaeh prema nigadyate.

“The attitude which makes the mind smooth and placid, and radiant with the deepest love for the Lord, is called “bháva”. Wise people call this “prema” or “divine love”.

Prema is the attraction for Parama Puruśa overcoming the attraction for all other finite objects. Those who are endowed with such divine love are bound to receive the grace of Parama Puruśa - they need not worry about it. If they practise the spiritual cult regularly, positive microvita are sure to help them. Those who arouse devotion through action and knowledge are certain to attain the grace of Parama Puruśa. This grace need not be huge in quantity - even a wee bit of it will be enough.

Mahatkrpayaeva bhagavatkrpáleshádvá.

“One can attain the supreme stance by the blessings of the exalted ones, as well as a wee bit of Macrocosmic grace.”

Only such people endowed with the grace of the supreme are in the best position to render maximum service to this universe.

While practising spiritual cult, it should be remembered that spiritual aspirants must not practise in order to acquire these occult powers. The goal of spiritual practice is to realize the Supreme Entity. To search for any other thing is wrong. Occult powers are just like the dust on the roadside. The attraction for Parama Puruśa is the most valuable object - all else is only the dust of the earth.

Hence the spiritual aspirant must not run after these inconsequential occult powers, although while prasticing spiritual cult they may develop. You must not forget that all your achievements must maintain adjustment with the main propensities of the mind, and in the process of adjustment, all these eight types of occult powers present themselves to the spiritual aspirant.
Sádhaná starts in the plane of physicality and moves towards the physico-psychic plane. This first phase of sádhaná is performed by the “doer I”. Then from the physico-psychic plane to the pure psychic plane, and from the pure psychic plane to the psycho-spiritual plane - this portion of sádhaná is done by the “knower I”.

In the final stage of sádhaná, the pure spiritual phase, none of these can help the spiritual aspirant; even positive and negative microvita cannot function above the psycho-spiritual level, beyond the pituitary gland. No vibration is of any help. In such circumstances, finally you will have to depend on the grace of the supreme and nothing else. One is obliged to declare, Brahmakrpáhi kevalam, that is, the grace of Parama Puruśa is everything.

Everything in this universe is created, everything survives and everything ultimately dissolves in and through Him. Regarding this Supreme Entity, the scriptures say,

Yato vishvaḿ samudhútaḿ
Yena játaiṋca tiśthati;
Yasmin sarváni liiyanta
Jineyam tadbrama lakśanach.

“Out of the grace of the supreme, the universe has emerged; due to His grace, the universe preserves its existence; and because of His grace, everything will finally dissolve in Him.”

So the final word in the realm of spirituality is the supreme grace of Parama Puruśa. Intelligent people will understand this supreme truth and move accordingly. It is true not only in the physical level, nor in the physico-psychic level, nor in the psychic, nor in the psycho-spiritual level, but in all levels.

Finally, whatever you say or think, everything is finally embedded in the grace of Parama Puruśa. The sooner this fundamental truth is realized, the better it will be for all.

4 June 1989 DMC, Anandanagar
Published in:
Microvitum in a Nutshell [a complilation]
Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 18

Microvita and Cosmology

In human beings and other animals, some propensity or other is either activated or slowed down by the impact of different inferences at various stages. Though this is not an easy subject, the impact that the inferences have at various stages on the body, mind, propensities, mass, hormones, etc. must be studied. We have to study the impact of inferences on the human body, the human mind and human psycho-spirituality.

The inferences of sound, touch, form, taste and smell all operate on different planes and their effects are also different. “Doer I” or Krta Puruśa is the concentrated form of positive and negative microvita in the universal arena, maintaining equilibrium - functioning in the arena of the universe. Positive microvita are utilized for physico-psycho-spiritual practice. Energy is “knower I” or Jiṋa Puruśa, plus and minus the microvita passing through the universe. Sádhaná is not possible without taking proper food because the vital energy one derives from food is a transformed form of other energies. Only positive and negative microvita will not do - vital energy is also required.

Microvita come from outer space, from the extended universe and the universal planes, through sound and other inferences. Sound and other inferences have various planes, stages and phases. Microvita pass through the different phases of these inferences. Positive microvita are concerned with energy or the psychic realm and negative microvita are concerned with the physical body because the physical body contains inferences, that is, matter. Matter is clearly associated with inferences - the original planes of inferences or the reflected or refracted planes of inferences. For example, mind receives the odour of a rose flower, but in the microcosmic plane of odour. This odour encourages certain propensities and discourages others. The mind certainly runs towards propensities, but one cannot achieve success by suppressing the propensities because more energy will be consumed in this effort. One has to divert the propensities by learning the art of pratyáhára.

Now, the question is, How do positive and negative microvita maintain both equilibrium and equipoise in the universal strata - in the physical, physico-psychic, psychic and psycho-spiritual realms?

Microvita have nothing to do directly with the spiritual stratum. Positive microvita equal negative microvita - that is, the sum total of positive microvita equals the sum total of negative microvita. This is so in the entire macrocosm and in individual microcosmic structures. If there is over-utilization of positive microvita during psychic and psycho-spiritual practices, then there will be a shortage of positive microvita for balancing the negative microvita in the physical and physico-psychic strata, because the sum total of positive and negative microvita must balance each other. Thus, human beings should utilize their strength in all the strata. In the physical strata, utilize the immense power of negative microvita, otherwise the surplus of the negative microvita will become very strong due to accumulation. Good people should not go to the Himalayan caves. Rather, remaining in society, they should serve the society in the physical and physico-psychic strata with the help of negative microvita, and in the psychic and psycho-spiritual strata with the help of positive microvita. If good people neglect the use of negative microvita in the physical stratum, catastrophes are sure to come. Everything will be in pell mell order.

1) Supreme Universal Entity (Nirvisheśa):
The Supreme Cognitive Principle and the Supreme Cognitive Creative Faculty +/- maintaining universal equilibrium and equipoise.

2) Supreme Attributional Principle (Savisheśa):

Subjective Objective
A Knowing principle or su pra-mundane knowledge (expressed energies of different characters - indestructible, interchangeable and inter-transmutable). Planes of microcosmic and Macrocosmic propensities (different strata of mind: conscious, subconscious, physico-psychic, psycho-physical and psycho-spiritual).
B Doing principle or supra-mundane seed of the actional principle, ready for being sprouted (microvita of different characters, either of positive or negative nature, collectively maintaining the balance of the actional universe creating initial forms of carbon atoms that help macro- and micro-propensities in having their pure physical auxiliary media with mass and wonts). Planes of universal Macrocosmic inferences and their reflected or refracted inferences (planes of inferences which are being activated, accelerated and stimulated by (A) subjective).

(A) subjective relates to and controls (B) objective and (B) subjective relates to and controls (A) objective.

(A) subjective is the field of psycho-spiritual laboratory research and (B) objective is the field of external laboratory research. In the case of (A) subjective, results cannot come within external laboratory tests.

This is a new line of thinking - a new philosophical approach. Here “knower I” or “doer I” are not necessarily the mahat, aham or citta of philosophy. It is a new school of philosophical thought - it has no connection with mahat, aham and citta.

New Saḿskrta terms will have to be created:

“Knower ‘I’” is Jiṋa Puruśa
“Doer ‘I’” is Krta Puruśa
“Abstract” is Bhávastha
“Non-attributional” is Nirvisheśa
“Attributional” is Savisheśa

Positive and negative microvita maintain equilibrium in the (B) subjective chamber of the Supreme Attributional Principle. That is why during the bifurcation, the unitary strength remains the same - the subjective and objective having equal value in strength during the phase of reduction.

There should not be negative use of negative microvita and there must not be negative use of positive microvita. You should always be positive. In the physical sciences, there are immense possibilities for the positive use of negative microvita. Positive and negative microvita are both necessary for balance. Due to the excessive use of positive microvita, it will become difficult to control and balance the negative microvita in the physical and physico-psychic strata because there will be a shortage of positive microvita. You must not run after occult powers.

In communist and capitalist countries, there is plenty of unutilized positive microvita because of the excessive use of negative microvita in the physical and physico-psychic strata in the society. That is why there is the problem of immorality etc. there. There must be full utilization of the accumulated excess positive microvita through sádhaná, service, etc. to solve this problem.

By splitting up the atom immense energy is released. This is due to the fact that the energy which is packaged up in matter comes out. To claim that energy is obtained due to the destruction of matter is theoretical and not physically proven. In fact, the energy comes out from within the store of the atom. Energy always requires a material shelter - a container. After the destruction of the container, the immense released energy moves very fast with tremendous speed in all directions in search of some or other material shelter. Finally, it finds a way in some country, in some human physical body, in structures and other material objects scattered around, or in the ocean, etc. Matter needs a shelter, and the shelter of matter is the earth. This is the secret.

When the original inferences come in contact with the plane of the universe, they are either reflected or refracted. The unit cannot have the original inference. It has to depend upon and surrender to the Cosmic Reflecting Entity. This is psycho-spiritual practice in the last phase.

There are 51 propensities in men. Positive microvita elevate the upgrading propensities, but the field of activity for negative microvita is the Manipur Cakra and below. Suppose the application of negative microvita in the region just below the Manipur Cakra helps to cure the fear complex in a sádhaka. At the same time it may also provide courage. But negative microvita can also do harm to others.

If one uses positive microvita in the physical and physico-psychic strata as in the case of Avidyá Tántrikas, it will create imbalance affecting spiritual growth. By excessive use of positive microvita, balance will again be lost.

10 June 1989, Calcutta
Published in:
Microvitum in a Nutshell [a complilation]


The Poles Shift Their Respective Positions- Shrii P.R Sarkar

The subject of today's discourse is, “The Poles Shift their Respective Positions.” Cardinal human principles are almost unchangeable. I say almost unchangeable because they always maintain a tactual relationship with the cosmological order and so the cardinal human principles or cardinal points of human existence do not undergo any change or physical metamorphosis. But this is not the case with the physical body. In the realm of physicality, in the arena of physical emanations, such a change may take place, and in the past took place several times in the history of this planet Earth, and also in the history of so many other planets, stars, satellites, nebula, etc. In the physical sphere change is the order of existence. In the psychic sphere, there is change in the collective structure, but because that change maintains a link with the cosmological order, with cosmic conation, it is not so prominent as that of the physical sphere.

Take the case of our poles: the poles may shift their positions. In the past, such a shifting took place several times – in the annals of this planet and also in the history of so many other planets. As a result of this shifting, as a result of this changing, the people say that satellites moved in and out of this earth when its outer crust, its lithospherical body, was not so solid as it is now. And some are of the opinion that as a result of this emergence of the Earth's lithospherical body, the Pacific Ocean was created. According to old astronomy and also astrology, Mars also came out of this Earth, but it did not move around the Earth as its satellite. And that is why a name for Mars is Kuja: Shani raja Kuja mantrii (Saturn is the king, Mars is the minister). Ku means earth and Kuja means born out of ku. So in the physical sphere such a change took place in the past and will take place in the future.

The poles shift their positions. Now as a result of this shifting in the past, so many times, the time taken by the Earth in moving around itself varies, and also the time taken by the Earth in the moving around the sun – that is, its year – also changed. Day and night together were not of 24 hours, and the year was not of 365/366 days. So as a result of this change in polar positions, seasonal order also changed and its relationship with Mars varied so many times. And the order of our calendar, the system of our calendar had to be changed in the past. If the poles change their positions, the time taken by the Earth to move around itself will certainly be either lessened or increased. And similarly the time taken by the Earth in moving around the sun will either increase or decrease. That is why sometimes we see the seasonal orders are not maintaining proper adjustment with the months: this shows that the shifting is taking place fast. Now as result of this change, not only the adjustment between the months and the seasons will be lost, but the environmental order as well as the ecological order of the Earth will be disrupted. And as a result of this disruption, there must be physical and biological changes in the structures of all living bodies, all living creatures, including plants. The plants of Tertiary Age could not be found in the Cretaceous Age. The plants and animals of the Cretaceous Age could not be found in later ages, such as the Pliocene, Miocene, Oligocene, Mesozoic and Caenozoic Ages, because their existence, their births and deaths also depend on ecological balance. And as a result of the change in position of the poles, some people say that in the eastern hemisphere, the north pole is moving from north to south and in the western hemisphere, the south pole moves from south to north, and it cannot be assured that their relative distance will remain unchanged. So we should be prepared for the future; we should be prepared for the resultant of these changes in polar positions, in environmental order and also in ecological structure.

As a result of this change the magnetic structure of this Earth will change, as a result of which other planets and satellites of the solar system will also undergo certain remarkable metamorphosis. And if the magnetic order is disrupted, then certain remarkable changes, certain remarkable metamorphoses in the electromagnetic vibrations of this Earth and also of the entire solar system, will occur. As a result of this type of change in the electromagnetic vibrations, human thought waves will certainly be affected.

Our progress in the arena of science depends much on the progress of our knowledge in electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic emanations. So our progress in the fields of both humanities and science will suffer much, will be much assailed as the result of this change. We should be prepared for such change, and that change may take place in the very near future.

You know, human existence is not only an existence of physicality, an existence in physical structure, it is a [mesh] of vibrations of so many wavelengths. So if the physical waves change, if the climatic conditions undergo a certain gigantic metamorphosis, certainly the emanations and perceptions of nerve cells and nerve fibres will be changed, and disrupted. It may be for the good, it may be for the bad, but change is a must. In the case of such a change in the physical order and also in the physico-psychic order, the change is sure to take place in the realm of spirituality. We hope that the movement – that is, the movement of humanity, and of each and every living being – is from matter to consciousness, from extroversion to introversion. So the thought waves of human beings will be more of a spiritual nature than they are at present. That is, humanity in that developed condition will be more spiritual-minded than it is at present.

The Cosmic Entity, the Supreme Cognitive Faculty, never stops His emanations in the physical, metaphysical, supraphysical and spiritual strata. In the case of microcosm, if the change is neurological as a result of physical change, then certainly the cells and then nerve fibres will function some other way than at present. Then the thought waves of the Great, the thought waves of the Supreme Cognitive Faculty, are sure to undergo some transmutation when they pass through unit human structures. And it is expected that under such circumstances the progress of human beings in the realm of introversion will be more accelerated than it is at present. If the poles in a particular small planet, like the Earth, shift their respective positions, it may be beneficial to human beings or it may not be beneficial to human beings, but it is certain that the thought waves of the Supreme will do their own duty under the changed circumstances. Humanity will be more meditative and will accept Parama Puruśa, the Cosmic Cognitive Faculty, as its object of ideation in a better and more scientific way. One must not think that anything is fixed or stationary in this universe. Everybody moves – certainly the poles move – and they have already started their function of shifting their respective positions. And you see as a result of such a change, especially if the change takes place very fast, then another ice-age may occur here on this Earth. Between the pre-condition and post-condition of the ice-age there may be a long gap – that is, the pre-age and the post-age will have a long gap between them. But we have much expectation and hope from human intellect; and we hope, if a catastrophe comes, the human intellect will be able to overcome such a catastrophe and arrange for shifting the population to some other planet having suitable environmental conditions and a better ecological order. Let humanity rise, and let this development of humanity be more and more spiritually-oriented! 31 May 1986, Calcutta

Discourse by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar on "The Coming Ice Age".
History moves in rhythmic waves – in a systaltic flow. It moves and moves, then there is a galloping jump. Again it moves and moves again, then there is another galloping jump, and so on. All of a sudden there are galloping jumps – epoch-making eras. We are now at the threshold of this jump. We are not only at the threshold, we have just crossed the threshold of a new era. We are now at the threshold of something new – of the new age – and we are now passing through such an age. Do you realize it? We are no more at the threshold. You should be ready for great changes, otherwise balance will be lost.
In the process of movement, there cannot be steady movement. There must be acceleration – either constant acceleration or accelerated acceleration – or retardation – either constant retardation or retarding retardation. Along with this acceleration or retardation, there is a galloping jump. Before and after this jump, there is biological change, historical change, agricultural change and human psychic change.
In the history of the world, there have been two significant Ice Ages from the point of view of the development of life. Before the first of these Ice Ages there were hardly any developed animals, only undeveloped animals. There was snow and ice. After the first Ice Age there were big advances and so many ages. Animals became gigantic. After the second significant Ice Age gigantic animals disappeared – smaller animals came. The Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene Ages came.
We know another Ice Age is coming on the earth. It will bring an entire change in the structural side of the earth. Before the coming Ice Age there will be intellectual change and great biological change in human beings and animals – in every entity, animate and inanimate. You will find changes in the seasonal order, in the psychic arena, in the socio-economico-political and cultural spheres, in biological structure. All are undergoing metamorphosis. The poles have also started shifting. Are you ready?
After the coming Ice Age, there will be changes in tropical regions and huge biological changes – a special order shall be created. Do you feel that the seasonal order is changing and has been disturbed? The North Pole is moving closer to the tropical regions and the South Pole is coming closer to the western hemisphere on the opposite side of the tropical area. If in the eastern hemisphere the North Pole moves from north to south and in the western hemisphere the South Pole moves from south to north, what will be the effect in the earth‘s hydro sphere? The polar ice will melt and the ocean levels will rise. It will have its impact on the tidal waves throughout the globe. The Pacific Ocean will become colder and then frozen. Many of the existing ports will close. The seasonal patterns will change. Rainfall and climatic variation will have an impact on flora and fauna. All these things together will have their impact on thinking processes. The number of days in a solar year has already changed from 365 to 366, but the lunar year is unchanged at 354 to 355.
As an intellectual person you should be ready for such an eventuality, for such gigantic changes. The previous time for storms in Calcutta was 6 to 9 in the evening. Now it is only 4:15 p.m. and a storm is raging. The season is changing – big climatic changes are taking place.
Once upon a time the downtrodden people of the world were under the impression that communism was the panacea for their problems. But after the communist leaders went against humanity, rationality and human psychology, and disturbed the very base of human civilization, the masses are now challenging their leaders for killing millions of innocent people. A vacuum has been created by their downfall. This vacuum should be filled by your intellect and ideology – by you boys and girls and by our PROUT. All this will be accomplished in the very near future. This brooks no delay. There is no alternative.
Why is Marxism undergoing change? In all the areas of life metamorphosis must occur. Metamorphosis is taking place not only in the realm of physicality but also in the realm of psychic structure. Changes are fast coming in the psychic arena and in all the realms of human expression. They are not only coming, they have just come. We have crossed the threshold of a new era. In the Palaeozoic Age there was no rainfall – no rain water. It was gaseous with no plants, no Sarkar Samaj, no Royalseema Samaj, no Andhra. Later a portion of Andhra and small animals came, but even then there was no coastal area and no Vishakapatnam, but Medak was there. Subsequently, there was huge rainfall. The hills were snow covered and the rivers were ice fed. The Godavari, Krsna and Kaveri rivers were ice fed. Rivers were a perennial source of water, but there were no humans. This is a glimpse of the archaeological history of Andhra Pradesh. Many big animals came – dinosaurs, brontosauruses etc. Then the Oligocene and Miocene Ages came. Then after that in the later portion of the Pliocene Age the forebears of human beings came. Human beings were first born about a million years ago. After about a million years there will be no human beings on this planet and future generations will see only the fossilized skeletons of the present generations.
Everything in this world is changing through mutation and trans mutation. Mutations and transmutations take place not only in the physical but also in the psychic sphere of living beings, and also in the dormant psychic sphere of non-living objects awaiting awakening. Animate and inanimate objects are awaiting expression. In the psychic sphere gigantic changes took place after the first Ice Age. Big animals came up. After the second Ice Age there was another big change and no big animals. There were small animals. Mammoths became elephants. This age is not the age of big animals and small countries, because it is difficult to supply them with pabula. It is difficult for small countries to maintain their integrity. After the second Ice Age mammoths passed away and elephants came. The Krsna, Kaveri and Tungabhadra rivers are now part of peninsula India, but they were a portion of Gondwana land about 300 million years ago. Human beings came about one million years ago. These are examples of mutations and transmutations.
In this present age communism has disappeared leaving room for higher thoughts and higher psychic attainments. This is a natural change, not a catastrophe. Other philosophies are also sure to be vanquished. Years ago when I was walking by the Berlin wall and said that communism must go it was a dream, but now that dream has been transformed into crude reality. This is a natural change, not a catastrophe. Be ready for the coming changes; be prepared for them. They are something natural. They are not an unprecedented calamity or catastrophe, or a great adversity.
Shrii P.R.Sarkar.
24 March 1990, Calcutta"